Part 32: Goon Playthrough - Part 32

There's nothing impressive about fighting three terrified ruffians who can do little more than hide behind a child. And there's certainly no honor in killing them.

But you didn't have a choice. They would have killed that poor child if you hadn't stepped in.

That is true, but that doesn't mean that I should be proud of what I did. There's no glory in killing, and it's a shame that things had to end the way they did.

Hm... I think I understand. Even so, I think you did the right thing, and you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. There aren't many men in this world who can handle the sort of responsibility that you take on.

You're an interesting girl. Might I know your name?

I'm called Cinders.

An odd choice. Well, my name is Perrault.

I see. Then I wish you well, Cinders.

I've spent the whole day in the town and what a day it was! I guess time flies when you're having interesting chats with people you normally have no chance to talk to. Oh, how I wish life was a fairy tale and I could do that everyday! And yet life is what it is and I have never been able to stay in town past sunset. When I was a child, I had to head back to the residence for safety.
And then Carmosa entered the picture and took over. But even without her I would have been a bit detached from the town's life. I might dress and work like every other girl here, but I still live in a mansion quite some distance from town. I have no real friends here except Tobias. I hear no news, no gossip. I really don't know what their life is about. Sure, my own life is safer, and probably more luxurious. But I wonder what it would be like to live here. Be a normal town girl, wake up to the sounds of life and excitement on the street. Get out of bed knowing a myriad of things await me when I walk out the door. That life goes by fast and an adventure might begin around each corner. Then again, if some town girl looked outside the window right now and saw mewhat would she think? She would probably remember her own boring chores, the constant danger of hogwash flung from high windows to the street.
I need to stop daydreaming. It's getting really late. My 'golden cage' awaits, and the two sweet singing birds I share it with are going to screech their lungs out if I stay here any longer. And I wouldn't want to give them reason to worry, much less an excuse for picking on me!

I used to love returning home when my Father was alive. I miss sharing the events of the day with him. Now it just seems like a grim prison. And my parole has just been revoked.

One would expect that after years of serving in this house you would remember such things!

I tried to make it quick and I think I've made it back at a reasonable hour. But if you have any objections

No, I'm just glad you've made it home shortly after sunset. I was starting to get worried. Woods can be treacherous after nightfall.

Oh, thank you for your concern. I don't think you need to worry about me.

I need to worry about everything in this house. If I don't, nobody would and everything will fall apart. Can't these servants do anything right?

It's not such a big deal. The house looks as good as it does when Carmosa is here, so you don't need to worry

Thank you, but I do. But I have no time to explain it to you now. You can go to your room and read or do whatever you see fit. There are some leftovers form dinner in the kitchen, if you are hungry.

Alright. Thank you.

And there she goes. Too bad, we almost had a normal conversation. Maybe it's for the better. I'm too tired to even talk and I would kill for some sleep. I should grab this opportunity to go to bed early and rest. All in all, it was an eventful day.
The next morning...

...I'm awake. I'll be right there. I'll get to work in a minute.

No, it's not about that. I just need to talk to you.

Alright Gloria, what is it? What is so important that you have to speak with me at this hour?

At this hour? You mean noon? I wanted to speak with you about the way you've been behaving these past few days.

Now there goes my nice morning... Or afternoon.

Listen, I realize we were never really on the best of terms, but what has been going on recently is something new indeed.

What are you talking about, Gloria?! I didn't do anything!

Oh, you didn't do anything outright destructive. You are far too smart for that. But do you think I haven't noticed all the little jabs at me? You take every opportunity to undermine my efforts and make my life harder. Really, I don't know what's happening to you, Cinders. Do you think I'm stupid or that I don't have any feelings?

I'm trying to understand you, I really am. But it seems like you are revelling in this chaos you are creating; as if you wanted things to fall apart. Despite the efforts of all those who want to keep things together.

This is where we differ, Gloria. True, our relationship was never civil, but I think I'm beginning to understand why. We may be a 'family' but we are not alike. All I'm trying to do is survive in this madhouse as unscathed as possible. What seems like chaos to you is freedom for me. Besides, let's face it, Gloria, things are already broken. Only Carmosa and you are still pretending that you can glue them back together, like some ugly heirloom everybody hates.

Typical answer of an angry child. Do you even realize that you have managed to describe the house, all of us, as if it was all about you? It is such a shame that Mother taught me so well about the importance of family. It must have made me naïve. Because I have hope that you will mature one day.

Yes, become an adult, a person who is able to grasp a larger picture, go beyond one's own interests. Also someone who can sacrifice personal happiness for the greater good of the house. If it is necessary. I don't deny that it can be difficult at times, but we are not children anymore. We must realize how we all depend on Carmosa and support her in any way we can.

I see. Well, it certainly doesn't play well with my idea of maturity. Especially that part about 'supporting' Carmosa.

Of course you would say that. Just like you, Mother CAN be a difficult person to get along with, I admit. But her intentions are good! Think about the way she is putting all her strength into giving us a good life. And if you still doubt her, try imagining our lives without her.

Don't mind if I do.

How long do you think this house would last with her gone?

Does the Hug Train 2015 truly have no more stops?