Part 39: A 10,000 Year Wait

So, hey, no more arena fights! Olgar won the last one, and in the process got Vahti back. But what will happen to the clone? Oh and also, turns out Mana has some kind of Deus-ex-machina power...

A quick chat with Piu-Piu... one of the few these days that have something to say we haven't heard before...

And then of course we buy some new weapons.

For Vahti, there is actually two tiers of weapons available since she was not around last time when we were shopping. Of course this does not matter and we'll simply buy the strongest one (which is actually the one that is NOT highlighted on the image...).

Same situation with clothes.

Also a new weapon for Olgar.

...and finally an accessory for Vahti.

Well, let's go on then.

She means this somewhat literally. Gameplay-wise, Vahti is still a few levels behind Olgar where we left her. She will be able to mostly catch up, although of course never 100%, but she will be to within a level of Olgar which is perfectly fine.

Uh, what is he doing with the CloneVahti?

Before we fight, the Agent has some philosophical questions, again...

And now we can go and destroy him...

After a while...

And finally...

And we're done here. Now the typical scene starts, as always...

And we're back...

It's time to go shopping for weapons again...

Nothing of special interest here, just slightly stronger weapons, as always.
But, now it's again time to go through the Original Door and see the 'fake' ending of a chapter.

Let's go!

And we hear the familiar voice coming from above...

The ark is quite literally falling apart at this point...


Next time, of course, we will see the 'real' ending of this chapter where we DON'T go through the Original Door...