Part 24: Ocean of Origins

It's now time for Mana and Ayuta to go into the second dungeon

But first... some new equipment!

I have no idea what this Real:Copy thing is supposed to mean! Actually we'll come across a weapon with an even stranger name later on in the dungeon!

Of course, not buying this one since we already have a better kimono for Mana.
The equipment you find in a dungeon is always better that what Piu-Piu is selling, but in order for it to be present in a chest you must fight higher level enemies--the content of chests is "better" the bigger the difference of levels between you and monsters. If you are fighting monsters in the same level range as your characters, then you'll not get any equipment in chests and just consumables. Typically equipment is only found in locked chests, but that's not an issue at this stage since keys are easily purchased from Piu-Piu.

And finally, two garnet rings.
Now we can go and introduce ourselves to the other contestants. First up, Zhamo and Eluca, since they are standing right here next to us!

Ok. Over in the central area are of course Musiea and Escher.

Ah, good old Musiea can always be counted on to be inappropriate in a conversation.

And finally, over next to the door, are Vahti and Olgar. This is probably going to be as pleasant as always...

Ookay then. Well, it's time to go forward anyway.

Next up, Ocean of Origins!

In any case, after a bit of walking around, we reach...

...the first puzzle. In this kind of puzzle we need to collect gems to be able to destroy blocks that are preventing us from being able to reach the exit. Actually these are very easy.

And then the second puzzle...

Finally the mid-point boss.

Using a well placed spell counter, I quite literally one-shot him!

Before proceeding to the second half, let's quickly exit the dungeon to up the enemy levels and all that.
But we get another one of those scenes...

Let's get out of here...

Or this might happen...?

Say "WHAT" again!

And he disappears again.

Well, if you don't know...

Getting back to the second half of the dungeon...

Here is another puzzle... us the first of two required items.

And then in a chest here...

...we find a very nice weapon upgrade for Mana. But what is up with that name "Single-Letter Bow". What does that even mean?
Luckily the game application is multilingual, so let's take a moment and have a look what this weapon is called in other languages.

In French it's basically called "bow that doesn't miss". That doesn't relate to the English name at all. Let's try Spanish.

Well. That says "accurate bow", which is more or less along the same lines as French.
Looks like we're going to have to check the original Japanese version to find out what happened with this translation:

Hm. So the Japanese name for this weapon is "一文字の弓". We can forget about the 弓 character because it obviously means "bow"--it is one of the very few characters that actually look like the thing they stand for. As for the meaning of 一文字, technically speaking, 一 means "one" and 文字 is "letter" so this COULD be understood to mean "one letter". However, the typical meaning of this phrase today is actually, believe it or not, "straight line". This is because the character "一" is a straight line, so it's meant to signify "like the 一 character", i.e. straight. Sooo, it seems that the French and Spanish translators more or less got this, but the English translator missed by a wide margin here (pun very much intended!).
There is in fact an added small complication here. In Final Fantasy games, or elsewhere, you may have come across a weapon (sword), named "Kiku-ichimonji". Well, guess what, "ichimonji" is certainly one way to pronounce "一文字" and is in fact a reference to high quality swords built by the Fukuoka school in 13th century Japan. They inscribed their swords with just one character ("一"), hence the name. So it could be that the Japanese name of this bow was intended as a word play with this double meaning, indicating that it is a high quality weapon by equivalence to these swords.
In any case, I feel that the reference is way too obscure/untranslatable so that even if that WAS what the English translator had intended, it still misses the mark, and it should have simply been translated along the lines "straight-shooting bow" or something like that. But I think it's really just a translation mistake due to over-confidence.
Aaanyway. Soon after this, we come to something much more interesting...

...and that is the last puzzle.

It gives us the second item.

So we can now go and unlock the door to the boss.

Nothing of great interest happens during this battle.

And we're soon done. Pay no attention to the fact that this is the first time that the "corpse" of a defeated boss has stayed visible on the ground after the battle. I'm sure that's not important at all.

Let's go back.

Hm. That conversation was a little bit weird.