Part 4
Back at the apartment, it appears we have another message.
Thats nice and all, but in episode 1 we cant actually find the tribe. Dark Wolf doesnt have anything new to say either if we visit him at the bar again. So forget about this for now.
Now that I have this disk and note, I guess I should call Cam back.
Police. Cam Grissel speaking. Ya want somethin?
Hey Cam, its Blackstar. Well, its done. Lets meet.
Good work. You never let me down, yknow.
Of course. Name the time and place.
The large tree behind the station. Ill head out in a few minutes. See you there.
Good. I might want to check out that disk Cam left me before I go see him, but Blackstar is of course too cool to have a computer. I saw one in Jisels apartment, but
Ugh. Lets go see Cam first.
Im starting to wonder if Tommy Vitacco grew up in a Halloween shop and just thinks this is what normal people dress like.
His suit
You been sleepin in that suit, Cam.
Youre a regular funny man, Blackstar. A laugh riot.
Hey, lighten up, Pal.
Sorry, I didnt mean to snap. Its been one of those weeks.
The wife
Didnt you hear? She left me a few months ago. Couldnt handle the hours, the stress
you know
Thats too bad, Cam.
Thats the way it goes. I guess Im married to the job now.
Locker room
Sanitary place, huh? I avoid the joint as much as possible.
Floppy disk
Have you examined the disk yet?
No. I need to get a computer and some privacy.
Sorry, I cant help you with either.
Yeah, well I should be resourceful enough to find a computer.
Have you checked out Computer Castle yet? Im sure they have what youre looking for.
Probably closed for the night.
like thats ever stopped you before.
Your [sic again] right, but maybe I shouldnt be having this conversation with you.
Yeah, well you know how forgetful I am these days.
Sure thing, Cam. Ill admit, Im intrigued by the disk. Somehow I will find a way to look at it.
Im sure you will.
maybe I should get in touch with Prey
You say something?
Uh, no. I was just thinkin out loud.
Take care, Blackstar. Im leaving.
Theres the last well ever see of Cam. Ill miss his neckerchief and Dundee hat.
We need to break into that computer store without setting off the alarm. Finally a reason to call Prey.
Ok, Ill page Prey and hell meet me at Stauker Park.
Christ in a headband. Either Preys wearing a 18th century wig powdered with coal, or his hair is trying to eat his face.
Whats up
Not much, dude. How goes it with you?
Im fine, Prey. But this isnt a social visit.
Oh yeah? Business?
Looks like it.
Count me in, dude.
The cops
Havent caught me yet!
My specialty. Whatcha need?
The E.A.D.
The electronic alarm disabler? Gonna break into somethin?
You know better than to ask me a question like that.
Yeah, dude. Sorry.
No problem. When can I have it?
Its your lucky day, Blackstar. I happen to have it on me now. The usual fee?
Which is WHAT this week?
Hey, for you, Ill give you my weeknight discount. How bout $100?
that sounds fair. You hangin here tonight?
Yeah, some deals are in the works, so Ill be around.
Ok, Ill be back.
The park
Turns out, this place is great for wheelin and dealin, if you know what I mean.
Just watch yourself, Prey. Youre valuable to me and you do me no good from behind bars.
Im touched.
Good thing I got $100 off that subway punk whose head Blackstar caved in.
No problem
and thanks.
Pleasure doin business with you, Blackstar.
Im gonna hit the road, Prey. Ill keep in touch.
OK, lets do this thing.
Ah, the computer shop. What an opportunity for lame jokes.
Its these kind of remarks that make me doubt your rebellion against nerdhood, Blackstar.
Im sure its been emptied for the night.
Could come in handy if I ever need one. Too expensive for my blood. If only they were free
Cant use the crowbar to get into the glass case, by the way. According to Blackstar, too much damage. No, we need a more subtle instrument, like
a bag of heavy rocks.
Alright, lets head home, hook it up, and check out that disk.
At last we shall discover the sordid secrets of the floppy.
Listen to the conclusion:
[sic] again. "You're" is so hard to get right. But check out these grainy scrunched screenshots!
N. Very very N.
And that concludes Episode 1. Join me next update for Episode 2: the Sacrificial Life! It's so mature, Blackstar will sometimes say the F-word.