Part 1: Goon Playthrough - Part 1
"People deserve a second chance":
You can't erase the past. That's for sure. But I know that sometimes we don't choose our fates. Were circumstances different, my stepsisters could be good people. We could be friends. Whatever happens, I hope they won't come into harm. They deserve another chance...
The only immediate change is those lines, but this does have other impacts we'll see down the line.
Then, things proceed as before until the second choice.
Choosing "Tell the truth":

Yes, I guess so...

Funny. It all started with my stepmother summoning me, just like now...
(Seven days earlier)
To be completely honest, I really dislike when stories begin in media res, and then quickly flash back to their actual beginning anyway. That defeats the entire purpose of in media res, guys.

The last few days were all rain and gloom. But today is different! Today is summer in its fullest. It's so nice to see the sun again. It can get pretty cold in this 'room' of mine. Although I don't feel so frisky right now, I could use more beauty sleep. I shouldn't have burned the midnight oil over a book last night.
And a silly book, too. Some adolescent girl, pretty and numb as a freshly cut flower, shows divine humility and courage while suffering oppression from her abusive family. Who writes these things? And do they really want young women to develop this martyr-like attitude? Funny though... If it's really that bad and makes me so angry, why did I read it in the first place? Maybe something in it really echoes a part of my own experience? I don't know. And I'm not going to spend the morning wondering about it.

Of course, it isn't as if I'll get to enjoy the day either. Lady Carmosa will certainly make sure that I have to do the worst chores. The old hag could use any of her servants, but no. She always sends me! I get the feeling she simply wants to humiliate me.
If only Father was still here... On a day like this, he would surely take me to the forest. We always went to the lakethe Magical Lake as he called itand left a loaf of bread under the old tree! 'Gotta pay tribute to the fairies, you never know when you may need their help.' Good old man. He used to tell me stories about 'the Little Folk', even when I was far too old to believe them anymore. I miss him so much.
But enough daydreaming! Honestly, I talk to myself way too often these days. It's only a moment before I start considering mice and sparrows my only friends, and we will go frolicking and singing together. What a sight that would be! Luckily, I know better than that. I may get lonely sometimes, but I'm not empty-headed. Time to get up, Cinders. The day has only just started.

I still have some time before my 'sisters' wake up. I could start my cleaning duties, to have more time later. Or I could try to finish that book I was reading last night. Or... I could seize this opportunity to do sweet nothing, hah!

Yeah, we didn't get very far before the next choice, but I'm hoping to make up for the brevity of this and some other updates with frequency. I'm going to try to update daily, or more often if there are ever any clear majorities in the votes. For now, what should we do with our free time this morning?