Part 59: Nu: Story 02
Carl completely forgotten, we end up in here again.

Huh... Where am
I...don't recognize this place. The boy and his machine are gone...there is someone else here. He is looking at me...

Ah, there you are! ...Why the worried face?


Were you getting lonely, lost all by yourself? Haha...I guess some things just never change.

I feel something...deep in my my chest... someone... in my memory...

Your face looks a little pale... Are you sure you're all right?


If Brother saw that face...I'm sure he'd be worried, too...


Yeah... He's probably sweeping the hills looking for you right now...

...Nearby...searching for Nu?

Nu? That's not the person Brother's looking fo. Brother is... brother is--




It's been mentioned before that Ragna has killed Nu on at least 2 seperate occasions before this. This is probaby a memory of one such event.

You scum! The world will never accept you.

Situation...unknown...resolution...searching...undetermined...I don't understand.

Shut up! You're an eye-sore! Eye-sore!
My body twitches. I...I feel emotions taking over... They feel...foreign...

Help me...

Don't take my brother away from me!

I'm no good at Lambda.
Jin's projectiles are pretty garbage, and he's not as fast as pure rushdown characters, so Lambda has some strengths in this match.

...Destruction... Justice... This is also...destiny.

Shut up...! You heap of scrap metal! Ahahaha... Your entire life is a fabrication!


Ugh... Gah! Ahahahaha... Guaaagh!

Target successfully terminated...right...?
Yeah, I'm sure he won't come back.

...I know...this place.
Outside the...Cauldron...where I always wake up...there is someone I...don't...know...

...Who...are you?

Scanning complete. IFF determined. Processing... Target identified as...identical...

...I can't...hear anything...




I can't hear you. What are you saying? Hey, Ragna?

...Ow! ...Oww! That hurts! Stop it, Ragna!

Huh? You want to...fight me?

Activate termination protocol.

This guy, however, is pretty good at Lamda and proves just how much of a pain it is to deal with her.
Noel is really dangerous up close, especially for Lambda. This is a true statement for just about any character, but Noel's pressure and her drive make her especially annoying. Also her Optic Barrel poses a threat at long range, and can interupt some long-range attacks. Basically, as in the above video, keeping Noel locked down is paramount, but pretty hard.

Termination complete. No one can destroy me.

Once again, both Nu and Noel refer to each other as clones. Apparently of someone both Jin and Ragna know. If you lose a match, which I am too cool to do, Jin refers to her say 'Saya'. That's his sister.

...'s quiet.
We're doin' it!