Part 53: Axeing Around
Entry 50: Axeing Around

Unlike other Eternians met so far, Barbarossa is chill enough to let us poke around. Then again, it's not like we've got much of anywhere to hide.

For whatever reason Agnès is compelled to stay onboard. If the alternative were to go find a chemical weapon knee-deep in enemy territory, I guess I'd be hesitant to leave, too.

Pirate treasure! Crew won't be needing this anymore.

Another axe. We'll be using this soon enough.

Pirates in this world sure are viking fanboys.

Once the party's done looting, it's time to say hello to Barbarossa and find out why such a genial guy keeps company with ghosts.

Barbarossa jumps into the air...


Ah yes, children, so rational. The 'women lack imagination/creativity/passion' and 'women=children, men=adults' arguments really aren't meant to be used together.

Barbarossa jumps out of the hole.

He may have been friendly, but this is an RPG, damn it.

If you don't punch people to death, where's the gameplay?

True to his personality, Barbarossa is a straightforward opponent.

He hits hard with physical attacks and couldn't do magic if his life depended on it. Case about to be in point.

Some of his attacks include debuffing his target. It can make things tricky if you get lazy with healing. As a man(!) of the sea(!), he's weak to lightning.

Edea decides to take her spear on an adventure into Barbarossa's insides.

Suleiman? We've heard that name before.

Too bad. He may have had strange ideas about masculinity, but he was a fun guy.
Tiz immediately dashes forward.

The boy has his priorities.

Barbarossa's axe was also taken in good condition. If the axe was created before the Bloodrose Legion stepped in, it implies the Florem populace wasn't as stuffy as the record books showed. That would better explain the transition to the Florem of today.

One more sidequest done. Next, moving on to--

Oh. Hey, ghost-Barbarossa.

Even in death, he's having a good time.

Now that things have calmed down, some of the other ghosts are sticking around to chat.

A terrifying sister...?
Before we get further, there's one last item we obtained from the Barbarossa fight: a captain's log.
D's Journal: Captain's Log posted:
Day 96 of the search:
This marks the last patch of sea west of Ancheim to be explored...
It's been near a hundred days since we found what remains our only clue.
Day 148 of the search:
The waters south of Caldisla, east of Eisenberg, and now most of the Sea of Corsairs can be scratched off the list as well...
Day 824 of the search:
Susano-o eludes me still. Two years, my promise to Mephilia has gone unfulfilled...
Day 1329 of the search:
More blood on my handkerchief this morning... I fear I haven't long. Dearest Mephilia, the Sea of Corsairs is w...
Day 2 after taking up the search:
I found the Funky Francisca becalmed. I boarded her, and saw Suleiman... Shiver it, man, why didn't you tell me? But if his log says this Susano-o is in the Sea of Corsairs, I'll find it. Just wait, old friend! I'll lay your soul to rest!
So, Captain Suleiman, aka Mephilia's fiance/lover who set out to help her find the ultimate summon, Susano-o. Grim conclusion this turned out to be.
As for Barbarossa, how was he splitting his time? Searching the open seas and heading a naval attack/blockade on a continent are two extremely different jobs. Did Kamiizumi know or care?
Hell, it's Kamiizumi, if he knew he probably would've recited a poem about flowers and death and stalked off.
One last ghost to talk with:

Suleiman himself.
Now that we've found the captain's log, we've unlocked a certain something... which will be saved for later. For now, we're moving back to the main story. The pirate ship, now with 100% certified dead crew, will continue floating around in the nightly fog and we can revisit as we please.

First, a quick stop by Hartschild to pick up a couple pieces.

Including rare orichalcum gear. The party has become a bunch of rich fancy-pants.

Into enemy territory! Agnès, already pushed out of her comfort zone by recent events, decides to give piracy and oversized axes a try.

The gate to the east of Eisen Bridge was opened to us after the talk with Goodman.

From there, it's easy to curve back and around to the Bridge from the northern, Swordbearer-held side. Hi guys!

Right, looks like sabotage from the inside won't be quite that easy.

Further north and east, Grapp Keep comes into sight. To the northwest is yet another mysterious obelisk. If the party goes down the road to the west:

Agnès is already nervous enough without strolling all over Swordbearer/Eternian land. The party turns back towards their main destination.

There are no soldiers guarding Grapp Keep. The party enters without incident.

Despite that, Airy's skittish.

C'mon, Airy, what are you afraid of, gh--


Also, no update next week, as I'll be busy investigating small towns in the Pacific Northwest. Provided all goes well, posting should resume in a couple weeks.
Event Viewer
Captain Barbarossa
Pirate Skirmish - A
D's Journal: Captain Barbarossa posted:
A 33-year-old man from Caldisla. His name is Hayreddin Barbarossa, holder of the pirate asterisk. Uncommonly strong, he can spin his massive axe around like a windmill.
Likes: Axes, rum, barrels of apples
Dislikes: Poor weather, lulls in the wind, choppy seas
While sailing the Sea of Corsairs, we spotted a suspicious-looking ship surrounded by ominous fog. After boarding it, we found it to be the ghost ship of Captain Barbarossa and his spirit crew, prowling the open seas. Though he is our foe, his hearty laugh and the tale of his quest for adventure made me root for him a little.
D's Journal: Suleiman posted:
(Barbarossa's Friend)
Now deceased, he once sought the Susano-o aboard the SS Funky Francisca. Barbarossa, commander of the naval forces of the Black Blades, continues his quest to honor Suleiman's dying wish. He sails the seas in the SS Funky Francisca, which is now a ghost ship.
D's Journal: Grapp Keep posted:
cont: purpose is to prevent the toxin's spread and to conduct research on how to neutralize it.