Part 32: Where the Water Sleeps, Silenced
Entry 30: Where the Water Sleeps, Silenced

You s-saaaaaaid it...
Ringabel closes his eyes.

Yeesh, what's got you two yawning first thing in the morning?

Actually, don't answer that, Ringabel. I can guess. But Tiz, why are you tired?

Isn't it obvious? Those darn neon signs were flickering all night long. Then as soon as I finally get to sleep, Mr. Night Owl here comes stumbling back to the room...

And we already know you're a neurotic sleeper.

Can't we call it a "light" sleeper?

Look, here's some coffee. These are dire times, so I made it black.

Thanks, that's great.

Ha ha, look at this one. He fell asleep still holding his cup.

Don't go drowning in your coffee, Ringabel.
After breakfast, they return to the Matriarch's place.
The Matriarch is nice enough, but appears to be even less proactive than the marshmallow king of Caldisla.
This was tucked away behind her chair. Tengus are Japanese bird demon/god/spirits. It is recommended you not tangle with them unless you are very cunning.
Florem's townspeople are the same whether night or day, so we're moving on to the next objective.
On the way to the Temple of Water, the party encounters some of the local flora.
The flora immediately tries to murder them.
These little guys and their later recolors are easy to kill, come in packs...
...and award a larger than average amount of JP.
The party takes its sweet time getting to the temple, allowing Ringabel to level White Mage enough to use lvl 3 white magic.
These moths are also around, but I never got a shot of them attacking because Agnès with a bow killed them instantly.
The Temple of Water is near the central edge of the plateau. Florem is just visible at the top of the screen, directly north of the temple.
Looks familiar.

Still, it's a relief to see the temple's unharmed. The Temple of Wind was torn apart. I was worried we'd find the same here.

Indeed... At the very least, it seems the acolytes escaped harm. Or so I hope... ......

The smell of the air here is so nostalgic.

I hear all four temples share a similar design. Perhaps they all feel this way.

The construction is plain, just stone and simple windows. No ornamentation to speak of.

But when the sun filters in, the prayer hall was suffused with a calm warmth... I used to love just watching the light pour through the windows.

I can imagine how peaceful that would be.

I'm certain it seems a dreadfully dull and monotonous life to outsiders. But to in the temple was rich, and perfectly tranquil.

Tranquility's great, in moderation.

But didn't you ever get the urge to know what was going on in the outside world?

It is not as if we completely forsook the world around us.

The world within the temple was simply enough for us. That's all...
Before going to the crystal chamber, let's look around. As Agnès said, it's the same layout as the Temple of Wind, though only a single floor. This time, however, everything is intact and there are no monsters.
As in the Temple of Wind, we can examine a few of the rooms more closely.

The same as the Temple of Wind.

No. It looks the same, but it's anything but.

What do you mean?

It isn't that no one is here. There is no sign of anyone ever having been here. Not in years...
Detective Agnès and Assistants Tiz and Airy are on the case.
Next is the area below the garden.

There are no traces of damage from monster or miasma. This is...erosion. Time left these scars.
Detective Ringabel weighs in.
Here's the equivalent of the room in the Temple of Wind with the ruined vestal garb.

They should be Olivia's...

The design is a bit different from yours, Agnès.

...Not bad, I must say.
That will be all, Detective Ringabel.
Wait, Olivia has multiple vestal garbs? While Agnès just borrowed her predecessor's? Why did Agnès not know about the unique vestal garb thing? How many times did Olivia punch out a dragon? Or is Olivia just using those of her predecessors as well, not knowing they're ineffective? Somewhere, someone really dropped the ball on vestal education.
There are a few treasures around, including a relevant elemental charm.
A hidden chest is below the room south of the garden.
Wonder whose pictures the party members would choose?
The complete, unruined temple. All that's left is the crystal chamber.
Let's go.

This is... No.

Then... Does that mean Olivia already awakened this one? But it's so dim...

The water vestal is the only one who could have created it... And now only she can remove it.

She must have sensed what was happening sooner than I. She managed this just before the crystal was lost.

And then she hid...

I can't say what her reasons were, but she handled the situation brilliantly. I'm impressed! There's no risk of the crystal being swallowed up like this, or of any humans meddling with it.
Remember Airy's line here.

Uh-huh! Wherever she is, she's doing fine!

That's an enormous relief...

So that means we need to find her if we want to awaken the Water Crystal. Right?

That's the best way, certainly. But not the only one!

These shields can only be invoked by the vestals of fire, water, wind and earth, and dismissed by the same. But that's not to say that the water vestal's shield can only be dismissed by the water vestal. You should be able to get past her shield, Agnès. And awaken the Water Crystal, too!

Is that true?

Yes, there are two such cases written of in the Crystalist scriptures.

The whole world could fall into shadow if we don't hurry. We can search for Olivia as soon as we're done!


I cannot. If the Water Crystal is to be awakened, it ought to be at Olivia's hands. The Rite of Awakening has been performed only a handful of times in the history of the Crystal Orthodoxy. It's only right that Olivia be the one to release the prayers of the lineage of water vestals.

Well, yes, but we don't know where she is. Where do we even start looking?

...Let us return and speak with the matriarch again.
So, we learned Olivia's alive.
Setting that aside, let's summarize the dramatic tension in this conversation:
Only the missing water vestal can undo the barrier and awaken the crystal!
Or Agnès can do it. Whichever.
We risked our lives to get here for this express purpose, but eh, no rush.
Agnès's desire to find her friend is understandable, and they do establish the crystal is safe enough to leave alone, but keep in mind the world's oceans are rotting in the meantime.
The party leaves the temple, but our view turns elsewhere...
We switch to an area nearby.

Keep hope alive. We have to make it to safety. Now, run!

What was our crime? Is a quiet life of piety such a grave offense?
That outfit and that animation sure look familiar.
We return to the party.
Poor Airy is having a hard time getting her job done.
Don't worry, we'll get to the crystal eventually. But first, the party returns to Florem and decides to buy snazzy new hats.
False advertising. Plus: wooden hat?
The god of light referred to is the Greek god Apollo. The laurel wreath has been used as a symbol of victory from ancient Greece to Rome and through to today in parts of the Western world.
...Suddenly the wooden hat doesn't seem like a bad idea.
The party continues on to the Matriarch, who listens to their story.

Still, it pains me to say I haven't a clue where the vestal of water may be.
Tiz and Agnès turn back to the others.

What drove her into hiding to begin with?

Were the Eternian Forces after her? If they wanted Agnès, it stands to reason.

The Bloodrose Legion! Do we go pick a fight?

I am a wanted criminal, and you a traitor. We could be marching to our own executions.

...Hm? I'm not certain this is terribly relevant, but I found a curious passage.

Promise you won't get mad?

Er, very well...?

"The wind vestal entered the Sacred Flower Festival." ...And it ends there.

What? ...Wait, what!?

...Huh. Well, I'll be. It really does say that.


Agnès? Hellooo? There's no call to panic here. Just because it says something in Ringabel's book doesn't mean you're forced to play along if you don't--

No. I'll do it.

What!? Are you serious? Really!?

One girl was chosen for her purity of heart to serve as Flower Maiden until next year's festival. She would join the spirits in nurturing Florem's flowers. It was an honor, and a great responsibility. But recent years have seen it become a hollow shell. They compete by skin-deep beauty alone.

Yet it still remains an important event, attended by all in Florem.

Ah ha! Then we won't have to look for her because she'll find us!

It's dangerous... That's a lot of attention you'll be calling to yourself.

I understand the risks. But if it means I am able to see Olivia, I will enter.

Then I'll help however I can.

I'm not certain a man would get far in the competition, Tiz.

I didn't say I would enter!
FASHIONAAABLUH! But first, I'm taking a short break for some preplanned RL stuff. Provided all goes well, we'll begin our descent into the world of beauty pageants at the start of May. Hope to see you guys then!
Event Viewer
Main Scenario:
The Water Vestal's Whereabouts
Persecution of the Faithful
Entering the Festival
No Sign of Human Life
Not Bad
Party Chat:
Two Tired Boys
A Pious Life
D's Journal: Airy posted:
pg.4: Upon reaching the Temple of Water, we found the Water Crystal protected by a shield, though darkness was still slowly devouring it. Airy thinks the shield was put in place by the water vestal, Olivia. Though Tiz was eager to try and find Olivia, Airy said the shield of a vestal could be removed by another vestal, allowing the crystal to be awakened.
D's Journal: Temple of Water posted: