Part 132: Let's Learn Jobs: Ranger
Let's Learn Jobs: Ranger
Today we're covering one of Bravely Default's most straightforward jobs, the damage-dealing Ranger.
Final Fantasy's Ranger job first appeared in FF3, and it (or the very similar Archer job) has been a mainstay ever since. Trademarks are a focus on accuracy, powerful but slow/expensive attacks, and specialty in using bows. Bravely Default's version has higher accuracy built in, and focuses on abilities which increase the damage of single-target attacks.

The Ranger icons follow the usual trend. Specialized headgear represents the Job while favored weapon represents the Job Command.

Decent strength, agility, and dexterity make this an okay but not great damage-output job. Poor intellect and mind mean they're a bad choice for both damage and healing magic, as well.
On the plus side, bows are a powerful weapon type, giving Rangers a leg up when it comes to pure damage for sections of the game.

Blue are support abilities, red are skill abilities.
Level 1 - Targeting: Attack dealing 1.25 damage. (12 MP)
Level 2 - Bug Slayer: Attack dealing 1.5 damage to bug family monsters. (8 MP)
Level 3 - Plant Slayer: Attack dealing 1.5 damage to plant family monsters. (8 MP)
Level 4 - Beast Slayer: Attack dealing 1.5 damage to beast family monsters. (8 MP)
Level 5 - Paralyze Immunity (Cost: 1)
Level 6 - Aerial Slayer: Attack dealing 1.5 damage to aerial family monsters. (8 MP)
Level 7 - Aquatic Slayer: Attack dealing 1.5 damage to aquatic family monsters. (8 MP)
Level 8 - Bow Lore: Allows other jobs to have S-proficiency with bows. (Cost: 1)
Level 9 - Dragon Slayer: Attack dealing 1.5 damage to dragonkind family monsters. (8 MP)
Level 10 - Undead Slayer: Attack dealing 1.5 damage to undead family monsters. (8 MP)
Level 11 - Demon Slayer: Attack dealing 1.5 damage to demonkind family monsters. (8 MP)
Level 12 - Hawkeye: Allows other jobs to equip the Ranger specialty. (Cost: 1)
Level 13 - Precision: Damage increases by 3% for each conventional attack that hits. (Cost: 2)
Level 14 - Multiburst: Attack 4 times for 0.6 damage on random targets. (1 BP)
While Rangers have bonuses against most enemy families, there is no Humanoid Slayer, meaning the Eternians have less to fear from this job. Rangers are a key part of a viable end-game strategy, where Precision and Hawkeye are combined with some damage-dealing jobs we have yet to obtain.

Raises accuracy by 100%. A good ability for certain fights or job builds dependent on complete accuracy.
Truly, an outfit that exemplifies the wildness of nature. Capturing the essence of a feral heart, with Ranger the party can share their inner floof with the world. The men channel the ferocity of wolves while the women take on the
These outfits, aside from making Luxendarc's animal rights activists cry, could be far worse than they are. Fur-lined jackets have a large circular metal accessory, combined with leather leggings/boots for the gents and leather ankle bracelets for the ladies. Notably, while the women have one standard tail, the men have a secondary tail appendage at the back of the head and another at the front. Further interpretation is left open to the viewer.

A closer look reveals unexpected practicality to the costume: the tails are hollow and double as quivers.