Part 55: The Power of Love
Entry 52: The Power of Love
The final room of Grapp Keep is a dead end. Get it? Because of all the...
The only thing of note is a dilapidated old set of shelves in the back with a single, incredibly shiny item on them.
Let's give it a poke.

An alarm? Watch out! We have company!
Time to meet Qada's "foolproof" security system:
Three mediocre midbosses.
Rocket Punch is a hard-hitting multi-attack, so three in a row can get bad.
Partway through their health they'll buff/debuff themselves.
Best to take them down quickly, before their damage gets to be too much.
Thanks to Qada's incompetence, this was no problem.
Good thing Kamiizumi didn't bother checking the security measures.

Alright, let's get this back to Commander Goodman.
One jog through enemy lines back to Eisen Bridge later:

This is what caused the toxic mist...? So it was not magic, but an alchemical concoction!

We are in your debt! I'll have our physicians start researching how to make a neutralizing agent!

Wait. Would you consider destroying that sample now...?


I understand the need for a cure for the poison, but I would like you to dispose of that sample.

Yes... I see... If there is no danger the toxic mist will be used again, then we have no need to neutralize it.
This assumes Qada wasn't lying about the sample being the only source, or that he can't just recreate it from scratch, or...

I do not have the resolve to say with full confidence that we could prevail without it.

Therefore I will gladly do as you ask, Wind Vestal. Let us throw this master sample into the lava.
As much as this is a moment of truth for Goodman, Qada doesn't seem like the type to just stop with the genocide. What if--

What's wrong!?

It's the enemy... They've launched a full-scale assault!
Oh no! The Swordbearers remembered how to use their cannons!

We may not be able to hold the line if they keep this up!

You seemed okay up to now, though. What happened?

They have begun using mythril ammunition.

About a year ago, the enemy captured the mythril mine we were working...

There was something in my journal about that, come to think of it. Let's see... Here it is.

"Mythril is a hard metal refined from mythril ore mined in Eisenberg. Over eighty percent of all mythril in the world is mined in Eisenberg, where it is said precious orichalcum has also been found."
Is this really the time to read encyclopedia entries?

"It can be used to produce weapons and armor of the highest strength, and it releases great energy when melted at high pressure."

We tried to recapture the mine, but the Swordbearers had put children to work down there...


Yes. I'm sure you've heard tales of canaries being taken into mines as an early warning for dangerous gases...

Well, the Swordbearers call the children they've abducted and forced into hard labor "canary boys."
Time to mark 'Child Slavery' on your Eternian Human Rights Violations bingo cards, which I assume you all have at this point.
*Morbid joke about the Swordbearers being the Shieldbearers now*

Using these canary boys to warn of danger... I cannot believe the Black Blades would stoop to such tactics.

It's despicable! We can't let them get away with it! We must do something to save the children!

What are we waiting for, then? Let's take back the mythril mine.


The mines are crawling with Swordbearer soldiers. It would be foolhardy to rush in without support!

You can refocus on taking the mine. We'll rescue the children they're using down there.
Goodman agrees to the plan.
We're not going to do the plan. Not for a little while. Instead, we're going to do something silly.
After showing the Shieldbearers under duress, we've opened one other way to aid them.
If we talk to Commander Goodman again...
we can grill him about whatever Tiz thinks up.
->The mercenaries

They have about four thousand soldiers stationed in these lands. They are split into at least five units that we know of.

The first is a unit led by the swordmaster, the commander of the Black Blades. They are powerful, elite troops.

Next is the unit that conquered the East City using toxic mist. We are very aware of the danger they represent. They have not been seen in recent years, which is cause for concern.

Then there is their naval force. They are rarely sighted in battle. But after the Temple of Fire was attacked, there were reports they made several attempts to approach it from the sea.

We also believe that the Black Blades has a covert unit specializing in assassination... Many Shieldbearer officers have been slain in the past four years. We think this unit was also responsible for killing the fire vestal.

Last of all, there is the unit led by someone I care not to mention...


If you're around long enough, you'll learn all you need to know and more. Best to see for yourself.
Sounds like we're about to find out what really gets Goodman's knickers in a knot.
->Why this bridge?

Three roads run north to south across this land. One each to the east and west of here, and this one in between. The central road that this bridge is built upon is wider than the paths to the east and west, and it serves as our main thoroughfare. The colossal weaponry the Black Blades have given the Swordbearers is too large to be hauled down any other road.

I see! So the enemy was forced to target this bridge to make use of it?

Precisely. We made this bridge our last line of defense, and the main body of the Shieldbearers guards it. The Swordbearers need to cross the bridge, so they cannot attack it directly. This strategy results in the least casualties for our forces.

But even if you halt the advance of their main contingent, wouldn't it be easy for smaller units to slip past by other routes...?

Correct. Small squads we are not aware of present more danger than the vast army we face before us.
It's a good thing the Swordbearers are the equivalent of an SRPG on easy mode, or the Shieldbearers might actually have a problem.
One last question.
->What is that?

The enemy forces attacking the bridge.
Goodman, you're guarding one thing. Don't go forgetting about it.

Our intelligence suggests she is a high ranking member of the Black Blades.

That girl is one of their officers?

Don't underestimate her. She uses the power of song to bolster her soldiers, and weaken ours.

The power of song?

Yes. Her songs can be quite...troublesome. All of our soldiers that hear her sing become confused...

The Swordbearers bombard us from the opposite bank when they see us in disarray. We've suffered great losses from these attacks.

Songs that inspire allies and confuse the enemy... She must have quite a voice. I'd like to hear it myself sometime.

So it doesn't bother you that she's a foe? I hope her honeyed tones send you tumbling off the bridge.

So, if you silence this girl, would that swing the battle in your favor?

Unfortunately she is protected by a formidable force, and the narrow bridge makes it impossible to get close.

Then let us try.
The party nods in agreement, fully confident in their ability to be worth more than an army of trained soldiers.
A short while later on the Eisen Bridge:

I am Praline a la Mode. Prepare to be dazzled! Hey, everyone! When you hear one of my numbers...?

And when you see me dance...?

Then get wild! Here we go! Love in the Crossfire!
At this point, Praline begins singing. Someone can post a music link if they want to subject others to it.
The soldiers get riled up...

What a sweet voice... She's enchanting...

Don't listen to her! She'll mess with your head!
Edea's voice snaps Ringabel out of it.
As the party runs forward, the screen blacks out, leaving us with the sounds of heated battle.

Don't they feel any pain? Nothing seems to faze them!
Suddenly, the music stops. This isn't reassuring.

Okay, everybody! Time to back up a bit!

The time is nigh! To blow them sky high! Fire!

Uh oh! We need to pull back now, or we'll be obliterated!
After saving three countries from a wide variety of evil masterminds and violent opponents, the party has finally met its match: pop music.

If it is beyond even you, then we are out of options...

If only we could shut her up...
At this point we can choose to face Praline again.
...But the outcome will be the same.
Next: What better time for a world-spanning adventure of love and friendship?
Event Viewer
Main Scenario:
Stealing the Master Sample
Master Sample Obtained
The Swordbearers' Onslaught
Commander Goodman's Woes
D's Journal: Swordmaster Kamiizumi posted:
As we investigated Grapp Keep at the Shieldbearers' request, we overheard the swordmaster and Qada talking. We learned that the master sample of a toxic weapon was kept there, its use forbidden by the swordmaster. We also heard that Qada had used the toxin against the swordmaster's wishes, polluting the land for three years. We took the sample and headed back.
D's Journal: Praline, Diva of the Battlefield posted:

A 17-year-old girl from Florem. She goes by the name Praline a la Mode, and carries the performer asterisk. She is a battlefield diva, and tends to adlib her way through life without thinking too much.
Likes: Cheering, throat lozenges
Dislikes: Boring people, fresh cream
D's Journal: Shieldbearer Cdr Daniel Goodman posted:
We headed to the Shieldbearers' command post to report on the toxic mist we had been asked to investigate. We gave the commander the toxic mist sample the Swordbearers had in storage, and he asked his medical team to use it to create a neutralizing agent. However, Agnès wanted it destroyed, and he complied with her wishes--perhaps a surprising choice for a military man.
D's Journal: Mythril Mines posted:

cont: It is said that young boys are being captured and forced to work at thet mine.
D's Journal: Never-Ending Civil War posted:
Canary Boys:
Forced to work in Swordbearer-occupied mines, these young boys are so named because they are used to detect poisonous gas before it can do harm to others, much like canaries in a coal mine. The Swordbearers are few in number, and have found these mostly docile young boys are easily controlled with just a few guards. They work in deplorable conditions, extracting mythril ore and the extremely rare metal orichalcum from deep within the earth.