Part 17: Goon Playthrough - Part 17

My, my... And what has made you an expert all of a sudden?

That's ridiculous! It's obvious the person you hate the most is yourself, but you have no reason to! So you make up all these excuses, like you're too stupid or ugly or worthless, when you know it's not true. But it's still an easy way out, isn't it? You prefer to convince yourself you're nothing, so that nobody will expect anything more from you. You don't have to change or do anything if you're worthless, after all.

And you sound like you're trying to convince yourself that you're all-knowing.

You're not worthless, Sophia! You KNOW that!

It's not naïve at all. I was paying attention when you were talking, and I learned something important. You think you're worthless because you can't measure up to Carmosa or Gloria, but it's the opposite. Carmosa is a woman of strong influence. It's easy to get drawn in and conform to what she wants. The fact that you've resisted means that you're stronger than Gloria. It means you're stronger than Carmosa. I'm sorry you had to suffer for it, but that makes you even more admirable.

You really had it rough, and I know that left a mark on you, but it doesn't make you worthless.

You know... I don't need your pity...

Haha! Trust me, that's the last thing on my mind. You've still been absolutely horrid to me. But now that I know what happened to you... Well, I just wish that you knew better.

Listen to me closely Cinders, because I'm only going to say this once.

I'm not promising I'll change, but it's better than nothing.

...Thank you. I'm glad we could speak with each other like this. Maybe this is the start of something better.

Don't get your hopes up. Anyway, it looks like dinner is nearly ready, so I'm leaving. Just make sure to hurry.

I will.

See you later.

Wait, Sophia.


I suppose so...

I can't believe we actually had that conversation! That was definitely unexpected. I need some time to think it over. The meal is nearly done anyway. All that's left is to get one of the servants to cook the rest right before it is served. I really need to get out and gather my thoughts. Everyone is busy, so I'm sure no one will notice if I sneak out.

As I thought, everyone is busy right now. I don't have much time before dinner, but I'm sure I could sneak out and be back in time. All that talk about my mother reminded me that I haven't been to her grave in a long time. It might be dangerous to sneak out during the day, but I don't know if I'll get another chance. I'll just have to move as quickly as I can.

Mother's grave isn't hard to find. It's guarded by a statue of an angel crying gracefully. Father's idea. Looking at how much pain the angel is in, it's clear that Father took Mother's death very badly. I can't bring myself to look away from the statue. I'm sorry, Father. The grave must be in terrible condition by now. I haven't had time to care for it. Wait, the grave is clean! Not just clean, but polished as well. Someone must be caring for it.
Step away from the grave!

Who's there!?

What are you talking about? I'm not a grave robber!
Of course you aren't. And I'm theHold on, I know you! You're Carmosa's stepdaughter!

I am. I suppose you know Carmosa?
Know Carmosa? Of course not. But I sure know you!

Well, I guess you have an advantage over me, then. I have no idea who you are.

Madame Ghede, as in the witch that everyone talks about?

So you HAVE heard of me. The stories they tell are an exaggeration, though. Those half-wits label anything they don't understand as dangerous. Even more so, seeing as I'm a woman who's smarter than they are. I suppose it frightens them. Although it doesn't stop them from running to me any time they have a problem they can't fix.