Part 25: Alright, Let's Rein It In
Merry Christmas, one and all! Here's a present!
Final Fantasy VII - Listen to the Cries of the Planet
This dungeon is accesible only by airship so if you really wanted to, you could come here right after getting it. I can't imagine it would fun as you have to split into two parties.
Of course, the game can technically be beaten with only Celes/Edgar/Setzer. They're the only characters you're REQUIRED to get before the airship.
This place is designed with buttons that open certain paths, hence the reason for two parties. Not that they had to do it this way I suppose but it's fine. Everything is fine.
Remember this group, from waaaay back in Daryl's Tomb? I've made a lot of use of Kaund's rage. This pack is everywhere in this dungeon.
It also includes mutagen, in case you have some turtles or a human boy laying around.
These monsters also drop Illuminas! You know why I'm not going to be farming them?
Mi (Level 77)
| HP: 65535 | ATK: 91 | SPD: 126 |
| MP: 65534 | DEF: 222 | HIT: 193 |
| XP: 11287 | MPOW: 58 | EVD: 156 |
| GP: 0 | MDEF: 200 | MBLK: 107 |
WEAK: ice
VULNERABLE: confuse, image, imp, magitek, near death, petrify, reflect, shell, stop, zombie
AUTO: shell
SPECIAL "Spit Slack": death
RAGE: Surge, Battle
STEAL: Gauntlet, Air Anchor
DROPS: Illumina
LOCATION: Phoenix Cave, Final Dungeon
They give no fucks about your defense. These were just regular Attacks!
If they ONLY did Surge then I could kill them eventually but Kaoru can't survive their other attacks. I only have one option left.
Running away like a coward.
This is more like it, they only have 10,233 HP. And magical chains.
I forgot to label this one; Wain Thu is the dancer on the left, Enfor is the sea anemone on the top right, and Odomilyn is the mini dragon on the bottom right.
Wain Thu is nothing but Enfor is a nice source of Lores, if I hadn't gotten them yet.
SKILLS: Confuser, Diffuser, Evil Toot, Exploder, Pearl Wind, Quasar, Reflect???, Revenge, Step Mine, Whump
SKILLS: Bolt 3, Cure 2, Fire 3, Meteor, Pearl, Quick, Regen, Rflect, Stop, Warp
Another Attack x5 rage, with Atomic Ray as the second ability. Useful if I come across something weak to Fire.
Only found in a treasure chest, notable only for dropping Marvel Shoes. Which aren't all that notable anyway.
Another treasure monster, with 235 Magic Defense. Shamefully, they only have 365 HP and I have Fight.
Another awful pack! Annull Jak has 45,344 HP with high defenses and is immune to most status effects. Scion has 81 HP and I don't know why they're even here.
I ran away again.
Hark! A treasure monster!
When I was younger, I assumed the blades coming out of its face were propellers. Except the perspective makes it look like they're behind the fists and clearly that wouldn't work. I think it's a cool sprite anyway!
It's very obviously outclassed at this point.
No match for a Moogle with a chainsaw, clearly.
(there's a dragon down here!)
Hey wait a minute! We already fought this loser in Owzer's Mansion! Except it doesn't count there, I think. Whatever, this shouldn't be much trouble. Watch it here!
...even for only half of a party.
Throw is really good, obscenely good. The only downside is that having a Thrower means you're guaranteed to have enemies that also throw.
Blue Dragon has a paltry attack stat and Sahara has high defense, and is in the back row. There's very little it can do to Sahara.
It's possible this would've hurt but we'll never find out!
Electric type is super effective against water type, you know.
I was very concerned about this fight before I got to it, especially once I realized I was taking the far weaker party to it. If it had been Red or Black or similar I could've been in some serious trouble.
It's a tiny little Moogle! Look at it!
It's also into bestiality!
I don't care if the Esper itself is middling at best, Phoenixes are cool as hell.
Our new friend gives a coy look and dumps a bunch of treasure on us. You know how all the treasure chests in the Phoenix Cave are empty, because Locke already took everything? They're not empty in BC. Every single one has a monster in a box.
Blizzard Orb
Fire Skean
Fire Knuckle
Tao Robe
Punisher (Trades at the Coloseum for a Hero Ring)
Snow Muffler
23,100 GP
Megalixir (Blue Dragon drop)
The Snow Muffler and Megalixir are great to have, Punisher less so. Still have no idea where the ValiantKnife is (EDIT: I can trade a Paladin Shield for one, duh.) I'm going to hazard a guess that it and the Magus Rod trade for each other at the Coloseum as they're my last unknown bets. There are three Magus Rods available from chests still.
Now that we have our Relm replacement, let's get our final party member! The Moogle has a little anger cloud above their head as they shout at Luigi.
Surely overalls aren't that odd..
We're helping!
Final Fantasy VII -- Tifa's Theme
Homura can only equip Ifrit and Starlet and thus is nearly useless.
Chrono Trigger - Primitive Mountain
Rein is much better off, being our Mimic. The Mimic can't equip Espers at all and thus couldn't gain any stats from leveling ever. Ours, however, can use Illumina and can still do this:
If you didn't know, the Mimic can equip any available command in the game, up to three at a time. This obviously includes our changed commands. You can really see how dire our situation is.
You may also be wondering what use Magic would be on them, as they can never learn spells (even from equipment.) It works because the Mimic will have every spell the rest of the party knows. I have a bunch of people with no Magic command that can learn some REALLY GOOD spells. Once I teach them those spells, Rein will have them available as long as they're in the same party. Their Magic stat is even pretty good for a Mimic!
Phoenix is only equippable by Popuko, who also has FOUR other Espers available and NO magic command. Popuko and Rein will probably be attached at the hip when I have a say in things.
Please VOTE for which location we should aim for next from this list:
Ancient Castle
Fanatic's Tower
I'll probably throw Thamasa/Hidon in with Fanatic's Tower, as they're both pretty short. We're almost there!
Please ALSO VOTE for the four characters we will bring with us.