Part 54: Dead Men Tell Tales
Entry 51: Dead Men Tell TalesLast time on Bravely Default:

Just when the party thought their ghostbusting adventures were over.
The glowing light forms into the shape of a Shieldbearer soldier.

Surprise! On top of everything else, Tiz has a natural knack for sensing ghosts.

The ghost fades away.

That bodes well. At least the ghost didn't attack us.

Not that that's much relief to Airy.

Grapp Keep is the same fortress tileset used in Centro Keep, with a spooky recolor.

Locked doors, inconvenient architecture, oversized switches. The regular deal.

Also, undead not so willing to talk things out.

Interestingly, these fellows died long before the toxic mist.

Why these guys woke up in the first place is a mystery. Perhaps it had to do with mist-related experiments.

Considering the fort was built not that long ago, it must have been an unwelcome surprise to have hostile skeletons swarm the place.

Maybe that's why it's been largely abandoned, left to the dead and undead.

Even at job level 1, pirate hits harder than other jobs. I leveled here a bit since the party could usually defeat enemies before being attacked.

After running around flipping switches and opening doors for a while, the party stumbles into a new area.

After sharing his poem, the ghost fades away.

Although chemical weapons are best known for their use in war, they were also used to perpetrate some of modern Japan's domestic terrorism. These involved a homegrown doomsday cult which twice (first incident, second incident) released sarin in public spaces.
I don't know the exact inspirations for this plotline (there are plenty to choose from, unfortunately), but many Japanese civilians undoubtedly felt personally influenced by the incidents.

Back to the game. Let's find more switches and unlock more doors.

New enemy, who looks considerably fresher than the skeletons.

This fellow probably fell to the toxic mist. Whether he was a Swordbearer or Shieldbearer no longer matters.

Edea finds a new poking stick in a basement storage area.

Afterwards, the party heads up.

Ghost-poet-buddy is waiting for them.

The ghost fades away. Someday, our buddy's poetry will no longer be enough to keep him sane.

The least we can do is ensure justice is applied, liberally.

Place your bets, folks.

The party continues down the hall.
Suddenly, Tiz motions to the others to halt.

Our view pans past the empty hall to the left, to the connecting room...

Which is not so empty.

We switch back to the party, who have their ears to the adjoining wall.

They turn their attention back to the wall.

The party turns their attention back to each other.

That's a damn good question, Kamiizumi. Try asking Edea next time you see her.

And as soon as Kamiizumi's out of earshot:

The party stops listening once Qada dissolves into a giggle fit.

Segments of the swordmaster and salve-maker conversation bring up interesting thoughts on the ethics of war, paralleling some of the argument over the use of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki: if a single terrible weapon could possibly result in less future casualties and trauma, can its use ever be justified?
Luckily, the in-game example simplifies matters by making one side of the argument an honorable warrior and the other a guy who looks, sounds, and acts like an incompetent, sadistic toad.
Reducing a complex subject to black vs. white is normal in stories, but considering Bravely Default's central message of 'black vs. white vs. grey', I don't mind giving it some pokes. Especially when it brings up, then immediately dismisses, moral complications. And oh boy, will this not be the last time it does that.

The dungeon's almost over at this point.

Up the lower central staircase is the last unvisited area.

With Kamiizumi and Qada gone, now's the party's chance to steal that master sample.
Next: The ethics of chemical weaponry, continued, and the wartime use of J-pop.
Event Viewer
Main Scenario:
The Green Mist
No Allies or Enemies
The Corpulent Commander
Swordmaster and Salve-Maker
D's Journal: Qada the Salve-Maker posted:
A 46-year-old man who hails from Eternia. His name is Qada, and he holds the salve-maker asterisk. He is quick to forget his own mistakes and obligations, but holds on to grudges and clings to his meager achievements.
Likes: Experiments, research, praise
Dislikes: Patience, strict superiors
Qada is responsible for the civil war in Eisenberg dragging on so long. He used a forbidden toxic weapon out of cowardice, slaughtering 100,000 Shieldbearer and Swordbearer soldiers. The area became an uninhabitable wasteland for over three years. Much to his chagrin, he was ordered to clean up the mess and treat the wounded soldiers.