The Let's Play Archive

Bravely Default

by Greyarc

Part 98: Go Into the Light

Entry 90: Go Into the Light

Once again, the party has undergone a world-spanning journey, destroying a villainous duchy and awakening the sacred crystals.

At the end, they've made their way to the Pillar of Light, the promise of their journey's end right around the corner.

But this time, relief is mixed with a hefty dose of skepticism. We never found out what went wrong the first time. All we've gotten is increasingly blatant warnings that maybe, just maybe, things aren't as black and white as the party originally thought. Not just in regard to the Duchy and Orthodoxy, but the crystals themselves.

...Which leads to now.

Will this work?

It is rather overwhelming.

So we must enter the light again, it seems.

It almost stings the skin, don't you think?

Yes, I feel the same.

Grin and bear it! We must succeed this time!

Strange. Before, the light felt cozy, like home...

Ringabel guides Grandship to the center of the pillar as the party tries to ignore their rising discomfort.

In the center, Airy begins her ritual to save the world. But this time...

I'll make sure all goes to plan this time!

This time something feels off. The game's begun playing the same quietly tense music here as during the mansion murder mystery segment.

Meanwhile, the party prepares for the worst.

Airy is really giving it her all.

She may feel responsible for things going awry last time.

Can you make some notes in your journal, Ringabel?

Previously, the party blanked out in the Holy Pillar and woke up in Caldisla, half a world away.

Whatever occurred in the interim was forgotten, but if (god forbid) it happens again, they'll be ready.

But I am not sure how much I can do...

Besides the piloting, there is one other problem.

Tiz starts to question Ringabel--


But is interrupted by what sounds like a ship crashing nearby.

Yes, we'll have him to deal with when he comes.

You mean we have to go through that again!?

Let us head to the deck!

Alternis ignores Edea for a moment, searching around distractedly.

Where is she?

Who do you mean?

This is new. The previous version of Alternis paid no attention to Airy.

You mean Airy?

Airy? But why?

Tell me where she is, now!

Just what do you intend to do to her!?

Slay her, of course! Once she is gone, this will end!

Do not try to stop us!

How could you betray the grand marshal? Your own father! Can you not see the grief you have caused!?

It is always the same with you! You never listen to me! You and my father have done nothing but stand in my way!

When you shattered the skystone on the Eschalot! When we entered the Eternian Central Command! You hindered us at every step!

There are many games -- stories in general -- where characters sharing information could've prevented great tragedy.

By now it's obvious Bravely Default goes all in on this. They construct the entire plot around this fundamentally frustrating plot device.

And in this case, the writers know it. Edea's meant to be speaking for the player. We're tired of it. We've gotten 99% of the way to saving the world twice now. How do we still know so little about what we're doing?

Adding onto that, so much of what happened was a repeat of the first run through, or gave even less information than before. DeRosso was probably the nadir, offering nothing but vaguely snarky comments despite the party's curiosity.

Alternis here is our last chance for information. He knows something important the party doesn't. If he has any brains at all, now is when he should make his intentions clear. Tell us what's going on, why he wants to kill Airy, why the party should stop what they're doing.

C'mon, Alternis. Buddy. Pal. Consider your priorities. You can do it.




Who are you?


Alternis shakes his head wildly.

Ah, the Alternis we know and love. Distracted by his crush.

I don't...

The ship sways, nearly throwing everyone off their feet.

Uh-oh. It's shaking!

You...! You are all trying to deceive me!

Stand aside, cowardly fools! Or your blood shall soak this dark blade!

It's too late now. Alternis's been infected by the same anti-clarification virus as the other Eternians.

Unfortunately, the outcome to this virus almost always involves flinging yourself into unwinnable battles.

Fortunately, Alternis is different from other Eternians in one particular way: Once he's gotten an adrenaline rush from combat he just loves talking about all the things he know.

She intends to let the power of the crystals run wild! You have all fallen for her ruse. That includes you, Wind Vestal!

Awakening the crystals will not save the world! On the contrary, it shall bring the world to ruin!

I heard this from the grand marshal himself! Our true enemy is not the wind vestal, but the cryst-fairy!

That explains why the Sky Knights were ordered to protect Agnès. But who told Braev this? We spoke to Braev, Yulyana, DeRosso -- did one of them hold back information from us? Why?

After fending off more attacks, Agnès responds:

Cryst-fairies guide the vestals from the path of danger. They are the embodiment of the crystals' light!

Clearly deceptions fabricated by the Orthodoxy!

We've already reached an impasse. Either the Orthodoxy lied and Airy's plan is bad, or Eternia's working with misconstrued information from a vague prophecy.

Regardless of the player's opinion, neither Alternis nor the party are going to give up their side at this point. There's nothing left to do but finish the battle.

Same as before...

Alternis has an impeccable pompadour.

The ship shakes and he's thrown overboard before Edea and Ringabel can react.

But this time, watching his doppelgänger die makes something in Ringabel snap.


He collapses.

As he goes unconscious, his vision fades to white...

What was all that? Some of those events might've been from the party's journey, but others...were distinctly not.

Tiz's voice breaks through, dragging Ringabel back to this reality.


Are you alright!?

You just keeled over... We were worried!

Before Ringabel can respond, the ship starts violently shaking again.

Y-yes, I'm fine...

Then let's hurry back to the bridge!

Explanations will have to wait until the party's not about to crash into the middle of the ocean.

The others rush off, leaving Ringabel behind.

My memory...seems to have returned...

I see now... All is clear...

He returns to the others.


I'm trying! She won't come around!

If Ringabel's memories are to be trusted, he knew the party before the game started.

But if so, when and how? Had the party done all this before we joined them?

If Ringabel really was a version of Alternis, how did he survive? And what happened to the version of the party in his memories?

What happened before the game started?

This has to work...

Is this the right thing to do?

You've got to be kidding.


Event Viewer
Main Scenario:
The Holy Pillar Revisited
The First Light Anew
The Dark Knight Returns
Memory Restored
This Has to Work