Part 1
Alright. Lets get started on Episode One: The Discovery!
Silhouette of a trenchoated man. You can jump straight into the game with New Game, but lets get some background on Blackstar with the Intro
Listen to the intro:

.png) pastel-tinted hell. Nice bandana btw, makes you look only slightly less like a disgruntled, middle aged woman.
Welcome to Blackstars apartment. Or hell. Lets get cracking.
If you mouse over the eyes on the portrait of Blackstar in the bottom corner and click, Blackstar will offer his thoughts on the room youre in, sometimes providing a vague semblance of a clue on how to proceed.

OK, so not this time.
Jesus, Blackstar. Go paint your face and write a poem already.
The text in blue is what you see when you just mouse over objects. Text in purple is Blackstars comments when you click on them, but Ill mostly be transcribing those to avoid posting too many big images.

Alright, thanks for the innuendo. Mousing over Blackstars coat makes it light up, and when you click it, you get to check out your inventory.
Dont get excited, Blackstars tool is a Swiss army knife which he uses to pick locks.

On Blackstars coffee table you find the phone, answering machine, and his black book of phone numbers. Ill snag that bracelet just in case.


Oh thats a great gameplay mechanic. People on the answering machine dont always mention who they are, though youll later find the color of their dialogue matches when you speak with them in person.
Case in point. This is Jisel, Blackstars prostitute neighbor.
Cam Grissel is a police detective and friend of Blackstars. Cam seems to call in Blackstar when police procedure fails in catching bad guys.
Dark Wolf owns the Lone Wolf Bar and is a member of Blackstars tribe. He knew Blackstars parents, but wont tell what happened to them.
Finally, Prey is a hustler who Blackstar contacts when he needs something not street legal.


We dont use the telephone directly.

Heres Blackstars available numbers. Ive no idea what the notes on the right might say (I can just make out check out the people?), but having played the rest of the game I expect its an advertisement for the companys other game. More on that later. Lets call Cam first.


Guess thats our objective for this episode spelled out. Undoubtedly, this wont be easy.

Alright, if I need something special I can always call him later.


Why do I have this book?
Oh by the way, you spelled the name of your own game wrong in the red text. Great job. Mel Odious goes Six String Searchin is a text interface adventure a la early Space/Police/Kings Quest. This will definitely not be the last time we get slapped around the ears with this. Alright, lets get out of here.

Blackstar is agoraphobic, I guess.

Blackstar muses on the hallway:

Oh yeah, that's raw.
Even Blackstars doormat spells angst with a capital A.
The cheek of this man!

Oh, classy.

Apartment 69 (get it) is home to Jisel, a prostitute and good friend of Blackstars. But well need to bring her something nice.
OK, lets hit those mean ol' streets.
Id ask who Blackstars natural enemies are, but Id probably get a tough-ass answer like the fools dumb enough to cross my path or empty cans of hair spray.
Heh! Enjoy your skywizard, sheeple.
Oh, speaking of spray cans:

This might come in handy.
I been places, man. You don't even know.
2/2 whore count. Lets probe her for info.
Damn whores, always demanding something for something
Guess Ill fob off these made-in-Taiwan beads on her.
And thus we enter the conversation screen!
Conversations are very simple. Each option can only be clicked once, and theres no choice of replies.
Her name

The cops

Your friend, Jisel

Well well. I think blondie touched a nerve.
The streets

A good time

Sounds like a plan. By the way, this was a totally pointless conversation - blondie never has anything useful to say.
Ive no reason to go into the music store right now. Click the map icon below to enter the map screen!
Theres a total of 10 locations to visit on the map. Next time we'll hit the police station and see what Cam left for Blackstar...