Part 6: Status report 1 January 1905
January, 1905: Five years in review

Inflation has driven prices up. Rates do not change relative to each other.

Next time I'll arrange this in population order

Only one industry on this list above 0%

Our network

Updated industries map.
Prices have inflated a bit.
Special 2-4-2: $2,686
US 2-6-2: $2,726
SLM 3/3: $2,686
Wagons: $250 - $334
Carriages: $502sml/$586lge
WMC Bus: $1,048
Trucks: $1,048
Ce2/2 Tram: $880
Clipper: $1,090
Rails: $28
Road (Unpaved/Paved): $28/$56