Part 13: Through the Silence, a Single Punch
Entry 11: Through the Silence, a Single Punch
This is the standard line the Adventurer gives before boss battles.

Going down the stairs leads to the room adjoining Edea and the black mage. Let's go say hi.

Are the Sky Knights sent on away assignments to keep them as far from domestic affairs as possible?

Black Mage Ominas Crowe is the second boss of the game. But there's a first with this fight...

We have a full party.

Being a black mage, Ominas is an offensive spellcaster, using fire and negative status effects such as poison and sleep.

Here he uses the unusual technique of silencing my monk.

Agnès is the star this battle. Monks have low magic defense and high physical attack while black mages have low physical defense and high magic attack, but unlike Ominas, Agnès has healers on her side.
The fight doesn't last long.

The team,

the spoils,

and the man.
But what about this new party member?

Side note: I was curious how Edea's black vs. white notion was expressed originally. Turns out she actually says 'shiro' (white) and 'kuro' (black) in Japanese.

As the party makes their way to the fort entrance, they find time to chat:

Also, it's never an inappropriate time to talk about Norende, according to the game!

There was a backlog of three Norende cutscenes since they weren't accessible until Edea joined (they're triggered by progress on the minigame), but the other two can wait. Now, what were we doing--

...Oh yeah, enemy airship.
The party exits the fort, while we switch to see what's going on in Caldisla...


Speaking with the guards and reading D's Journal, it's pretty clear Caldisla doesn't put much emphasis on its military force. Although it's a great place in peacetime, we're now seeing the downside.

Looks like it's up to Owen and the party, now.

Tiz is going to be a black mage, though he won't be much use until he has black magic to cast.
Edea is staying as freelancer for now...

Because she has this. True to the reverence it received in the opening movie, Ise-no-Kami is quite a good weapon for this stage of the game.

Lastly, time for another segment of Let's Learn Jobs. Today's topic is Support Abilities.

They come in a wide variety, but white mage level 2 has a simple one: increasing magic defense by 10%.
As mentioned earlier, the limitation for equipping support abilities is their cost. Right now, everyone can only equip one slot worth of support abilities. Although M.Defense 10% Up costs only 1, many abilities will cost more.

The amount the characters can equip will go up as the plot progresses. Mixing and matching support abilities with different jobs is key to making full use of jobs, and lends this game a healthy amount of tactical variety.
Next: Caldisla's been better -- will the party make it back in time? Also, info on the Jobs collected so far.
Event Viewer
Main Scenario:
At Patience's End
Black or White
Caldisla in Crisis
Heinkel's Attack
Party Chat:
Talk of Titles
Norende's New Beginning
D's Journal: Ringabel posted:
pg.5: After going to the ruins of Centro Keep in pursuit of the black mage Ominas Crowe, who set the town on fire, a quarrel ensued. The girl Edea finally lost her temper with the gaunt man, who cast his magic on foe and ally alike. She asked us to help her dispatch him, and we agreed, as that had been our goal all along. Thus, our journey together began.
D's Journal: Tiz Arrior posted:
pg.5: We clashed with the black mage Ominas Crowe deep within the ruins of Centro Keep. Shocked that Ominas would use his magic indiscriminately, Edea declared she would side with us against him, despite us being the enemy. This flustered Tiz, but I welcomed her aboard, and together we trounced that fiend Ominas.
D's Journal: Agnès Oblige posted:
pg.4: At Centro Keep, Edea turned on the black mage Ominas and joined us, and thus our journey began. Agnès was still wary, and suspected me of having some ulterior motive. I showed her the writings in my journal to ease her fears, but she only grew more suspicious... This vestal is a tough woman to convince!
D's Journal: Edea Lee posted:
pg.2: A[sic] eighteen-year-old girl hailing from Eternia. On first impression, she appears to be a spoiled princess type. However, while strong-willed and opinionated, she is also kind and filled with a sense of justice. She never shies away from a conflict.
Likes: REALLY sweet things
Dislikes: Cooking, hassle, insects
pg.3: I accompanied the wind vestal Agnès to the ruins of Centro Keep. There we encountered Edea, whose rage at the cowardly methods of the black mage Ominas Crowe caused her to revolt against him. She told us she would join our cause, and together we defeated the dastardly black mage.
D's Journal: Ominas the Black Mage posted:
pg.2: A 32-year-old man from Eternia. Going by the name Ominas Crowe, he carries the black mage asterisk. Though serving as lieutenant commander of the Sky Knights, he is deeply unpopular, and often alone due to his antisocial attitude.
Likes: Obedient underlings, fire
Dislikes: Strong women, forceful types
pg.3: At the ruins of Centro Keep, the black mage Ominas Crowe and Edea began arguing.
It seemed this was the last straw for Edea, and she entreated us to fight him at her side. We took down the black mage together, and Edea joined our motley crew.

So long, Ominas.