Part 17: Ahead on Our Way
Entry 15: Ahead on Our WayThe party catches up to Heinkel outside the airship.

Four against one is fair and honorable?

Heinkel continues to outstroll the entire party. To be fair, he is twice their size.

The party follows Heinkel onto the ship's deck. The airship immediately takes off. Well then...

Heinkel is a slightly harder fight than the other Sky Knight bosses.

He has high physical defense and is accompanied by two archers. Heinkel will take damage in place of the archers if they're targeted by a physical attack. He'll also use Ironclad to increase his physical defense even further.
The archers will whittle down the party's health decently if left alone, so the first trick is to find a way to take them out.

Solution? Magic. Thunder also happens to be Heinkel's weakness.

Although Heinkel has a couple decent-hitting attacks, once he's on his own there's nothing too alarming. Stomp, which he uses at low HP, ends up working against him thanks to its self-debuff decreasing his physical and magical defense to 75%.

Edea takes him out, as is proper.

Presumably this was taken right off his corpse. ...Does that count as honorable?

And, as is becoming expected, we get his asterisk. The party wins power by the bloody deaths of their foes.
Time for us to return to Caldisla in celebra--

Oh, right... We just killed the driver.
Who was piloting during that fight, anyway? Let's give the benefit of the doubt and say Heinkel had auto-pilot on and turned it off just before he died.

Boy, this certainly is a way to end a game.


The airship flies southwest over the ex-Norende chasm...

Plunking down in the lake where Holly and Barras met their end.

Somehow, against all odds, we had an airship pilot with us nearly all along. Which means...
Ringabel's real name must be Cid! (It isn't.)

As tempting as the airship is, Caldisla business, first.
Back to the palace.

Pretty sure the king never wants to set foot on an airship ever again, anyway.

With the king's blessing, we're free to set off! We couldn't save Owen or the other soldiers that died, but at least now there's a chance of peace returning.

Let's do a victory lap around town. Everyone has new things to say now that the Sky Knights are defeated.

Soldier in middle of palace:

Soldier by palace doors:

Seems they've got a mix of newbies and retirees filling in now that Owen's soldiers are gone.

It's the Ringabel admirer. Maybe she hopes Ringabel will come back if the house he was using is rebuilt.

There's only one downbeat person in the city. Surprising there aren't more, considering the whole rotted ocean, halted wind thing is still going on.

But that's what we're out to solve. To our airship!

The real mystery surrounding Ringabel is how much of his talk is just hot air.

For a split second before she covers her mouth, you can see Agnès smiling.

She's giving the most literal response possible.
The party starts flying, but doesn't get far before Ringabel speaks up.

Who knows, Ringabel might end up guessing right about a place or two. Time to explore the world!

There are a few limitations to our transport, however.
It can only land in water, so the dry southwestern continent is out. It also can't land in rotted water, so the ocean's out. It also can't go over tall mountains, such as those surrounding the northwest continent. It also needs a significantly large body of water to land.
In the end, aside of the southwest lake where we started, there are only a few areas accessible to the airship. One of those is the lake in the easternmost middle section of the east continent.

Going to visit shows that's a no-go, either, due to a thick, inpenetrable wall of mist around the lake.
That leaves one place with a port...

Despite the false excitement, we're still being tunneled along the main quest. A bit disappointing, but not surprising for so early in the game. On the way there, the party chats.

Agnès may be referring to dondurma, a Turkish version of ice cream which blends in flour and a chewy resin, allowing it to be stretched.

Touchdown in the Flor-Cheim Inner Sea. The difference in color between the good and rotten water is pretty noticeable up close.

A short ride away and we reach the port where we'll dock, beginning a new chapter.
Next: You'll never guess who the bad guys are.
Event Viewer
Main Scenario:
After That Knight!
A Knightly Duel
The Eschalot's Narrow Escape
A Triumphant Return
Company for the Road
Party Chat:
About Ancheim
Ancheim's Gourmand
D's Journal: Ringabel posted:
pg.6: After defeating the knight Heinkel, the airship suddenly lurched downward. There was no one to take the helm! Then I remembered the journal... I asked Edea the name of the airship, but as I spoke, I already knew the answer. The Eschalot! This ship and I have a history. I grabbed the wheel, and brought it under control.
D's Journal: Agnès Oblige posted:
pg.5: After a deadly battle, we managed to defeat the knight Heinkel, but then the airship began to plummet! Just then I remembered seeing the airship's name, the Eschalot, in my journal. I found myself familiar with her controls. Taking the helm, I plotted a course for Ancheim, the Land of Sea and Time, and site of the Temple of Wind that Agnès calls home.
D's Journal: The King of Caldisla posted:
pg.3: The knight Heinkel attacked the palace, struck down Owen, and kidnapped the king. Thanks to our quick action, the king was rescued safe and sound. He showed his gratitude by bestowing upon us the airship that we captured from the Sky Knights, to help us aid Agnès in her mission.
D's Journal: Heinkel the Knight posted:
pg.4: As soon as we boarded the airship, it took off. It seems Heinkel planned to lure us aboard and capture us before returning to the duchy. He chose this location thinking that even if we prevailed, the airship would crash and kill Agnès. After a tough fight, we emerged victorious. The king was safe, and the airship Eschalot was ours.
D's Journal: Harena Region posted:
pg.2: The Seas, Sands, and Winds of Harena: The burning sun beats down on the expansive sands in the day, but temperatures plunge at night. Only the constant winds from the south and the waters of the Flor-Cheim Inner Sea have allowed civilization to survive in this harsh environment. In recent years, those winds have fueled Ancheim's industrialization.