Part 38: Goon Playthrough - Part 38

But what puzzles me even more is how come you knew it'd be interesting for her in the first place? You would have to know her pretty well to figure that. This has something to do with your past, doesn't it? You've been working for her for quite some time, haven't you?

Fine! There is one thing! A wee detail. Really nothing!

Really, nothing?

I knew this rumour would be worth a lot for the lady, you know? I know her and know what she's like.

So you did work for her before. What did you do?

I might have given her a hand earlierwith the Ball, love. So she could get in.


Help them how?!

Oh, let's just say it required a bit of quality craftsmanship.

You mean you forged invitations for them?

Me? Sure I didn't! Me talent's knowing folks with talents of their own. Got them invitations from a friend. Reckoned the ol' lady's a bit dim, if she thought nobody'd notice she got in with fake papers. But hey, who is me humble person to doubt a noble lady and her ways of spending money?

And that's how you learned how important the Ball was for her... So when you heard about the masquerade you told her about that as well. As you said, she could get into the Ball with the fake papers but she would risk getting recognized. Not so much if it's a masked ball and that's why this information was worth so much to her!

Aye. See? It's only a wee job, a nil. Only natural this bloke forgot all about it, eh?

Oi! Lassie? You even listening? Can I go now? A man can handle only so many stressful events in one day, you realize?

this could be my leverage. What? Oh, yes. You can do what you wish. You already helped me a lot. Oh, Carmosa. Your secrets really are your greatest weakness.

Who would have thought our friend was such an able business person. He sure gets around!

Oh yes, let us concentrate on the aptitude of the unimportant guy. The big problem and potential scandal is not going anywhere anyhow.

I'm sorry, Cinders. It's just a big surprise for me. As well as information of some consequence. He's just a vagabond you see, and everyone recognises him as one. And I have hired him numerous times. Always for some minor and menial tasks. And yet here he is, a sparkling potential criminal mastermind. Who would have
Criminal mastermind? Uh, okay. Pretty sure you have to not sell out your accomplices at the drop of a beat-up hat to qualify for that.

Tobias, concentrate! What is the subject of this conversation?

Oh, this is hard. Ermm... Not him then?

Very good. See, you can do it if you try hard enough.

I have no idea yet. Do you think this could get Carmosa into prison?

Is that what you want?

I'm not sure yet. I'm just weighing my options.

Well in that caseit definitely could be used against her. But would it suffice? I'm not so sure.

Do you think I should try to get her arrested?

Those are just some of the factors you should take into consideration. Take your time to think it over.

That actually sounds very wise. And not entirely unhelpful. Thank you. I guess I'll go for a walk around the city and think about it.

Sounds like a pleasant idea. Would you like some company?

Thank you, but I think I will stick to your advice.

Of course. I suppose you deserve some time to yourself to think and discover what you really want. I'm sorry, I did not want to intrude.

By no means. Thank you for your offer. I just want to take a solitary walk, that is all.

Well, if you need any support, or just feel like chattingyou know where to find me.

Thank you, Tobias. See you soon.

If I'm going to miss the freedom to do something, then above all else it's going to be the freedom to wander about whenever I please. When I walk with no specific goal, no destination, I can just switch off and observe my thoughts jumping into their little drawers. With each step I can feel my muscles relaxing.
And strolling through the market has its moments too. I saw the most gorgeous shoes! Not that I can ever afford them. They were crazily expensive! I get that they were imported from the Eastern Lands but at that price they should be made of diamonds and dragon skin! Who buys something like that? I mean, I know I would if I could. But that's beside the point, right?
Ah, forget about it. No reason to dwell on such things. I still haven't decided what to do with my newly gained knowledge. Everything about this business screams that I should use it as leverage but I don't know how. Not yet. At least it gives me some space, some secure distance from Carmosa, knowing that I know about one of her precious secrets.
It's getting late, I should be heading back home. Time to say goodbye to freedom.

"Hello, Cinders."

How are you doing? You look a bit upset.

Do I? Oh no, quite the contrary. I've just got back from a very nice walk. Cleared my mind of trouble. And what are you doing here, Captain?

I was just about to begin my evening patrol.
Also, do people prefer this update's Portrait-quote format to the previous Portrait-space?