Part 36: Gotta Have Blue Hair
Entry 34: Gotta Have Blue HairIn addition to the two sidequests opened earlier, one more opened after the Flower Festival. Starting in this chapter, there's a lot more cutscene variance depending on what side quests are done in what order. Alternate versions will be shown off when appropriate.

What caused the shift in Florem's populace from devout Crystalists to all-consuming obsession with physical beauty? Is there more to this town than a ham-handed attempt to critique modern feminism?

Earlier, the party found out there were two major trends in Florem: hairpins and hair dye. Neither is stocked by the normal traders. Maybe we should check out these mystery sellers, see just how good their products are.

The hunger-weakened lady was right. The merchant's shown up at the entrance of town.

How are these women affording that? Wasn't Florem supposed to be poor until recently? Judging by the giant naked bunny statue, the most likely answer would make this place even more screwed up.

And that's even if the party could remotely afford it. Ringabel's been patron saint of not-helping-the-situation this chapter.
Hey, wait -- that starving lady from earlier was in the crowd at some point. Did she get her dye?

At least she's peppier now.

Can't blame her for ignoring that tired pickup line, but something about her seemed... off.

The trader didn't know much about spirit hairpins when the party asked, but she might have a lead on petalhue.

I'm guessing the third item is Yulyana's dresses.


When the petalhue vendors leave town later that day, the party follows.

They head east of Florem, north around the mountains, then east again through the forests...

Ringabel, Tiz, you guys might want to work on your stealth skills. At least take off the hat, or you'll get cau--

Despite his terrible pickup lines, Ringabel does have luck with some ladies. Evidence throughout the game points to him being a fairly handsome guy.

Orochi, by the way, was a multi-headed dragon from Japanese myth.

So, the odd, self-destructive behavior in Florem isn't natural.

An Eternian soldier runs up alongside the dye seller.

One retching later:

In battle, the dye vendor is also revealed to be part of Eternia's Bloodrose Legion. Like the other common Eternian soldiers, they're not difficult to take out.

Ringabel: part-time fashion commentator.

The trail the Bloodrose Legion were taking leads back to a giant tree grove in the northeastern section of the continent. We were here earlier, before entering Florem.

The party looks up.

This kid (17 here, aged up from 14 in the original Japanese version) was seen in a cutscene at the start of the chapter, alongside the Eternians.

She does not sound sane.

Artemia jumps down, landing in front of the party.

She's sounding less sane by the second.

If the nidaphyx was so effective on adults, what would it do to a child exposed over an extended period?

And who knew going super saiyan would be a byproduct?

Congratulations, game. We've progressed to beating up mentally impaired children.

Granted, this girl's trying to kill us.

And doing a pretty good job of it. Her Multiburst attack hits the entire party for a generous amount.
She comes with a Legion Impaler and Mage which should be gotten out of the way first. Otherwise, there's not much strategy to this battle.

Ringabel's been leveling White Mage behind the scenes. Higher level spells from Florem make the fight easier.

After a brief but intense fight, Artemia's brought down.

Morals aside -- we got a new job!

Agnès also stole these.

I know when I think feral, I think purple long-tailed bunny.
The party returns to Florem, none too happy, to alert the ethical item merchant.

With that sorted out, the party takes a look at the equipment used by the new job.

Agnès runs off.

That cutscene would make much more sense if I hadn't had Agnès using a bow the entire chapter so far. Though it does make her pulverizing enemies in battle with it all the more impressive. Still, perhaps it'd be best if Ringabel took on the job.
And that wraps up one sidequest. There is a slight variation to this quest depending on whether Twisted Treetop was visited earlier or not. Here's the version if the party had not visited Twisted Treetop earlier:
Party walks in, area title displays.

From there, Agnès says her line, Artemia speaks up, and things continue as before.
The mystery of petalhue has been solved, but Florem's problems are far from over. The party now knows Eternia's Bloodrose Legion is actively sabotaging the population, and Artemia was not likely working alone.
Next: A grim meeting between sisters.
Event Viewer
In Search of Petalhue
Lust for Beauty
A Devourer of Souls
The Merchant Unmasked
Fallen Guardians - B
Ranger Artemia
Petalhue's Secret
Fallen Guardians - A
Party Chat:
Her First Bow
D's Journal: Artemia the Ranger posted:
pg.2: A seventeen-year-old girl from Eternia. Her name is Artemia Venus, holder of the ranger asterisk. She is the youngest of the Venus sisters, and worships her eldest sister to the point of neglecting all other relationships.
Likes: Einheria, worthy prey
Dislikes: Conversation, relationships, weak foes
pg.3: In the woods to the east, we encountered Artemia standing before the remains of massive orochi, which had been hung from tree branches. On her sister's orders, and to satisfy her thirst for the hunt, she was slaying woodland orochi with wanton disregard. It seems she and Edea know each other, but they could not see eye to eye. In the end we had to fight her off.
D's Journal: Twisted Treetop posted:
cont: with an unbearably putrid stench in the air.