Part 57: Run 2 - Part 5
Let's ask about Tobias's love life. This should be good.

What's going on inside his heart?

Haha... You can be very inquisitive, Cinders! The answer is very boring: I simply haven't found the right woman yet.

But how is that possible? I'm sure there were, and are, dozens of ladies dreaming about becoming Mrs. Tobias.

Oh, of course there were. Scores of them! I'm joking, Cinders. But you're right, there were some... candidates. Nothing more than that. It never lasted very long with any of them.

It's not that, I'm not very picky. The problem lies elsewhere. Most of the girls I met weren't really interested in me. You said it yourself, CindersI am a shopkeeper. People see my store and they know that I'm doing well. When they look at me, what do you think they see? An investment. Those girls I used to meet with, most of them didn't even bother to act like they were really interested. What they were offering was a deal, a transactiontheir good looks and company for my stability and financial security.
Ah, a budding Men's Rights Activist.

Are you trying to tell me that girls don't dream about true romance anymore? I'm sure some of them were looking for a prince rather than a purse.

You're right. There was that one girl... Are you sure you want me to tell you about it?

Tobias, I wouldn't be asking out of false politeness. I really want to know.

Alright. There was this one girl. She was pretty and really nice. She really seemed to be interested in meshe always looked at me when we were talkingunlike some of the other girls. She was really paying attention to my every word. And she had a very cute smile too. I thought she really liked me.

And? What went wrong?

It's a little embarrassing, really... After a while I noticed that the reason she looked at me so intensely each time we were talking, was becauseWell... I really shouldn't be too critical. She was very nice you see.

She stared at me because she didn't understand most of the words I was using, and she thought I was reciting her poetry.

...She thought what?

I told you it's embarrassing! She wasn't very bright, you know. And alsoShe would sometimes breathe through her mouth, also while eating or drinking...

Oh, it was a disaster, Cinders. I tried to explain it to myself that it's actually an asset, that she's original.

One in a million!

But it drove me mad eventually. I realized that spending my entire life with her would be quite hellish. Eventually, we had nothing to talk about, nothing to share. It was dull.

I see. I never realized how difficult it must befinding a good wife. Now that you've told me all that, I wonder who that would be actually. What is she likethe perfect candidate for Mrs. Tobias?

Oh, I'm not asking for that much. She has to be smart. Beautiful. Supportive. And faithful.

Are you sure women like that walk this earth? Or maybe you're imagining some fairytale princess?

A princess? Oh no! Heaven forbid! My ideal woman exists, I know she does!


And what about you, Cinders? Has some dashing prince caught your eye recently, by any chance?

Practically a prisoner at my own home, I can hardly leave without Carmosa trying to control my every step. I can't really afford to fall for anyone and I don't think about it that much.

Looks like yet another dream that woman has stripped you of. I'm sorry, Cinders.

Oh yes, it was delicious, thank you Tobias!

Would you like to go for a walk then? I can tell you're just as stuffed as I am, and there's nothing nicer than having a stroll after a decent meal. Besides, the town looks really picturesque in the evening. Have you ever had a chance to see it?

Yes, it's very beautiful, I know. And strolls aren't very high on Carmosa's list of the things I should be doing...

It's decided then, let's go!

Still, it's quite lateare you sure it's safe to just walk around?

Haha, don't worry, what could possibly happen... You're with me!
Uh... yeah. Sure.

Alright Mr. Poet, let's go!

Ha ha!

Well, it IS a GENERAL store, after all.

I'm glad you liked my stories. Usually I can't really share them with anyone, salesman's ethics, you know.

Well, I guess I should really thank you for sharing them with me then. And thanks for this evening, I had a great time.

I really missed talking with you and I didn't even realize it. I feel like I've met this different person tonight. I've learned quite a lot about her.

You already knew me very well, Tobias.

That's what I'm trying to say: I didn't. At least not like this. You can hardly compare the relationship we had as children to us talking now. Besides, that connection was weakened when your father died. Do you remember that? One day we were talking at least once a week, and the other you were the customer, and I was the merchant.
Pretty sure she remembers her dad dying, bro.

Those weren't the happiest of times.

I could tell you were suffering, but wasn't even able to reach out to you. And after that it just stayed that way. We would only speak about groceries or how much money Carmosa was willing to spend.

Tobias? Do you think I've changed?

Of course you did. You used to be a girl and now, there is this clever and beautiful woman standing in front of me.
Clever might be a bit of an overstatement in this run...

Oh? Tell me more about her! Would you say that she is also likable?

Quite a lot, to be honest.

...Since we're being honest, I must say that you've grown up to be a very nice man.

Actually I am the one who got a real bargain this time. Thanks for agreeing to go out with me.

That's not exactly accurate. It was a pleasure for me as well, so it's hardly a bargain. More like a very fair and successful transaction.

I would totally pick the second option, but then Gloria wouldn't like us enough to get the best ending with her. Alas. I'll show it off another time though, for sure.

You're right, we've been talking for hours. Gloria must be out of her mind by now. Which means that it's probably the last time you see me alive. As soon as I walk through the door, she will murder me using the first thing that's heavy or sharp enough. Like a poisoned blade I always think she's hiding in all of that hair.

Actually, she looks more like a candlestick type of a murderer to me.

Maybe that's for the best. Would be a shame to see you murdered with a piece of décor.

Or killed by a bear for that matter. Would you like me to escort you through the dark forest on your way back home? I'm serious, Cindersit can be dangerous at this hour.

Now this is really nice of you, but I know the way well enough to easily evade the clutches of the big bad wolf.

Alright, I won't argue with you. I really hope you'll have another chance to come to town soon. I'd love to see you again, you know.

Yes, I'd like that.

So... I guess this is goodbye? For now?

Uh, obviously.

Haha! I doubt it was your first kiss, Tobias. If you're trying to play the innocent type you must know that I doubt that refraining from kissing people is a sign of innocence.

No, it's not like that at all. It's just special with you.

Oh my goodness, my poor Tobias. Are you actually blushing?

I think I am. Is that bad? I'm just really happy.

Well if you're happy then I'm happy as well. I'll make sure to come to town and pay you a visit as soon as possible.

Moment ruined, as is the way of their people.

And every coin that passes through your cashbox! I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. Of course, I wasn't thinking about your money when we kissed. Well, maybe a little bit. Have I told you about my taste for sapphires?

You are incredible. I'm trying to be chivalrous here!

Also rubies. Ooh, those are nice too!

Go already! Leave me to my pining. Oh woe is me! Sir Gallant has met his nemesis! And she was a redhead!

Take care, my dear Tobias!