Part 48: Jin: Story 04

No matter how many times I stab her, or how many times I freeze her...
The girl keeps getting up...

A bolt of light erupts from her body and slams into me.

Am I going to die here...?
The girl walks toward me...and keeps going...

She reaches for my brother...

She hears my voice and slowly turns to look at me.

Only now do I realize...she...she has her face...

She turns back toward my brother and starts to carry him toward the pit.

I gather what strength I have left and drag myself after her.

...But I can't catch up. That bitch stabs my brother, right in front of me...over and over...

AD 2099/12/31

The night sky is so beautiful, I can't help but think about it.
But the moon...the moon is too bright for my eyes. I try to block out its light with my right hand. Tears begin to roll down my cheeks.

My brother. I have to kill my brother. He must know why; he must understand. I keep telling myself he does, but it doesn't help. The tears start again.

I know this woman.
She is the one who watched me fall into the Cauldron. The same woman who looks down on me with a bored look on her face. I want to ask her what she's doing here, but I can no longer speak. All I can do is stare at her.

I already know what's going to happen...what's going to be born here.
...The very thing I was born to destroy. But I have no strength left. I can barely move...

There's only really one Teach Me Ms. Litchi left, and that's for later, so we're going to power on to Rachel next and get ever closer to the end. I don't know how she works, but that's never stopped me before.