Part 17: Frozen Sky, Scorched Earth

Another day, another fight. Olgar, Vahti, Ayuta and Mana did not survive, so we have again the same four characters like in the previous version of events. Their backgrounds are, however, slightly different in this timeline.

Quick chat with Piu-Pui in case he has something different to say...

He does not. This is the same dialogue that we already heard when Escher and Musiea were at this point, so we can move on to bigger and better things. He doesn't have any new weapons/clothes to sell either (not that we have been buying much of his stuff lately, all our equipment seems to be coming from chests these days).

So, we'll go back over to Escher and Musiea then.

We are interrupted by the Agent...

He leaves, and we can continue the conversation.

At this point, they get into the conversation about how monsters resemble modified animals from their countries and how Agent/someone is testing their intellect via the puzzles. But we've heard that conversation before, and it even involved this same group of people last time too. So we don't need to hear it again.

Well, let's go into the dungeon.

This time we get the Clashing Grounds.

I am feeling adventurous...

And here we are in the snowy area.

Even with such a difference in levels we are still pretty much destroying the enemies.

Soon it's the first puzzle. This time, it's the block swapping/gem collection version.

Moving on after the puzzle, we find a chest with new clothes for Eluca.

It's all so very bloody.

Oddly enough, basically around the corner are also clothes for Zhamo.

And the second puzzle too.

At this level, we sometimes get a more advanced enemy in a random battle. It's still not an issue.

Eventually we reach the first boss.

A bunch of spell counters...

...and we're done here.

Anyway, moving on to the scorchy part of the dungeons...

We are interrupted by a sudden earthquake!

A rock has fallen in between Eluca and Zhamo...

So Eluca continues on her own.

Around the corner is Escher who apparently also got separated from musiea.

The Divine King who leads our country has been running
a cruel and oppressive regime, and he has been driving
people into poverty. But if anyone expressed the slightest
dissatisfaction, he would have them executed as a warning
to others.
As head soldier of his personal guard, it was my duty to
perform those executions. Zhamo and his family were accused
of plotting to overthrow the king, and were sentenced
to be executed for treason.
WHen I was young child, Zhamo's father recognised my skill
with a sword, and rescued me from the streets. Thanks to
him, I eventually went on to work as a soldier at the royal
palace. He and Zhamo's mother treated me like a daughter.
So when Zhamo was born, it felt like I had gained a brother...
Zhamo's family was the only family I knew... And yet...

The conversation is interrupted.

Finally, we move on. This was a very long break.

And what better time for a puzzle. For some reason, this one is quite hard.

As before, this removes one part of the obstacle.

After solving this, much easier puzzle...

...we can go over...

...and meet with our friend the double headed tiger!

Same strategy as before.
This nets us absolutely nothing:

So, it's interesting to note that the character backgrounds in this timeline are not exactly the same as the ones seen previously. In any case, next time we'll go through the final dungeon and then presumably fight against Escher and Musiea...