Part 50: Goon Playthrough - Part 50

And for your children and their children! You'll be very lucky to find a single man in the Kingdom willing to court you after the display you gave tonight!

And good riddance.

What did you say?!

Mother, look! There's some commotion in the ballroom. I think someone important has arrived.

Indeed. Whoever that is, they can afford to be late, so I'm guessing it really has to be someone important.

That is a mighty fine dress.

Wait! Is that? I think I know her.

I don't applaud her lack of punctuality but she certainly knows how to make an entrance. I wonder who she might be?

I don't think punctuality is among the top qualities expected from a future queen.

What about stunning looks?

Not a prerequisite, but then again, neither is courage, and this one clearly has plenty of both. Watch out, my Prince, she is coming.

Good evening, my Lady. Now if you'll please excuse me, My Prince.

Even those who care little for appearances must accept the fact that people still judge others by their looks. That's why proper preparations have to take time.

And if I may judge, the outcome is positively stunning.

Flattery is a very pleasant way of showing others we want something from then. So what is it that you want in this situation, my Prince? Is it an obedient wife? A wife consort? Or just someone to keep you warm at night? Do not get me wrong, Your Highness. I do empathise with your complicated situation and understand you must have a wife to be crowned.

I can see you don't hold social conventions in high regard. That is quite an accurate description of my predicament though. And yet, understanding this, you are here. Don't tell me it's to taste wine from the royal cellars.

Oh, so there is a spark of curiosity behind that cold inquisitive look? There is nothing more natural than being attracted to power, my Lady.

I didn't say I was attracted to it, I merely stated that I find itand those who wield itintriguing. For example, what kind of person does one have to be to be a good ruler?

A sound philosophical question. Worthy of the author of 'The Duke'. And what are your views on the matter?

Although her approach may at times be cynical or overly instrumental, I believe that Levia Malich managed to describe power in its actual rather than ideal form.

An independent judgment from a well-read Lady, how very refreshing! I always regretted the fact that such a fine scholar as Lady Malich does not hail from our Kingdom. Perhaps I was simply blind to the treasures of our realm? The fact that some women do in fact receive education even in this backwater land.

To be honest, I am pretty powerless. Being a prince mostly entitles me to living in more comfortable quarters than, say, the town's innkeeper. But I don't get even a fraction of his power. But assuming I were a king already, what would you have me do, my lady? What changes would satisfy the subtle tastes of a learned modern woman such as you?

I might have read a few books, but I am not a politician. I can speak generally of injustices that require mending or errors which need to be corrected. I believe the Kingdom would benefit from reforms and a more modern style of government.

Isn't that a polite way of saying that monarchy is obsolete?

Not necessarily. An enlightened ruler may balance novelty and freedom with stability and tradition. As long as he keeps those who could threaten him either too satisfied or too afraid to rise up against him.

Against him or her, I would add.

I must admit, you are an intriguing young woman, my Lady. Very different from the rest of the people who came her today. They don't seem to be even slightly bothered by the masks they have to wear. I wonder, if it's so because they wear them every single day as well? But you are different. You may be wearing a mask, but you speak to me plainly and honestly, risking being misunderstood or simply rejected. I can appreciate that, even if you did leave me a bit flabbergasted.

I know exactly what you mean, Your Highness. Being raised in a place filled with deceit and spite I learned very well the value of masks. When threatened, people will rather forget who they are than risk being hurt. And if their surroundings require it, they will lose themselves forever, only to survive. We are all slaves to conventionfrom a servant to a Lord.

I must admit, I find the dictum terrifying. That all of us are merely actors on some stage set out for us.

Be it others, or Fate. Being determined by things we can't control is frightening. I know it all too well.

You speak of your family?

I am. It isn't a light story, Your Highness. Definitely not a topic for a polite and charming conversation to make the time pass more pleasantly.

How could I refuse you, my Prince. Well, my mother died in labor, bringing me into this world. My father eventually remarried a woman who already had two daughters. He died soon after that. So now I live with a stepmother and her two daughters.

That is strange, I've never heard of a noble house with three daughters and no father. I recall one family of a widow and two daughters, though. How is it possible, my Lady?

CarI mean, Stepmother doesn't see me as one of her daughters. She allows me to stay in her house under one condition: I work as a servant for bed and board. Those who are familiar with the family know of my existence. As for others, I wouldn't be surprised if she told everyone she has two daughters and that is that.

That's unbelievable!

I did warn you about this topic. It isn't very entertaining.

No, I'm glad you've told me about it. It showed me how ignorant I still am, and how little I know about my own realm.

Look at me babbling like a lunatic. You must be wondering whatever happened to royal manners? I forced you to speak about things which you must find painful during a Ball. When we're supposed to be taking our minds off unpleasant things. Please, allow me to make amends. Would you do me the honor?

Oh, I'm not really a dancer

Don't worry, my Lady, I will show you.

You're doing fine, my Lady.

Fate? And what is it that really brought me here tonight? Do you truly believe it was some mystical force?

I can imagine getting here must have been difficult for you. Considering your situation.

To put it mildly, yes. But I wouldn't call it Fate, my Prince. To the contrary, if it was up to Fate, I'd be cleaning the dishes this very moment. No, Your Highness. The only reason I'm here is because I do not believe in any force other than my own ability to influence the world around me. I choose to shape my life in any way that I can, and take responsibility for the consequences of my actions. Having it any other way is cowardice.

A commendable attitude, my Lady. This may not be the wisest thing to say at the moment but I'll say it anyway: I consider myself lucky to have met you tonight, my Lady.

Luck or not, I'm glad as well. Very glad to be here with you, Prince.

Neither can I. Let's assume you haven't.

I can't get enough of looking into them. They have these amazing dancing sparks inside them. They suit you more than well. They speak of wit and intelligence.

Now I'm sure you haven't complimented my eyes. Please, do continue. What else do you find attractive?

I will, then. I adore watching your lips as well. They move so gracefully when you speak, as if conveying a promise.

And what promise have you read from them?

I dare not say it. Let's move on: your neck

Skip the neck, Prince. What about my chest?

'Chest' is not the word I'd use.

And what word would you prefer?

Nice tits!

I'd love to get to know you better, my Lady.

You will have your chance, my Prince. If you're persistent enough and constant in your ambition.

You really are incredible, my Lady.

SystemLogoff posted:
: He's all yours sister.
: Perfect.