Part 48: Journey to the West
Entry 45: Journey to the West
No bikini babes and a promise of more Eternia shenanigans in our next destination. Far from Grandship being a break, the party's more tense than ever.
But who knows? Maybe these Eternians will be open to diplomatic talks.
Ha hahahahahahahaha. Well, one can hope. Edea's teacher is there, after all.
The party heads back to the Eschalot.

You'll see a little harbor when we hit land. We can go ashore there. The lads should be waiting for me in the area.

Don't even think about landing on the north coast. The Swordbearers hold sway up there, so it's dicey.
Tried that. The Swordbearers have a seemingly endless supply of cannonballs. Not sure why they didn't go with Cannonbearers, sounds way better.
A few hours out from Grandship, Ringabel realizes he forgot to buy hair gel.
They head back immediately.
Strange none of the party had heard of Grandship before, but I suppose Luxendarc's a large place.
May as well pick up dinner while we're here.
The glassware market has fallen and shattered. The fruits market is bruised beyond redemption. Etcetera.
There's a lot heavily implied but not outright stated about the proprietress. Despite Grandship's outward neutrality, she chose a side by giving shelter and aid to the Shieldbearer Zatz.

I'm working as the local chanteuse. I hope you'll enjoy your time here!
She seems nice! Maybe by this point Florem fashion's switched over to using artificial hairpins, perhaps courtesy of the item shopkeeper.
You would've made one pompadoured man very happy.
The markets are still busy at night.

I travel the world capturing its beauty in photographs. This is as fine a view as I've seen yet.
It isn't half bad. It'd be better if this were on a system able to take better advantage of the graphics, but it'd be mean to say that to an old video game man just having a good time.
Darned inept governments. It'd be a shame to see Grandship go under, literally.
But Grandship isn't our concern at the moment. Hair newly gelled, Ringabel sets a course west.
Our destination is a house tucked inside a small, rocky bay -- one the party wouldn't have noticed without Zatz's guidance.

What's the plan?

The dock at the cottage we're heading to is too small to moor this ship. My mates'll ferry us over in a smaller boat. It'll take a couple of trips.

Got it...
A short time later:

Likewise, Datz! Looks like we're all here. Don't worry about the ship. This harbor is nice and sheltered, so it'll be fine.

The peninsula hides it from any prying eyes on the open sea, too.

I'm fine. Just a little sore back now. This body's tough as nails, as you can see.

I'm lucky to still be breathing after facing the blade of that swordmaster, though! Gah hah hah!


What is it?

Oh, nothing.

Thanks for bringing Zatz back to us! We appreciate it.

Hey, after seeing you in action, I have a favor to ask. Would you meet with our leader?

What's this about, Zatz?

Listen, Datz. These guys are top-notch fighters. They were knocking the blocks off monsters like it was nothing!

I couldn't get Grandship on our side, but with these guys to back us up...

You want us to help you win the war?

The Swordbearers betrayed us, and they have the fire vestal's blood on their hands.

Don't think they'll stop when they conquer Eisenberg. They plan to plunder other regions next. We can't let them run rampant. They must be stopped. And for that we need you!


We cannot afford to get caught up in a conflict now. We must awaken the crystal at the Temple of Fire. That is my task as a vestal of the crystals. We have no time to wage war!

You're a vestal!? You!?

Wah! What's that scrawny little thing!?

A cryst-fairy, they say. Gave me a start the first time I saw it as well.

You don't say? I never imagined a vestal would be so young, or that she'd keep company with such an odd creature.

Hey, watch who you're calling odd!

I might forgive you if you'd tell us how to get to the Temple of Fire.

The Temple of Fire...? All the roads there were blocked by lava. Hmm...

Our commander might know something. The Shieldbearers have been trying to find a way through for a while.

Well, whether we join forces with the Shieldbearers or not, let's at least talk with their commander, Agnès.

This outpost may not be tidy, but it's undoubtedly a necessity to funnel support in to the Shieldbearers.
Zatz and Datz are willing to answer any questions the party has. Know what that means?
Exposition party! *cracks knuckles*
->About this realm

Thanks to all the volcanic activity, you can dig up precious metals and gems practically anywhere.

This is the one place in the world where orichalcum can be mined. Impressive, huh?

Our main industries are mining, smelting, and gem working... All are connected to the fire within the earth that sustains us. But mining has ground to a halt due to the civil war... So have trade that rely on it.

This realm was founded by the forces stationed here to protect the Temple of Fire and the fire vestal.

Powerful garrisons guarded the north, south, east, and west borders. There was no mightier force in all the world at the time. Despite that, we never moved to attack our neighbors. We took pride in our defensive stance.

That's how we built a nation in this barren land, while protecting generations of fire vestals. Everyone was a devout follower of Crystalism. Their faith was strong, and the fire vestal was honored above all others.
A couple odd notes here. First, if the land has such frequent and recent vulcanism, there would be a limited selection of rocks to mine. Gems take time to form and for most types their creation underground would be interrupted during the upheaval caused by volcanoes. Similarly, most metals are mined from area which has had no volcanic activity for millions of years. On the upside, Eisenberg would have all the basalt it could ever want. Orichalcum also gets a pass because it's fantasy so who knows, it could just be magic-infused obsidian or something.
The barren land situation implies the Fire Crystal is terrible even when it's under vestal control. Although recently volcanic land is barren, given time to settle the soil eventually becomes full of nutrients and fantastic for growing crops.
->About the factions

This militia came to rule the land, and over many years split into two factions serving different purposes. The Shieldbearers protected the Temple of Fire and the fire vestal, while the Swordbearers repelled any foreign invaders.

This was... How long ago would it have been? Centuries, at least. It was an age of peace for Eisenberg, with Crystalism as the official religion, and the fire vestal revered by all.

Over time, the Shieldbearers and Swordbearers changed into something akin to ideological groups.

The Shieldbearers fought only to protect the peace. Most people fell into this group. We may not act like it, but we have proper ranks, too. I'm a corporal, as is Zatz here.

The Swordbearers sought to invade other realms and expand our territory. Of course, few harbor such radical ideas. Most turned a deaf ear to them.

No one expected them to take up arms against their countrymen... And now these rebels have the upper hand against the Shieldbearers.
Historically, if the Swordbearers were doing their job, the Shieldbearers would never have had to fight a day in their lives. If we were hearing this from the Swordbearer side, there'd probably be talk of underlying resentment about the Swordbearers risking their lives while the Shieldbearers metaphorically chilled out with the fire vestal. Not that that justifies war, but it would lend some grey to the current black vs. white scenario.
->About the war

That triggered the civil war that still drags on now. The Swordbearers slaughtered their own brethren. Their forces couldn't hold a candle to our own, but they hired scores of formidable mercenaries...

These mercenaries were skilled and disciplined, and they fought with astonishing ferocity. The Shieldbearers still had a big edge in numbers, but we were no match for them...

That's not all. The mercenaries also taught the Swordbearers a despicable practice. Use of a vile, inhumane weapon--toxic mist.

They used it to eradicate our forces in the East City. In one night, we lost one hundred thousand soldiers. Deadly fumes hung over the entire battlefield. The land was rendered uninhabitable. But the Swordbearers didn't stop there. They raided the Temple of Fire, and the fire vestal fell prey to them...

Without the vestal, the Fire Crystal could not be controlled, causing Mount Karka to erupt violently.

Since then, the Shieldbearers have been struggling just to defend our positions. At that point, things looked grim... So we headed to Grandship to seek reinforcements.

But we ran into the mercenary leader, and our squad was wiped out. We're all that's left...

Now the Swordbearers and Shieldbearers are locked in battle at Eisen Bridge. If they break our lines, the Shieldbearers will be routed. Until now, the sea routes were closed, so neither Shieldbearers nor Swordbearers could be reinforced from outside. That's the only reason we've held out so long. Now that ships are running again, our future hangs by a thread...
Eternia uses a different method for every country. Despite the shortsightedness of their individual leaders, they're successful at what they do, at least until the party rolls into town. So far.

I would have, for sure, if Corporal Datz hadn't broken through their line and rescued me. He's my hero, he is. I owe him my life.
Speaking of, let's see what Datz has to say.
Datz can take us back to the Eschalot.
We've also got a couple questions we can ask him.
->About Datz and Zatz

In Eisenberg, everyone gets conscripted when they turn eighteen. Men and women. The civil war started just after we were called to muster. You want to know why we were picked to go to Grandship? I'm not really sure, but it's probably because we know this area so well. And it's not like the Shieldbearers have many options these days. There wasn't anyone better, I guess. This pirate getup is just so we could slip onto Grandship without the Swordbearers cottoning on.

Well, that and the fact that my uniform doesn't fit. Gah hah hah!
So, going by what Zatz said earlier, Datz and Zatz's area must be one of the only Shieldbearer-held coasts. Considering that, the Swordbearers still should have noticed the suspicious ship activity in the area...
->About their injuries

But I healed up while we were waiting for Zatz to get back. Still get the odd ache, but that's it.

When heading to this old house on the way to Grandship, we bumped into a band of mercenaries. And of course, one has to be the head of them. A swordmaster, no less. We didn't stand a chance. It was a slaughter-fest. Those of us that survived were covered in wounds... I was bedridden for ages.

Zatz got off the lightest, so he went on to Grandship by himself. Not long after he set sail, the sea started turning bad. It was an ill omen. I'm so glad he made it back safe. I guess I have you to thank for that.
Having familiarized with Zatz and Datz, Edea finally relaxes.

Something funny about my name? What, I amuse you, girly? Huh?

Oh, er--N-no, I just... It's a lovely name. Very unusual! Ha ha ha... I'm sorry. I meant no offense.

Bah ha ha! Just kidding! Did I lay it on a little thick?

I haven't got mad at people making fun of my name since I signed up. Eh, Zatz?

Not since you flattened two squads worth of jokers and got tossed in the brig.


Ha ha, all four of us wound up there on the day we enlisted.

Guess time mellows out even the rowdiest of us, huh?

All four of you?

Yeah, it's been the four of us together, for better or worse, ever since that first brawl.

Been awhile since I've seen Steiner and Neuer... You figure they're alright?

Sure, they're with the commander. Why don't we show the vestal around and drop by?
Aside from talking to Datz, we can also just use this boat ourselves.
Airy's still upset by Datz's comments.
We've done all we can at the house for now.

We'll need to go south a bit first. Once we're through, head back northward.

Keep your eyes peeled as well. We could be set upon at any time!
Next: Hey look guys, we found the Eternians!
Event Viewer
Main Scenario:
Zatz Leads the Way
The House by the Sea
Meeting Datz
The Shieldbearer Command
Details from Zatz
Details from Datz
Party Chat:
Datz's Name
D's Journal: Zatz posted:

D's Journal: Datz posted:

D's Journal: Eisen Region posted:

D's Journal: House by the Sea posted: