Part 51: The Good Wife
Entry 48: The Good Wife
Time to go visit Commander Goodman's residence, which takes up roughly half the town.
Considering the Goodman's positions both physically and politically, they are likely an old money family with deep ties to the Shieldbearer power structure, giving them more more investment than most in this war. Arguably in their favor, they support the concept of noblesse oblige, with Mr. Goodman taking a leadership position in the war and personally overseeing the front lines.

Allow me to introduce you. This is the commander's wife, Eleanor.

Such beauty! Commander Goodman is a very lucky man. Very lucky indeed.

Ah ha ha, you are kind to flatter me so. Thank you.

It is no mere flattery. I speak from the heart...

My husband has told me to receive you and your companions as guests of state, vestal. Please, make yourself at home. Unfortunately, in a time of war the hospitality I can provide is limited...

Oh, there's no need to go to any trouble for us.

I'll prepare some dinner now. It should be ready in a little while.
She bows and walks to a back room.


The commander is so busy with the war effort, he rarely has time to come home to his lovely wife.

I sure hope this war is over soon...

What if you surrendered? That would put an end to the fighting, at least.

Surrender is not an option! Please consider your words before you speak, vestal!

Even if we did surrender, and this war ended with the Swordbearers victorious...

They would only seek to invade other realms to gain more territory. In other words, others would face the terrors of war next. That is why we must fight.

You are right...
Considering Agnès and company have already pulverized many Eternian troops in their quest for justice, her whole 'why not give up' routine is pretty hypocritical. She may be feeling depressed due to Olivia's death, but you'd think she's seen enough by now to realize surrender isn't simple.
After an awkward silence, Eleanor returns.
Good thing Eleanor didn't hear Agnès's suggestion. Might've soured the dinner. Literally.
Before they head off to eat, Ringabel sees something through the front window...
...and runs outside.

Ringabel! Where are you off to?

No doubt he spotted another pretty girl. He'll be back before too long.
*sitcom laugh track*
With that, the scene changes to a now familiar location, far from the party.
Time for our merry band of cartoonishly evil overseers. How are they getting along today?

Are you well enough to be here, Victoria?

I am stronger than I appear. Much stronger than you, in fact. Is that not right, Victor?
Getting along status: Negative.

See? You have no place being concerned for my well-being, Alternis.


Moving on, we have word from the Black Blades regarding the whereabouts of the wind vestal, Lord Marshal. The wind vestal has traveled to Eisenberg. She is likely seeking out the Fire Crystal.

So, she aims to awaken all the crystals.

We should have had the Fire Crystal in our possession already. However, the Black Blades slaughtered the fire vestal, and since then appear to have done nothing but twiddle their thumbs.

If we captured the Temple of Fire without first crushing the Shieldbearers, the battle would shift to the temple. The crystal could be destroyed in the process. That is no doubt what Kamiizumi aims to avoid.

Our goal is to wield ultimate control over the crystals. Therefore, the Shieldbearers must first be purged.

I hear that you and the swordmaster are old friends, Your Lordship... This must be why you place such faith in him.

I trust him more than any other man. And the Black Blades that he commands are the elite of the elite. The vestal will never defeat them. They will see their mission through to the end.

Are you sure you do not overestimate them? I could raze that whole realm to the ground in three days.

Do not get carried away, Victoria. You have already faced defeat at the hands of the wind vestal once.

I merely speak fact. Unlike you, the swordmaster can do more than simply destroy.

Do you hear that, Victor? What a loathsome man!

Just so... Please refrain from using such language against Victoria, Alternis.


If you do not, you risk coming to harm. Aha, see...?


Are you alright, Alternis? I am afraid it seems my warning came a bit too late.
Victor is making zero attempt at sincerity, there.

But know this: my spells can scatter your body to the four winds at a moment's notice.
Alternis draws his weapon.

Care to see which is faster? Your magic, or the time it takes me to skewer you on my sword!

Alternis! Surely you would not turn your blade on Victoria!?
For the first time in the game, Victor sounds genuinely angry. It's enough to give the others pause.


This is the Council of Six. We meet for earnest deliberation. I will not tolerate further bickering!
The Grand Marshal doesn't understand why those ruling alongside him can't just get along. It's almost like they're psychopaths incapable of wise leadership! Good thing the agents he assigned overseas don't have that problem, so far as he's heard!

We will leave the matter of the wind vestal to Commander Kamiizumi. If anyone objects, speak now!
*dead pause*

Nobody? Then it is settled. We are done for today.
Victor and Victoria exit.
Odd that Victoria wasn't reprimanded.
Alternis staggers away.
Meanwhile, across the world in Hartschild...
Tiz's midnight wanderings are interrupted by an approaching Ringabel.

Where were you off to at this hour, Ringabel?

I saw the most exquisite girl and followed her out of town. She was a fine specimen indeed.

Yes, I was on the receiving end of a rather sharp whack... It seems my advances were unwanted.
First hitting on the party's host/wife of the Shieldbearer's leader, now stalking and physically forcing himself on an unwilling "specimen". This has not been Ringabel's finest hour.
The fellows head back to Goodman's residence to catch a bit of sleep.
The next day:

This is hardly the time to go wandering off, you know.

Well, what's our next move? We're at a loose end until we find a way into the Temple of Fire.

I'll try to find my own way in.

Right. I think it's best if we split up to cover more ground. Time is of the essence, after all.

We Shieldbearers haven't just been loafing around here. We've already tried everything we can think of.

None of our attempts were successful. If we had an airship, we could sail in no problem, of course...

Perhaps we could go and awaken the Earth Crystal first...?

I don't think we'd make it into Eternia, where the Earth Crystal lies.

It's surrounded by craggy peaks, so there's no way in on foot.

When I was sent to Caldisla, I boarded a high-powered airship owned by the duchy... Even if we repaired the Eschalot, I don't think it could make the trip.

Are you telling the whole truth, Edea? You're not hiding anything from us again...?


You mean that? We could certainly use the help. But...are you sure?

No, we are not. So you want to go to war now, Tiz?
Also, ensure the slaughtering is most efficient

It sounds like more meddling in the business off strangers to me...

And why not? We have no other way forward. And yet before us stand a multitude who need our help. We cannot turn a blind eye to them.
Edea, as usual, is all aboard the murder train.

Really? It would mean going up against your master, leader of the Black Blade mercenaries.

It is clear from what I have heard that the Shieldbearers are the white, and the Swordbearers are the black in this case.

It is just how I see things. Black and white, good and evil.
This sounds healthy, heroic, and not at all like a rationalizing crutch for someone sheltered for most of their life.
Anyway, we're gonna beat up bad guys and get more jobs to toy around with!

I'm with you, too, Tiz. These damsels in distress must be rescued from the ravages of war.


I hope you'll join us, too, Agnès. I promise we won't get too mixed up in this conflict. We're more likely to find a lead by traveling around than simply waiting here, anyway.


Great. Let's go talk to the commander, then.
As the group makes their way out of town, they have some chats.

Absolutely! The sausage was tender and juicy.

The potatoes au gratin were like a gooey dream!

It was all delicious.

Heh, sounds like she rolled out all the classics. They're our wartime staples.

You eat them a lot?

As you can see, this isn't the most fertile patch of land. Potatoes are all that'll grow. And meat shortages mean we're always padding out the sausage with something.

All the more impressive, then, that such a feast came from meager supplies.

No doubt it was her love for me that gave it such flavor!

Yeah, I'll bet...

I'm sure poor Eleanor's got plenty of love stocked up by now, with her husband away.

But the commander's stuck out on the front lines. He barely gets home, these days. I just feel awful for her, stuck in that big house all alone...

Well, I hope we can pitch in to help her out somehow.
Agnès is getting more guilt-tripped by the minute. Also, Datz should know Ringabel well enough by now to not say something like 'stocked up love' in his presence.

It's quite the surpriiise!

Fine, fine, tell me about this woman you met.

I'll put up with you for a while.

So! Last night I chanced across a most unusual lady...

She was crawling along the walls and ceilings!

What!? What kind of girl was this!?

I couldn't say. An acrobat or somesuch, I expect?

An acrobat...? Hmm, I suppose she could have been practicing.

Ah, or perhaps she was on patrol! Noble girl, keeping her home safe.

You make her sound like a guard dog...gecko...thing. And wait, why were you in her house!?

Ah! Owww...

Just remembering the feel of her elbow strike has me all aflutter!

Oof. I can't keep up...
This mystery woman sounds normal and not at all terrifying.
Next: Join the Army, Travel the World!
Event Viewer
Main Scenario:
Eleanor Goodman
Discord in the Council of Six
Rebuffed Again
We Cannot Turn a Blind Eye
Party Chat:
Eleanor's Home Cooking
Keeping Up With Ringabel
D's Journal: Ringabel posted:
Datz led us to Hartschild, town of the Shieldbearers. After meeting the wife of Commander Goodman, I caught a glimpse of a slender woman of great beauty! I asked her name, but perhaps too shy, she did not answer. She fled, and I pursued her. In a corner of town she caught me off guard with a sharp whack, and gave me the slip. Talk about playing hard to get!
D's Journal: Eleanor Goodman posted:

A 38-year-old woman from Hartschild. She comes from a good family like her husband, and has been married for fifteen years, although they have no children. Both she and her husband are well-liked for their congenial nature.
Likes: Potato gratin (her husband's favorite)
Dislikes: An empty home
At the Shieldbearers' command post, Commander Goodman gave us permission to stay in Hartschild. Led by Datz, we were greeted by Goodman's lovely wife. She said as companions of the wind vestal we would be guests of the state. Apparently she made an excellent home-cooked meal, despite the wartime rationing. For personal reasons, I was not able to try it...