Part 52: Goon Playthrough - Ending

Thank you, Perrault. Welcome to the Palace, my lady! I trust the Captain explained everything on your way here?

Needless modesty, my Lady. You certainly weren't this bashful making your entrance during the Ball.

In that dress, and of course the mask, I felt like I was wearing armor. I was impervious to the looks and judgments of other people. Now I'm back to my old self and rags don't offer the same protection. Suddenly I feel like an ordinary girl standing before a prince.

'Ordinary' is hardly among the traits you possess, which makes you exactly the person I was looking for. So, there's nothing more to say, but simply 'pop the question' as 'ordinary people' say? Do you agree, my Lady?

Do you agree to become my wife and the Queen of the realm? You do realize that selecting the right candidate was the purpose of the Grand Ball?

Yes, I realize that. It's simply very difficult to believe, butoh, HeavensYes! Of course I agree, how could I refuse?!

Very well! You are making me a very happy man, indeed. A word of warning, though: I'm expecting my reign to be a rather turbulent one. Not all will welcome the changes I plan with open arms. We'll be facing upheavals, I'm afraid. It means I will be needing support, counsel, and criticism from a strong and independent queen.

Oh, I feel so silly! Just a few hours ago it felt like I had it all figured out. And now I'm standing here, babbling like a lunatic. I hope you know what you're doing, choosing me for the part, my Prince. Right now I'm nothing more than an awestruck servant girl. I mean, I don't even know you, Your Highness. And I really have no idea what I'm getting myself into. But for what it's worth, I agree and promise to do my best.

Ha! You worry too much, my Lady. Your reaction gives you more credit than you realize. Don't worry, you'll become a great queen. I am certain of it.
A few hours earlier...

Charming as usual, love. Never big on those social niceties, guess I can't blame

What do you want!?

Me? Oh, you know me, I want nothing. I've everything I need! Except some information about that pet project of yours, maybe?

Listen to me, old man. I have no time to play your games. Ask me and begone!

The girl, love. The little bird who wanted to fly free from her cage?

None of my business? Even after the small if not crucial part I played in her personal drama? Even you must admit that I was a bloody good supportive actor, eh?

That's 'supporting' and yes, you had your part in all of this. Alright, it doesn't really matter now, anyway. If you must know all is going well. I'll keep the word I gave to Cinders' mother and help her achieve the goal she chose for herself.

Will you, love? That's a tad unlike the Ghede I remember, bending this gal's path according to your own whim, playing her like she was your doll? Weren't you always the one with the mouth full of those nice words, like 'independence'? Not so big on practicing what you preach, though? Oh well, methinks it must be difficult to let people make up their own mind when there's so little time, and you were in a hurry to run as usual, eh Ghede?

Haha! Some achievement that is! The girl's born pretty as a picture, smart as a demon, and protected by friends her Mother made and bound by a dying wish. Now that's a mighty fine start for being 'independent' and 'making one's own decisions'.

Bitterness takes the better of you, old man.
This game apparently operates on anime rules, where anyone over 25 is ancient and might as well retire.

That it does, Madame, that it does. Guess freedom ain't what it used to be, eh love?

Cinders broke from her stepmother's clutches and paved a new path for herself. Now she truly is free to do whatever she wishes with the rest of her life. In my book that's a success, 'love'.

Nah, you don't really believe she can keep up that stout pose for long, now do you love? We both know what will happen when all her crutches leave her. No Carmosa to blame and no mysterious friend to look up to, the bird will get swept in the wind. But you fulfilled the promise given to her mother, so your conscience is free.

Ooh, careful now, love. You don't make the same impression when your voice's all shaky. I must've hit a soft spot under this pretty armor, eh?

I... need to pack. I'll be leaving soon. Now let me be.

Yes, run. Show us the strong and independent spirit you really are. You'll run out of cities one day.

She quickly overshadows her more idealistic husband, marginalizing his role and taking most power for herself, changing the Kingdom into autocracy. While the dungeons are full of her political enemies, her way of ruling proves to be very effective, and she comes down in history as the starter of the new Golden Age.

Although, not all of them could be read to children.

The witch reluctantly accepts the offer, and while she never feels quite at home in the Palace, her no-nonsense approach helps the new Queen in securing her rule.
The court life fully absorbs the young Queen and she loses contact with her old family. Lady Carmosa and her daughters never visit the Palace. From what Cinders heard, the situation in the household turns for the worse after her stepmother's bitter defeat. They live their lives in seclusion, isolated from the rest of the noble society.

The End!
...Wait a second. "Cold and ruthless"? Political prisoners? While this is pretty awesome and hilarious, it seems a little out of character, doesn't it? I thought we were on the Hug Train?
Well, we kind of were. The game tracks four possible attributes for Cinders to have based on dialogue choices. This doesn't just affect endings, but also changes lines and choices. One big example is that if Cinders hasn't been played as smart enough, she won't be able to find out about Carmosa forging Ball invitations.
The attributes relevant to this ending are how "nice" and how "smart" she acts throughout the game. Being a smart Cinders results not just from acting intelligent and perceptive, but also cynical and manipulative. And we were so cynical (by which I mainly mean not believing in magic or fate) that we weren't able to meet the Fairy until almost the end of the game. Incidentally, playing Cinders this way is also where the book-learning came from. There were a few scenes in the beginning establishing her love of reading, but those were a while ago, true.
So, if our "smart" score ends up highest of the four when we marry the Prince, this ending is the result. Our friendliness was only off our intelligence by one or two points this run. What would have happened if niceness had won out?

She is loved by her people, and her strength and wisdom are exactly the support the young King needs to push forward with his reforms. Together, they are able to realize their plans of forming a constitution for the Kingdom, starting a new era of prosperity in its history.
The rest of the ending proceeds as before. Yes, even the part about her stepfamily. We weren't able to resolve that mess... this playthrough!
For the next one, there are a lot of things that can go differently, many minor, some huge. Some require a relatively deep knowledge of the game, or luck, so I'll show off the ones I think are neat when the time is right. You can also request alternate paths, such as what happens at the Ball if we didn't connect with Sophia, and I'll either show them or at least explain them if there is little to show. For now, I'm going to hold a vote for the key things to do next game:
--Should Cinders go to the Fairy or to Madame Ghede for help?
--Should Cinders attempt to retake her house, marry the Prince, or leave the Town behind?
--Who should she romance: Tobias, Perrault, or no one? (The Prince is also an option, but you have to choose the marriage ending to get him.)
The options with the most votes in each category will be the main choices I pursue in the next game. No, none of the categories are mutually exclusive. It's possible to marry the Prince and have a romance with someone else.