Part 47: Beginning, as Told by the Snowflakes

I think we really need to try entering a dungeon at this point. This has already been going on way too long.

First dungeon is called "Frosty Omen". While this is not a bad sounding title, the original Japanese one that we'll see in a moment is still way cooler.
Note that there are no four stars to achieve this time for every dungeon. The prequel does the extra/optional content quite a bit differently than the original game. Rest assured though that the amount of extra content in this game is absolutely staggering. Here's a hint: when you download this game from app store, the file size is actually BIGGER than the original!!

As before, we are able to choose the level of enemies; unlike before, we have to start at the bottom--the original game was already offering also 11-20 at this point, but not here.

And so here we are. The colours are a bit different, but otherwise this should not look too different from a dungeon that we saw in the original.

And Vahti manages to faint yet again! Oh well.

And so we'll go back to the bedroom. You didn't think it'd be quite that easy to make it into the dungeon, did you?

Looks like 10,000 years ago, Ark used to have nicer bedrooms. This one appears to have been modified into two smaller rooms later on.

Let's try this again.

And so, finally, finally... we are. As is typically the case, the Japanese name (始まりを告げる雪華) seems much more interesting/cool--I would probably translate this a bit more "poetically" (groan) with "Beginning, as told by the snowflakes". I guess they didn't really have space for such a long title.
On another note, I have to apologise for the poor visibility on these screenshots due to an overdone snowfall effect. The game actually allows you to turn these effects off, but if you do that, here is the result you get:

Since this is absolutely horrible looking, we'll just have to endure the "blizzard" effects for this part of the dungeon.

In any case, the map of the dungeon is unchanged from the original, so we can proceed onwards.

The tiled corridors are now in a different colour too!

Proceeding on through the dungeon...

...we come to the first puzzle. As before, I am not going to bother you with these, since they are still useless. There is just one change from the original: after three failed attempts you now get an option to skip the puzzle. You won't get a reward item, but you will get everything you need to proceed with the plot.

At this point in the game, enemies are largely the same as before...

And the gene equip ability system is also the same.

So we can go and finish the second puzzle.

A bit later, here are Ayuta and Kushina fighting a monster... you know how this is going to go.

So yeah, same as always, Olgar will help Ayuta here.
After the battle...

Um, yes, let's keep going.

So here is the first boss... you can just barely make him out through all the blizzard.

His name is "Progenitor's Tooth". We'll see that this time, the boss names actually have a common theme. It's definitely a recolour of an old boss...

...and goes down without too much difficulty. We will soon run into some new bosses too.

Now is a good time to check back on the wife and the mother in law, I think.

Nothing more to talk to them about. Let's also visit Piu-Piu...

I do like how the game is basically in one way or another addressing all the silly JRPG tropes, like why the monsters drop money, why are the characters barely dressed in cold weather (except here it turns out not to be cold after all) and so on...
Also, I am not sure how many of you noticed, but in this game Piu-Piu has many different facial expressions, unlike the first game where he only had one fixed one.
We have a bit more money now so I decide to spend it on buying the very slightly better armour for Olgar and Vieg.

And with this, we can now return to the second half of dungeon. In the previous game it used to be all volcanic and fiery, but not any more. I have no idea what is it supposed to be now.

But here are Cyllis and Yorath, so...

Well, we already know this one, that the monsters are conglomerates from animals from all the different countries where the participants come from...

In case you've forgotten, this is the level where we need to solve the two puzzles to free the way forward here.

And here are the two puzzles. So now the road is free.

Here we have another familiar boss.

This one is called "Progenitor's Jaw".

At this stage, boss fights are still relatively easy.

So we get the first ring.

I'm actually wondering how this is supposed to go, since here we have one half of each couple. But in total we actually need four rings, not just two. Oh well, we'll see eventually, I'm sure.
Back in the main hall...