Part 16: Brave Nude World
For anyone reading this in the future that can't see the discussion, I and the thread decided to randomize the game again with a completely new seed on a slightly more updated version of the Randomizer. This is why all the characters are different from the World of Balance.![](1-update016.png)
Final Fantasy VI - Dark World
We open on a new world. The ground is craggy and lifeless, the world map is divergent. Who are we?
This is Serena. Serena is our guide at this point of the story. Their stats are pretty average with a decent Speed. Fight, Rage and Item are nothing new. Aero is a Lore in vanilla, doing Wind Elemental damage to all enemies on the screen with a power of 125 and hit rate of 150. The "?" means it will cast from one to sixteen times, theoretically. If anyone following doesn't recognize the sprite, that is Kefka. The REAL Kefka.
As for Rage, we start with one monster. I won't be showing every single Rage and this one is very lackluster!
With the "worringtriad" code, we are given every single treasure chest from the WoB that can't be gotten in the WoR. The chests in Figaro Castle, Figaro Cave and South Figaro remain, as do any clocks in towns that still exist. I give Serena our best gear, and some nice safe relics. Running Shoes give Haste and immunity to Stop/Slow and Memento Ring will prevent any Instant Death skills from affecting them.
Speaking of items, here are the ones with rogue effects:
Fairy Ring - Mute x2, 1/2 encounter rate
Cure Ring - Ice 2 x2
DragoonBoots - Rage -> ?-Blaze
Sprint Shoes - Mute x3
FakeMustache - Mindblast -> R-All
Ninja Gear - Berserk
MetalKnuckle - Mindblast -> R-All
Fire Rod - Casts Slow, Vigilance (prevents Back and Pincer attacks)
Kodachi - No clear (no Vanish status)
Cursed Ring - X-Zone x5
We're missing a few Espers from previous updates. Golem, Zoneseek and Sraphim are still available in the WoR so we'll have to go find them again.
Handy list of Espers
This spreadsheet shows the Espers we have, their spells, level up bonus, and who can equip them. Currently Serena can't use any of them.
Ys III: Wanderers from Ys - Seal of Time
Our first combat encounter! The Unbre has the "can't escape" flag which triggers this special battle music. Otherwise, this section of the game doesn't have battle music and it just continues playing the Overworld theme. Juggies has Damage + Condemned as its special so that puts a timer on these battles.
Lucky for us, they aren't immune to Wind. On a side note, I'm not throwing entire monster stat blocks into the updates unless the thread requests them to come back. I'll still highlight anything cool, strange, or unusual; I just feel like no one cares about a particular enemy's Hit Rate, Speed, or Location, etc.
This is a very blue heavy seed so far. These have both Near Death and Regen status which amuses me.
Legend of Mana - Nostalgic Song
Albrook is damaged but still functioning. The stores are filled with items I already have except for a Debilitator, Crystal Shield and some more healing items. The Crystal Shield is a nice upgrade from Serena's Heavy Shield and Debilitator is the second to last tool I need. Air Anchor still eludes me.
Pylon has 1946 HP and Suezz has Hard To Run, making this encounter annoying but easy.
Except that Pylon ALSO has WaveCannon and I haven't healed to full yet. WaveCannon suuuuuuucks.
Kauntr ALSO has a Damage + Condemned special. It's around this time that I remember I have a Memento Ring equipped so that Condemn won't actually do anything when it finishes counting.
Someone left their weird tower-shaped junk pile laying around. I'm sure it won't be significant.
This one is a big jerk. 5423 HP, auto haste, and a Confuse special. It kept Confusing Serena before I could act until I got lucky with it using a regular Battle command so I could get off enough Aeros.
Finding bosses in the wild, as a regular encounter, will never get old. Even when the boss is a jerk.
This one is way outclassed. It drops Relic Rings, which can be used to cheese the Tentacle fight coming up.
Those of you that have played before know I'm missing something. We'll be back for that later.
Auto Blind and a Damage + Berserk attack. They also drop Warp Stones, the handiest of stones.
Besides their low social status, Serfed Abe has a couple things going on. Their only skill is "Escape" and their Special is Damage x5. Their Rage has that same Damage x5 but also for some reason, Reflect???, a Lore. It inflicts Darkness, Silence, and Slow on all enemies that have the Reflect status on but will fail on any enemies immune to any of those statuses. In a game filled with useless statuses and spells, Reflect??? is somewhere in the Top 5 of uselessness.
Final Fantasy VI - The Gestahl Empire
For whatever reason, Nikeah has different music than Albrook. I can't remember if they're different in vanilla.
This poor merchant had to sell their clothes. Or maybe it's just that no one cares anymore about nudity. I'm not helping because I didn't buy anything.
sneak sneak sneak sneak
Final Fantasy IV - Welcome to Our Town!
Say, who IS this strange person?
I've now learned that emberling split "town music" into towns/cities and villages/houses. It's just coincidence that the first three places I got all have different music.
Final Fantasy XII - The Dalmasca Estersand
Some of the music will be direct links to emberling's YouTube channel. She puts in a ton of work to convert these songs into a format that FF6 can understand. It's all very complicated but the gist is that most every SNES game used their own set of "instruments" so you generally can't just shove a particular track into another game without heavy editing. There are a few songs made by other people; you should be able to find them HERE.
ANYWAY, this is the chocobo music and I don't think it's nearly peppy enough for my tastes, thanks BC EX.
I basically drove a car for a 15 second trip. You're welcome, Earth.
The Aardle has a special called "Crab Acid" and that is both delightful and terrifying; it also uses Bio for a ton of damage. The Hickwa uses Pep Up frequently, killing itself and restoring however much HP it had left to another monster. The Glycoo tries to be sneaky with auto-Vanish but Aero reveals it for all the world.
So won't you, please, be my, be my Bay Bah
Be my little Bay Bah, my one and only Bay Bah
Say you'll be my darlin', be my, be my Bay Bah
Be my Bay Bah now, my one and only Bay Bah
Wha oh oh oh
(they have a Zombie special but didn't get a chance to use it)
This does not look like a proper ninja color. Reptile doesn't count.
Automated turrets in a cave? Weird. They have an unblockable Damage + Sleep special. With 1358 HP they're just out of range of being killed by two Aeros. This fight takes longer than a random battle should.
I've never seen a more swole ghost in my life. So buff that they have a Damage x5 special. Their rage includes it and Imp. Also auto Imp and Seizure status which surely will never come into play if someone were to use that rage in a boss fight.
sneak sneak sneak sneak
"Belch Drop" is an amazing name for a special attack; it does Damage and Near Death. They only have 360 HP and no defense from Wind.
This particular set of assholes locked me in this cave for a while. The Dixo absorbs Wind and casts Fireball for around 300 damage a shot. Dogiac's only skill besides a Seizure attack is Wind Slash. Wind Slash hurts.
At max HP I can only survive two of those. Dogiac has 1596 HP and with the variance in Aero I need three of them in a row to kill both dogs before they kill me. Then I have to contend with Dixo using Fireball for the rest of my health. They have 2374 HP and Fight isn't going to do it so I dig into my Rages.
Ah, Excu Hol does x5 damage, I'll use that! Except it comes with Imp status, which disables your Special Attack and also means the immunity to Wind never initializes. I don't have anything else that does enough damage and also makes me immune to Wind so it's just a slog of attempts until I get 3+ Aeros in a row then kill Dixo with regular attacks while healing. No, I didn't remember I had another Damage x5 rage, shut up.
I'm sure nothing else bad will pop up.
Ah fuck I can't believe you've done this.
About as much of a hassle as the previous version, thankfully. Serena is almost level 30 at this point as a lot of enemies so far have given thousands of XP and I haven't been running away from a lot.
There was a Monster in a Box in Figaro Castle.
This normally shows up in a treasure chest on the Phantom Train and is so far removed from a challenge. It DOES have "Dies at MP Zero". This goes well with the 12,550 MP it has if you're up for an endurance test, I guess.
Finally, we've caught up to the stranger in the engine room of the castle. FF6 is wild. Time for a boss fight!
Fuck! Follow that link for a compilation of my first three attempts at this boss.
This one shows me pulling my brain out of my ass and doing better.
Mind Blast inflicts Blind, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Doom, Silence, Berserk, Confuse, Sap, Sleep, Slow, or Stop on four random opponents.
This one wasn't immune to Death, or Petrify. Or maybe Zombie, there's not really any way to tell.
Woof. That's the Damage x5 rage that DOESN'T give Serena auto-Imp. The Tentacles all have different HP values (4686, 7391, 8504, 8477) and while this doesn't kill one outright it severely damages it.
The top left one has the least HP but also a Slow special attack. Slow is annoying.
Seize is the worst. It removes that character from battle while in effect and if you queue'd up an item or spell right before, you lose that item/MP. The Tentacle also sucks them dry, slowly. This is where those Relic Rings come in handy, if needed. They turn you undead so any Drain effects like this will reverse, meaning your undead character gets healed by the Tentacle.
This is literally all the animation for Reflect???
Honestly the battle wasn't bad at all once I figured out to stop using the bad rage and use the good one instead. Life is funny like that.
Hands up, how many people didn't know this suit of armor had treasure in it? Don't be ashamed. I've already got a few of these.
A blue desert would look wild in real life.
Wei isn't too bad, honestly. Their sprite is Lulu from FFX. GP Rain is a good backup if you don't have another way to inflict damage and Mind Blast can cause all sorts of problems for enemies. Above average stats too. They can also equip a couple Espers! This gives me access to a handful of useful spells and level up bonuses.
Cherub Down
Cure Ring
Genji Helmet
Gold Shield
Leather Hat
Light Robe
Safety Bit
Stout Spear
Tabby Suit
The Genji Helmet was a pretty nice upgrade, at least.
Next time, we find an airship and begin opening things up for a vote!