Part 146: Let's Learn Jobs: Conjurer
Let's Learn Jobs: Conjurer
Conjurer is the final job in Bravely Default. But is it the ultimate job? No, and in a game where variety is key to fun gameplay, that's a good thing. Its role is less powerhouse, more utility. The job is mediocre on its own, instead serving as an excellent supplement to the other jobs and offering some nice quality of life benefits.
Conjurer is a reworked version of the Evoker job from FF3, with their specialty now being using summons to buff stats. Like Summoners, they are unable to use the bulk of their abilities without gaining control of summons first.

Job icon is a spool of thread, representing Yulyana's favorite hobby and the conjurer's ability to weave magic, similar to its use in Loom (ask me about Loom!). The command icon is most likely magic, representing the conjurer's method of summoning.

Conjurer's pluses are deceptive: although they have good aptitude with all weapons, their strength is mediocre; as a primary job, they're best suited to being a magic-user.

Blue are support abilities, red are skill abilities.
Level 1 - Invocation Lvl.1: Invoke Girtablulu to raise caster's physical defense to max (150%) for ten turns.
Level 2 - Steady MP Recover: Gain 30 MP at end of each turn, up to max. (Cost: 1)
Level 3 - Invocation Lvl.2: Invoke Hresvelgr to raise caster's speed and evasion to max (150%) for ten turns.
Level 4 - Critical MP Recover: Gain 200 MP when HP becomes critical. (Cost: 1)
Level 5 - Invocation Lvl.3: Invoke Ziusudra's Sin to raise caster's magic defense to max (150%) for ten turns.
Level 6 - Save Summon MP: Summon magic MP cost reduced 25%. (Cost: 2)
Level 7 - Post-Battle MP: Allows other jobs to equip the Conjurer specialty. (Cost: 2)
Level 8 - Invocation Lvl.4: Invoke Promethean Fire to raise caster's physical attack to max (150%) for ten turns.
Level 9 - Obliterate: Enemies at least 20 levels below party are killed at battle start, awarding full pg, exp, and jp. (Cost: 4)
Level 10 - Invocation Lvl.5: Invoke Deus Ex to raise caster's magic attack to max (150%) for ten turns.
Level 11 - Max Summoning: Summoning costs twice as much MP but deals 150% more damage. (Cost: 3)
Level 12 - MP 30% Up (Cost: 3)
Level 13 - Invocation Lvl.6: Invoke Susano-o to raise caster's critical strike rate by 600% (up to max of 1000%) for ten turns.
Level 14 - Experience Up: Exp earned increases 150%. (Cost: 1)
Conjurer stat buffs only affect the caster but are far more powerful and varied than other methods of buffing. Ten turns ensures minimum time spent recasting, and boosting crit rate alone can make a so-so damage dealer into a nightmare.
For magic-users, the MP recovery supports can allow practically infinite magic use, perfect for extended battles. Experience Up and Obliterate are also a good help when grinding.

This ability would've been much more useful when the game had mandatory random battles.
These outfits are a custom blend of several different traditional folk costumes from northern and eastern Europe. These light and cozy green, white, and red outfits are decorated with pink accents and gold ornaments for an expensive touch. The women have matching headpieces with long strips of cloth ending in tassels, while the men have shawls forming a high collar and similarly ending in tassels.