Part 125: Let's Learn Jobs: White Mage
Let's Learn Jobs: White Mage
White Mages are the healers in this game. They heal HP, cure status effects, and revive the incapacitated, and they're really good at it. Unless you're doing a challenge run, leveling White Mage on at least one character is a must.
This is a Final Fantasy white mage, right down to their final spell being Holy.

Job icon is the distinctive hat female white mages wear. Job command is white sparkles to show how magical the white magic spells are.

As dedicated healers, white mages aren't great at physical damage. They are decent with magical damage, making offensive magic a good choice for job command.

Blue are support abilities, red are skill abilities.
Level 1 - White Magic Lv.1: Blindna, Cure, Poisona
Level 2 - Magic Defense 10% Up (Cost: 1)
Level 3 - White Magic Lv.2: Aero, Protect, Shell
Level 4 - Staff Lore: Allows other jobs to have S-proficiency with staves. (Cost: 1)
Level 5 - Self-Healing: Allows other jobs to equip the white mage specialty. (Cost: 1)
Level 6 - White Magic Lv.3: Cura, Esuna, Raise
Level 7 - Abate Water: halves water damage. (Cost: 1)
Level 8 - Angelic Ward: 50% chance to halve damage taken. (Cost: 1)
Level 9 - White Magic Lv.4: Aerora, Dispel, Reflect
Level 10 - Magic Defense 30% Up (Cost: 3)
Level 11 - White Magic Lv.5: Aeroga, Curada, Esunaga
Level 12 - Epic Group-Cast: Using magic on multiple targets at once does not diminish effect. (Cost: 3)
Level 13 - White Magic Lv.6: Arise, Curaga, Holy
Level 14 - Conservation of Life: If user is incapacitated, all other incapacitated party members are revived with full HP. Can only occur once per battle, per user character. Effect is preserved if user is only one incapacitated. (Cost: 3)
Note, magic must be purchased at a store before it can be used.
Support abilities are focused on self-preservation -- can't heal anyone if you're dead. Epic Group-Cast is especially useful if group healing or damage will be needed.

As with support abilities, the specialty focuses on self-preservation. It's useless for bosses, but convenient when going through dungeons.
The guys wear Roman Catholic-inspired gear: white cassock with red accents, denoting cardinal rank, under a white chasuble (color used for celebration days in general) and topped with a white zucchetto, a color normally used only by the pope (though not with red trim).
The gals wear sexy halloween costumes.