Part 11: Goon Playthrough - Part 11

I'll talk to Tobias about this later after I've had some time to think about it. It's best to speak with him alone, anyway.
In the morning...

Still, can't say it wasn't worth it for how great last night was!
The deer went this way, my Lord!

Oi, someone's comin'! Better lay low for a mite.

If this is about what you asked yesterday, my Lord, I know little of politics or the affairs of the court.

That's exactly why I need you. You're straightforward and honest, and you see things I can't. Behind all those smiles, everyone in the court lies to me. No, you're the only man I can trust.

I will serve you to the best of my ability. What is it that you wish to discuss?

It's about my father's last wish. I must have a wife before I ascend the throne. How am I to choose one?

There is a ball in a few days, isn't that your chance to find an eligible young lady?

In theory, but that's the problem. How will I be able to tell? The monarchy is weak without a king, and the nobles around me are plotting to advance themselves. They groom their daughters like prizes spaniels in the hopes that I'll be taken in by a pretty face. I need a wife who is strong and smart. Someone who can rule the kingdom wisely, not feed me her father's poisonous words. But I doubt that I'll ever find such a woman.

You're right, Captain. It's just that I haven't had the fortune to meet one, yet. I'm surrounded by women who know little more than how to cursty. And they do little more than wait to be handed out as political tokens. Truly, it is disheartening.

And yet you must choose a wife from among the nobility, regardless. It is, after all, tradition.

As if tradition mattered to that brood of vipers. They plot to control the throne before it is even in my grasp. If I marry to please a powerful house, I risk having a fool for a wife. But what other choice do I have?

If we respected the traditions to the fullest, you'd be able to choose any woman at the ball, even someone you didn't know. How convenient that this rule is often forgotten.

Captain, you're brilliant! It's perfect!

I'm not sure I follow your thinking, my Lord.

A masquerade ball! I'll be able to choose from the women without discriminating over looks or political ties! They've been pushing me to follow tradition for so long, they can't complain if I remember the old rules. Captain, you truly are a remarkable man. I see now why Father trusted you so much!

My sentiments exactly.

Thank you so much, my friend. You are a rare breed, indeed. Still faithful to your ideals.

Ideals or not, our prey has long since escaped us, and if we linger any longer, people might grow suspicious.

You're right, my friend. Let us return to the castle with all haste. Now that I have a solution in mind, I can return with a light heart.

I know a certain lady who would pay handsomely for this information, that she would. The day may have started lousy after all of last night's drinking, but it's turned out to be quite a good one after all! All thanks to a few extra rounds at the pub! You can't go wrong with that.

Considering how long I spent outside last night, that's hardly a surprise. I'm still not sure what to think about what happened. I want to trust Tobias, but... Well, at least it's something different from the usual. It's strange how my life has been so boring all this time, then suddenly all these things are happening to me. But even stranger than that... I wonder why no one has come to wake me up yet. It must be at least noon, if not later. Surely Carmosa hasn't decided to be gracious and grant me a holiday.

I want none of your pitiful excuses!

Uh oh. Carmosa's definitely not in a gracious mood. I should get going and see what's going on before she catches me like this.

You're an even bigger disappointment than usual!

Looks like Carmosa's mad at Gloria today. I wonder why.

Cinders! Not so loud! I don't want to get in trouble... or miss any of this.

But what's going on?

Business as usual. Mother's in a bad mood and Gloria was the nearest thing she could yell at.

I'm not interested in your excuses! It's your duty to make sure there's enough wood for the fireplace.


If the servant is allegedly ill, then find someone else! Do it yourself, if you have to!

Oh snap.

Mother! How can you

How can I what? Do what I please with my own household? I worked hard to earn what you girls enjoy now. I bled and cried to get this far. What have you done? Once you earn as much as I have, feel free to do as you please. But right now, all I see is an incompetent little girl, and I doubt that will change any time soon.


That's enough. Dinner must be ready in two hours. I expect that you'll have found someone to chop the wood by then.

Carmosa's as cruel as ever. Gloria looks like she's about to burst in tears!