Part 8: MErger

BGM: Metis

Ira's fists were closed in anger. Looking at the others, Ancora realized she had to do something, or else a fight was going to break out. In order to mediate the group, Ancora...

Based on our current TRUST stats, this choice is irrelevant to us, so I'm gonna take this opportunity to call Superbia out on her bullshit

The rest of the people had gone silent at their altercation. Even Superbia understood what Ancora meant after a while, and she relented, making a movement of her hand as if to dismiss the entire conversation altogether.

The girl's proposal went rather flawlessly. The entire group was glad to not have to deal with Superbia anymore, so they didn't have any issue pawning her off to Ancora. Only Ira didn't change his stance for a few moments, before he reluctantly agreed to it.

BGM: Medius
The rabbit-themed girl shrugged and went with the bear-themed girl, after a brief goodbye thrown to the others. Joining back with Luxuria, the two girls noticed that the smaller one had been in the process of examining the machine already.

The two girls approached, curious. Luxuria was examining the ninth station- the one that belonged to the person the two others hadn't seen.

She pointed at the mechanism behind. The shotgun that had been propped up was held by a tall pillar to match the console, which one could open by applying pressure onto the inside panel, not visible from afar.

Ancora stood back up, and let Superbia look inside the box. While the rabbit remained there, the other girls searched the rest. As much as Ancora tried, no box opened like that first one, except for... the one behind Invidia's console.

Her thumb brushed against the switch, and after a small push of her hand, the mechanism began moving. Very quickly, the bear-themed girl pulled her arm out of the box, just as the clasps released the instrument of death.
BGM: Metis
The question remained: either Ancora took the gun, or she left it there. On one hand, the gun would give her protection.

With the stress of the moment getting to her head, Ancora...

Every time someone took the gun in the previous game, things went to hell. I say we just look at it this time.

She rose back up to merely examine the gun. Soon, Superbia glanced over, keeping her distance still.

She reached for the gun before Superbia could do it, lifting it up and off the slot. As she did so, Superbia took a step back, looking surprised enough her body reacted instantly.

She flipped the gun over, trying to figure out how to open it. After doing so, she confirmed to Superbia the shotgun had no shells. Luxuria arrived at that moment, noticing that fact too before Ancora put the gun back where it was.

It didn't feel too reassuring, but Ancora didn't feel like she had to explain herself any further. She was actually eager to move from the voting stands, since the boxes could be opened if the person in question died.

BGM: Medius
On the way towards Wing A, Superbia asked the two girls a peculiar question.

Her tone made it clear the question took her by surprise. Time was ticking, but the three of them came to a standstill near the entrance to Wing A.

Luxuria's knees shook a little. Ancora could tell that she wasn't a fan of the upcoming plan of assassination.

Ancora looked at Luxuria with surprise. The girl had been quite scared of bodies earlier, and now she was answering Superbia.

Ancora thought about it for a moment. She figured answering either Superbia or Luxuria wouldn't be a good idea.
Gee, you think?

Given the choice, she would shoot...

Since we're talking hypotheticals here... I don't want to say Ira, because we (the player) know that he and Superbia are a couple, so it'd probably also piss Superbia off. If we answer Tristitia, Superbia will probably call us a copycat since that was Lux's answer.

Those words caused a moment of silence between the girls. It was as if the two others were considering it, until Superbia shrugged, as if it didn't matter to her.

The rabbit-themed girl gave a nod towards the open hallway. Ancora stared at Luxuria, who said nothing, though she averted her gaze. Following up on their marching order from before, Ancora took the lead.
BGM: Meridianus

The metal plate at the top was far too high for her to look inside without jumping, and either way, it was covered by said metal plate. Even if she could reach it, it was useless.

The girls set off again, finding a second door that was much like the first. The other two groups had gone for the closest ones.

She murmured to herself, but no one answered her. The two girls must've been thinking about it too. She assumed they were too stressed out by what they might have to solve in their room.

BGM: Metis
Luxuria and Superbia were gone.

A bad feeling spread through Ancora. Leaving the door aside, she retraced her steps to find the tallest and the shortest girls of the group.

They couldn't have gone too far; there was only one way to take. Even though there were a few twists and turns to Wing A, the entirety of it had just been one long hallway. But now, she was at a crossroads. Fitting, for this middle area of the school was often nicknamed The Crossroads by the students, as it stood between all four wings.

Ancora wasn't sure, but ultimately...

I figure we probably would be able to hear something if they were upstairs, so we should check out the first hallway again.
Ancora figured they might have further split up, so she started investigating. Once she arrived at her first destination, she saw no one. Puzzled, she waited a few minutes. If she'd been mistaken, then maybe they would come by sooner or later. After waiting for entirely far too long, Ancora went back to the Crossroads. Even her patience had limits, and they had been breached.

But her thought process stopped there when she noticed a shadow from behind. She turned around to greet them.
BGM: Mestitior

Everything disappeared from Ancora's vision, despite the shotguns not being loaded. Something still happened as a result of their use, but her mind was far from that now. And finally, everything went absolutely black.

BGM: Silence