Part 139: Let's Learn Jobs: Swordmaster
Let's Learn Jobs: Swordmaster
Swordmaster, like its asterisk holder before us, is not straightforward. It specializes in doing reactive rather than proactive damage, with its usefulness largely dependent on what other jobs it's combined with. After all, if you don't get attacked, you can't counterattack.
There is no direct predecessor to the swordmaster job. It combines the counterattacking specialty of Final Fantasy monks with the ability to use katanas, which are usually relegated to ninja/dark knight/samurai types.

Swordmaster =

Due to the nature of the Swordmaster job, they will ideally be getting hit a lot, making better armor aptitude vital.

Blue are support abilities, red are skill abilities.
Level 1 - Nothing Ventured: If hit with physical attack, take half damage and counter for 200% damage.
Level 2 - Abate Earth: Halves earth damage. (Cost: 1)
Level 3 - Katana Lore: Allows other jobs to have S-proficiency with katanas. (Cost: 1)
Level 4 - Squeaky Wheel: Reduce an enemy's BP by 1. 30% chance to work against bosses and special enemies. (1 BP)
Level 5 - Multitask: After normal attacks, 25% chance to do an additional attack. (Cost: 2)
Level 6 - Counter: Allows other jobs to equip the Swordmaster specialty. (Cost: 2)
Level 7 - Confuse Immunity: (Cost: 1)
Level 8 - Before Swine: If hit with magical attack, take half damage and counter for 300% damage. Does not work with reflected damage.
Level 9 - Counter Amp: Damage done by counters raised by 50%. (Cost: 1)
Level 10 - Know Thine Enemy: If attacked by selected enemy, counter for 400% damage.
Level 11 - Redoubled Effort: Attack power increases with more BP (110-146%). (Cost: 2)
Level 12 - The Worm Turns: If attacked while HP critical, counter for 750% damage.
Level 13 - Slow and Steady: Speed raised 150% for two turns when Default is used. (Cost: 1)
Level 14 - Free Lunch: Zero MP costs for two turns.
Many of the abilities are named after sayings, for the added bonus of sounding smarter than your opponent even if you're not sure what you're talking about. (No Such Thing as a) Free Lunch can be an incredible ability for MP users, and the counters can be combined with other jobs to tank and reliably hit the damage cap.

More of a gimmick ability due to its unreliability, but can still be fun to stick on a physical damage dealer when facing regular physical attackers.
This time around, everyone's using a fashionable variation on traditional Land of Wa outfits. Simple kimonos paired with hakama, creating an almost western dress look on the women. The outfits are wrapped with green sashes, which are possibly long obis done up in a more western style. Footwear is zōri, sandals, with tabi, socks specially made to wear with sandals. The men are wearing 'cucumber kakoi aoi' style, while the women wear 'graceful acceptance of the futility of our limited existence sakura pinku' style! Ja, mata ne~!