Part 55: Run 2 - Part 3

I had such a strange dream last night. It felt more real than any I've had before. I wonder what it meant. I suppose time will tell. Time to get up and see what the day has in store for me.
What the day has in store:
Sisters arguing!

We actually have to call them both hopeless, because siding with Gloria will piss off Sophia too much for her to ride the Hug Train in this playthrough. It's usually the better option though. If you want both of them on your side, the general strategy is to side with Gloria when they're both in the same room, and Sophia when they're not. Sophia has more solo scenes to increase your relationship.
Going to town, and telling Gloria!

Despite her initial greeting, she is well disposed toward us enough in this run to not refuse outright.

Do you need anything from town? I could pick it up for you while I'm there. You'd save the time you might have spent going there yourself. We'll both win.

That's not a bad proposal at all. I do have a list of things we need from the general store. You know the man who runs it, don't you?

Do you mean Tobias?

Yes, I believe that's his name. I trust that you'll be able to fetch all of these things before nightfall?

Not a problem. Give me the list, and I'll take care of it. Thanks.
Going to town! But first the Lake. Going to the town saves you time, but going to the Lake continues the Fairy plotline.

Though, I have to admit, I'm a little bit disappointed. I guess I was really hoping that someone would be waiting here for me. Well, the voice in the dream asked me to bring a gift. And that's what my Father would do, too... I think I'll gather some wild flowers and wrap them in my shawl. A beautiful bouquet should be a nice gift. I'll just place it by this tree... Hm, nothing's happening. Yeah, I don't suppose I was expecting anything, anyway. It must have been just a dream. In the end, real life is more exciting than dreams and fairy tales. For instance, this place is so tranquil and beautiful. Even if it's not magical, I feel so at peace. I just want to lie down in the grass, close my eyes, and let my problems drift away. Actually, that sounds like such a good idea right about now. This is my day to do what I please with. If I want to take a nap, I will.

Mmm...... That's strange. Everything's so quiet. The wind is picking up so suddenly!

D-did the wind just call my name? Who's there!? ...No one's there. I suppose it was just the wind playing tricks on me. Creepy.

Th-then who are you? Who am I speaking with?
You are speaking with us. Naturally.

But I don't see anyone.
How can you not see us when we are everywhere around you?

I don't understand. How do you even know my name?
We know you because you left gifts for us, just as your mother and father did before you. Surely you know us. You wouldn't leave gifts if you didn't know who they were for.

So... you're fairies? Am I dreaming?

Makes sense... I guess. Well, what do you want from me?
We have no desire for anything from you. You're the one who seeks our aid, do you not?

I suppose so... Do I get a wish or something?
If it's the right wish, then yes.

Then I wish for...
The time is not yet right, Cinders. Do not worry. When the moment comes, you will know, and the Lake owes you a favor.

It would if you were awake. But herein between wakefulness and dreamsit is as it should be. You are leaving now, but we will meet again.

Wait, I'm leaving? Where? What do you mean...

To town, to visit Madame Ghede!

This choice isn't terribly important, except to give us a small amount of smart/good/bad points. Similarly for the next one about what our plans are, except that one greatly changes our relationship with Ghede. I chose "I'll wait for my chance," resulting in a bit of a debate. Highlights:

The parting is slightly colder than last time as a result.

Going to see Tobias. We could go to the inn first, but then it would be nightfall and we would automatically go home, missing out on some Tobias flirting and giving him Gloria's shopping list. The scene with the Captain is basically the same if done another day, anyway.
This time, we take a flirtatious approach.

You missed me? But it's only been two days since we last saw each other.

As do I. And even though it was only two days, I missed you, too.

I'm glad to hear that.

With Carmosa out of town, maybe we'll be able to see each other more often?

She'll only be gone for two days, unfortunately.

That's too bad. Things might change for the better, though. As the saying goes, 'Where there's a will, there's a way'.

Well, I need to get going now. Gloria will have a fit if I don't return early. She's taking her role as house guardian VERY seriously.

I can imagine. Your sister has always been serious about everything.

That's true. She tries so hard to be like Carmosa. I know she means well, but it's truly annoying.*
*If we hadn't managed to get a decent relationship with Gloria, this line would instead be "She is NOT my sister.", etc. There are a lot of little differences in the script like that.

Oh! That reminds me, I promised Gloria I'd give you a list of items we need.

Alright. Let me have a look at it. Hm... This isn't a problem. I can deliver all of these things within three or four days.
After some more reminiscing, but before Cinders leaves-

Yes? What is it?

I've really enjoyed seeing you again. I missed our time together as children. But more than that, I miss our time together now as adults. You've changed into such an intelligent and beautiful woman. I was wondering if you'd like to dine with me tonight. I'd love to have more time to talk with you.

Wait... Are you asking me out?

Yes, I am. What would you say? We might not have this opportunity after Carmosa returns.

I'd love to! Gloria might be angry if I return late, but I hardly care about that.

Wonderful! So it's a date, then. Wait for me at the town square at dusk. I'll join you once I close up the shop.

I'll be there. Take care, Tobias.

I really should head back home. Why did I agree to go out with Tobias tonight, again? I must have been out of my mind. If I do go out with him and get back late, Gloria will surely throw a fit. And she does not look pretty when that happens. I should bring a shield. A big one to fend off the insults she will surely aim at me. Does Tobias sell shields? Probably not. But he is a good friend. And that is a rare thing, at least for me it is. My life does not offer a lot of opportunities for friendship. And tonight I am also risking spoiling the one I have. It is a bit too late for second thoughts though. I have made the decision and I will have to deal with the consequences when they come. Might as well just sit on the bench here, relax and watch the sunset. Tobias is sure to finish work soon...

Hell, if a week ago someone told me I would consider Tobias 'a man.' The same 'man' that tried to bet everyone he'd eat an earthworm and considered sneaking up and pulling other childrens' pants down a lot of fun. Yet here I am, waiting for him. He ought to be here by now. He really should hurry up, before I change my mind.

You should be. And I should storm out of here sulking. Why did I wait, I wonder.

Because you want to spend the evening with a brilliant young man who offers an interesting, sparkling conversation?

Oh, so you brought someone with you?

Ok, maybe I deserved that. But please don't be mad. I have a very good excuse for being late. There was this fat man at my store. He had a big, curved up mustache and he was really huge

I'm serious. There WAS an enormously large customer in my shop. He was picking chocolates and candy. He wandered around asking about this and that, unable to make any decision. He sampled every single edible thing I have for sale. And even then it took him what seemed like hours to make up his mind and choose the kind he wanted. I had to give him a discount as fat as he was to finally get rid of him and be able to come here.

Oh, how chivalrous of you to put me before your own profit!

Always, milady. mmmmmmmmilady.

So how about that sparkling conversation you offered? What topic shall we begin with?

Oh, I'm not a good interlocutor when I'm hungry. I don't know about you, but I am starving right now. What would you say about a trip to the inn? I know the place is a bit shady, but I know the owner, so we can be sure to find a free table. Your waist is so slim I half expect you not to eat at all and live solely on air and sunshine. But you simply have to try their ribs! So how about it?

Sounds good!

I am glad to hear that. After you...

I apologize, Cinders. I'm just really hungry. Believe it or not, but a busy day at the store can sometimes be as wearisome as

Chopping wood?

Guess you could say that. That or carrying water from the well. Or working stone at a quarry.

I wouldn't know about the quarry, but water and wood seem all too familiar to me.

Of course, I'm sure they would be. How silly of me to complain to you about hard work. I apologize.

I shall never be caught denying a request of a lady. Now let's get that meal. Where are my manners, you're my guest so it's only proper if you order first.

You're too kind, sir. Believe me, I'm not used to this kind of treatment but I think I'm beginning to like it. As for the meal I'll get what you're having. No time to lose, if we want to save you from certain death. You really shouldn't be eating supper this late you realize? It's neither healthy, nor polite.

Oh, I see. This is about my not-so-chivalrous lack of punctuality.

A knight really shouldn't keep his princess waiting, or he may end up feeling hungrier than the dragon.

Oh my. That didn't come out right... Just in time, the drinks are here. Please excuse me while I grown myself and die of disgrace.

Tobias, you really need to relax a bit. You seem to be even more nervous than I am. Besides, I have more reasons to feel uneasy right now. Not only should I be home already, soundly sleeping in my bed like any decent lady should be at this hour... Or helping the servants with their evening routineas I should be according to Carmosa. I also shouldn't be... Oh, I don't know. Playing a princess, I guess.

If you're referring to us going for a date... Because I'm not really sure I'm still following this fairytale metaphor thing we've got going on. Maybe we could start speaking more plainly from now on?

Yes, Tobias. I'd like that. Even fairy tales shouldn't be too convoluted.

I think I know what you're trying to say. It does feel strange to go out like this. I mean, we've known each other since childhood.

Exactly. It's like one moment we're children playing guards and bandits

Fiends and fortresses.

Or dens and doctors.

I don't think I remember that one.

You're right of course. But isn't this the point of being all grown-up? Being able to play games without anyone telling you to

Play them safely?

Yeah. I guess we're not children anymore and we can't do this the same way that we used to. Being nervous is only a sign that we're aware enough of what may happen, what may already be happening. Children are carefree due to ignorance which we can no longer afford.

A very keen observation, Cinders. I think you've managed to grasp exactly what is going on right now. Which isn't really surprising, since you're the one who has arranged this situation. I may not be as observant as you, and certainly not as good with words, but... What I want to say is that I think... Oh, I don't know.

Oh come on, now you have to tell me! What is it?

Alright. I got the impression that you've been flirting with me for the last few days. Now I may be just a humble merchant, but reading people comes with the trade. And you certainly weren't this nice before.

Because I think it would be amusing and/or disastrous, I am turning this date back over to goon democracy. Because if anyone knows how to have a smooth date, it's goons. What should we say here?
(Also note, we haven't necessarily locked ourselves out of romance scenes with Perrault by doing any of this, so don't worry.)