Part 143: Let's Learn Jobs: Templar
Let's Learn Jobs: Templar
Tank, wielder of light, warrior with a side of magic: Templar is a defensive powerhouse, with armor use and abilities allowing it to protect the party from large amounts of damage.
Templar is another rendition of FF3's Knight, also known as Paladin in later games. The best known Paladin is FF4's main protagonist, Cecil, who had to climb a mountain and beat himself up in order to equip holy swords and cast cure.

Templars are able to make full use of heavy armor, as shown in their job icon. Job command icon is a sword, as most Templar skills are sword-based.

Stats are geared towards defense, though as holy knights they also have better than average mind if you want to have them heal on the side.

Blue are support abilities, red are skill abilities.
Level 1 - Heart Strike: Attack guaranteed to do critical (200 %) damage. (1 BP)
Level 2 - Abate Light: Damage taken from light attacks reduced. (Cost: 1)
Level 3 - Physical Defense 20% Up (Cost: 2)
Level 4 - Giant Slayer: If target has more HP than user, attack does 150% damage. (16 MP)
Level 5 - Magic Critical: Magic now has 15% chance to do critical damage. (Cost: 1)
Level 6 - Default Guard: Damage taken during Default reduced by 75%. (Cost: 1)
Level 7 - Rampart: Prevents each ally from taking one physical attack. (2 BP)
Level 8 - Item Critical: Items now have a 15% chance to do critical damage. (Cost: 1)
Level 9 - Radiant Blast: Light elemental attack that does 150% damage and ignores Default. (40 MP)
Level 10 - Critical Amp: Critical hits now do 2.5x normal damage. (Cost: 2)
Level 11 - BP Limit Up: Allows other jobs to equip the templar specialty. (Cost: 1)
Level 12 - Desperation: Attack with power adding P.Def to P.Atk. P.Def reduced to minimum for turn.
Level 13 - Armor Lore: Aptitude with armor raised to S. (Cost: 1)
Level 14 - Heaven's Gate: Light elemental attack, hits more with more BP, striking random enemies. (3 BP)
Templar abilities are mostly support, and what few skills they have are geared toward fighting dark-elemental enemies. Rampart, however, is a strong contender on its own, offering full party protection with a single action.
Fun Fact: Heaven's Gate was the name of a fairly well-known suicide cult which believed a spaceship would transport them to heaven after death.

If your setup has you hitting max BP/using BP a lot, this might come in handy. Also, Swordmaster has an ability allowing higher damage the higher your BP -- with 4 BP, your attacks hit for a cool 146% damage.
Templars are built for war, dressed in suits of shining plate armor. Their crowns mark them as warriors of noble standing, and their overall look is that of an idealized holy warrior. Both men's and women's outfits also bear a small gold cross, perhaps a nod to the real life Templars, who were a military order working under the Roman Catholic Church.