Part 18: Match 11 results and buy options

Results: 4 - 0
Not much to say really I won and I won really big. I feel kind of bad for Ethan cause it sucks to lose big. Then on the other hand I won, which is nice and a nice feeling. Too make it even better we leveled up four dudes and we now have a loads of money. Good times.

Mister the Fister was nice enough to level up, he's already got block and rolled a 3 and 6 which means he get's to pick any of the skills above.
Mister the Fister was nice enough to level up, he's already got block and rolled a 3 and 6 which means he get's to pick any of the skills above.
Grumblegoat Manslapper rolled a 5 and a 3 so he also get's to pick form the list above. This is his first level up so choose wisely.
Mr. Hadwick scored a few more goal and managed to get over 31 SPP and is now ready for his third skill! He only rolled a 2 and 6 though so he can only pick from the list above, he's already got +ma and extra arm. SO this might be the time to decide if he should be even more of a freak or not.
Cowman Sandiego got a cas and a mvp so he too get's to pick a skill, the jerk rolled a 1 and 5 though so he's only got the strength and the mutations skills to choose from.
We have an impressive 170k in the bank, so we can pretty much buy what ever the fuck we want.
Voting rules
Tell me what you want to buy for the money, we need to spend it on something, so votes for keeping it won't get counted.
YOU ARE ONLY ALLOWED TO PICK EACH SKILL ONCE, THIS MEANS YOU CAN'T PICK BLOCK FOR EACH PLAYER. If you do happen to vote for the same skill on two dudes I'll just count whatever I feel like and move on.
I'm always looking for challengers, the team is right now at TV1600 and that will go up a bit after we level up our dudes and buy shit. I've got a Ork game planned, and a skaven one I think. But I do like to plan ahead so please apply now.