Part 39: Dark and Grim
Entry 37: Dark and GrimThose darned kids sure have given the party a workout, but finally, we've caught up.

They look like kind of like Airy. Darn, maybe Airy could've tricked the kids into going back home. Ah well, they made it here alright as it is.
As everyone watches the Flories, there's a far off sound of magic being cast.
The next moment:

The camera pans up.

Meet the last of the three Venus sisters.

Hope she doesn't mind us coming to her wearing Einheria and Artemia's asterisk clothes.

Like Artemia, her voice and attitude indicate she is not entirely sane.

The way Edea's spoken to both Mephilia and Artemia implies they weren't insane last time she saw them.

I'd think Airy would have some words to say about that. Alternatively, maybe that's why she's currently hiding behind Agnès...

Edea pushes the kids away from Mephilia.

Just as with the hair dye, there's something more going on here than meets the eye.

This fight is a bit different from the other two sisters.

Mephilia's attacks lack something of a punch.

So, what's her job?

The name Girtablulu appears to be a misspelling (wiki reference here) referring to creatures from Mesopotamian myth which were part man, part scorpion, and guarded the doorway to the land of darkness. Fun!

If you're unprepared, this can come as a deadly surprise.

Any allies she summons need to be taken out immediately, before they do irritating things like confuse your party members.

Agnès demonstrates.

She redeems herself by striking the last blow and taking care of her own healing simultaneously.

Edea learned Judgement. She's a natural.

Now we, too, can summon surreal hell beasts.

Agnès's steal this time is a handy upgrade for offensive spellcasters.

Hard to believe these sisters chose to expose themselves to such mind-altering materials. Did Einheria really set them up to this?

I'm sure that will never come up again.

We'll be taking a look at these next time. For now, there are more pressing matters.

Were they knocked out?

The party returns to Florem.

To recap, the party was told to find and rescue two young sisters. After a couple cute scenes ending with the kids running off, and an encounter with a boss, we discover that the sisters have killed each other with their bare hands under the effects of a psychotropic drug.
When a game opens with the chapter title "Precipice of Despair", consider it a warning that things are only going to go downhill from there.
Next: Taking a break from our descent with Summoning 101.
Event Viewer
All the Little Flories
How to Make a Hairpin - D
Sisterly Strife
Summoner Mephilia
Mephilia's Ecstasy
D's Journal: Mephilia the Summoner posted:
pg.2: A twenty-four-year-old woman from Eternia. Her name is Mephilia Venus, and she holds the summoner asterisk. Her mind is broken, and she delights in seeing the destruction of beauty.
Likes: Einheria, Suleiman
Dislikes: Naive idealism
pg.3: We encountered Mephilia deep within the gardens to the west of Florem. She seems to know Edea, but the conversation went nowhere. Apparently she wasn't always like this. After defeating her in battle, she made a curious remark about seeing another soul within Tiz, then she slipped away.