Part 59: Run 2 - Part 7
So that went well! Next morning is much the same as last time, with Sophia wanting to come with Cinders to town, though a couple of lines are different.

I seriously doubt she's that naive.

Doesn't matter. The real question is: what did she want from you? Did she come to ask for help? So many hours without the chance to struggle for Carmosa's approval must've left the poor girl quite disturbed.

Come on, Sophia. Quit it already. She was actually quite nice to me, relatively speaking. She even had something to say for a change. I think that this was the first time we actually had a normal conversation.

Was she giving you advice on how to make yourself spineless? Or were you just discussing boys?

You really shouldn't go there or someone might think that you're jealous.

Because of your little chat? Please.

Seriously Sophia, you could really try talking to Gloria some day. Having tea with her without spiking hers with rat poison.

I see. I think you've just given me a bit too much information there, Sophia.

Oh, you're such a child sometimes. In case you didn't notice, we're living in the middle of a dangerous and unforgiving forest. This place is packed with wild, bloodthirsty predators. And whether we choose to see them or notthey exist.
We shoot Sophia down again, then head on our way. Only this time, we make a stop in the forest before going to town.

Alone, without anyone telling me what to do. That's how freedom feels. Though, today is a bit different. I know why I came here. That dream I had two days ago... I hadn't had the time to come here yesterday, but I know I must do it. Maybe it's a bit silly, but I won't rest until I find out if it was just a dream or something else.

Though, I have to admit, I'm a little bit disappointed. I guess I was really hoping that someone would be waiting here for me.

Leave a gift, of course. These fairies will eat our soul if we don't.

Let's be honest, I came here because of that dream. I might as well leave a gift like I intended to. I think I'll gather up some wild flowers and wrap them in my shawl. A beautiful boquet should be a nice gift.
If we had saved money during the trip to town for Carmosa and kept it for ourselves, we would have the option to leave it here for the Fairy. This would give us a larger opinion increase than just flowers, which does actually matter a bit.

Hm, nothing's happening. Well, I don't suppose I was expecting anything, anyway. It must have been just a dream. In the end, real life is more exciting than dreams and fairy tales. For instance, this place is so tranquil and beautiful. Even if it's not magical, I feel so at peace. I just want to lie down in the grass, close my eyes, and let my problems drift away. Actually, that sounds like such a good idea right about now. This is my day to do what I please with. If I want to take a nap, I will. This looks like a good spot. I'll just lie down here... Mmm...
That's strange. Everything's so quiet.
The wind is picking up so suddenly!

...No one's there. I suppose it was just the wind playing tricks on me. Creepy.
We are not wind.

Th-then who are you? Who am I speaking with?
You are speaking with us. Naturally.

But I don't see anyone.
How come you can not see us when we are everywhere around you?

I don't understand. How do you even know my name?

Surely you know us. You would not leave us gifts if you didn't know we would take them.

So... you're fairies? Am I dreaming?
Right now, you tread the delicate line between sleep and wakefulness. Soon you will be fully asleep.

Makes sense... I guess. Well, what do you want from me?
We have no desire for anything from you. You're the one who seeks our aid, are you not?

If it's the right wish, then yes.

Then I wish for...
The time is not yet right, Cinders. Do not worry. When the moment comes, you will know, and the Lake owes you a favor.

I'm not sure I understand. I get a wish, but only when you say it's okay? That's a bit convoluted.
It would if you were awake. But herein between wakefulness and dreamsit is as it should be. You are leaving now, but we will meet again.

Wait, I'm leaving? Where? What do you mean...

Does this mean the voice of the fairies was just a dream? Well, even the fairies themselves admitted that I was dreaming. Can a dream know it's just a dream?

Let's pick up some more naive/good points.

It didn't feel exactly like a dream. There was something very tangible about it, in a strange way. I should probably be more scared than I am, but I feel wonderful. Maybe I should ask Madame Ghede about this when I get the chance. She seems knowledgeable about things like this. She's a witch after all. I'd better get going, though. There's still a lot to do. I just hope I'll have a chance to come and take another nap here some day.

This scene is the same as before. Townswoman blames Ghede for her cow dying, Perrault intervenes, Ghede says she's leaving town soon. Frustratingly, Cinders still doesn't ask Ghede about the fairies. Then, off to see Tobias.

Hello, Cinders. What brings you to my humble establishment?

Oh, I was just around the town again and thought it'd be nice to drop by. No special reason.

I see you're well enjoying your newly-found freedom.
They have a chat about Cinders's conversation with Gloria, then the shady character shows up and fucks up. Once again, we made the right choices previously, so we're able to get him to start talking about his connection to Carmosa. Interestingly, remember this choice?

Which option works depends on Cinders's personality. A "good" Cinders can succeed by appealing to his morals, a "smart" one by focusing on his connection, and a "bad" one by threatening him. Here's the result of appealing to his morals.

This may seem like a whim to you, but it's not. I'm not the 'lassie' you take me for and I wouldn't be asking you all these questions, if it wasn't necessary. Honestly, do I look like a spoiled brat to you? Do you think I don't know hardship, that I get what I want with no trouble? For Carmosa and my sisters I'm no better than a servant. Every single day I'm reminded how little I'm worth and how disposable my life is. This is my only chance to prove them wrong! I MUST know.

Lassie... Life ain't peachy for either of us, innit love? And all we have is our smarts. But the ol' hag's a real demon. She'd claw me eyeballs out, if she knew I told one little bird everything.

You have nothing to fear from me. Carmosa will never know. Why would I want to tell her anything? I need to know how to break free from her clutches and her secrets are her biggest weakness. I need your help!

And there you have it. We discover that he got forged invitations for Carmosa and the sisters. After we discuss it with Tobias a bit, there's some new lines since the two of us are involved.

Oh, but you've just said I should be alone thinking.

I did. Damn my wisdom! I should have kept my mouth shut. I could enjoy your company a bit longer then.

Ah, but I agree with your advice. I think I do need some time alone to figure out what my life should be about. Please, don't get mad.

Thank you. It's new to me. I think this one time I just want to be alone for a little while and think. But I appreciate what you've just said a lot!

I meant it. I will be waiting here when you come back. Now just go and take the most discussed walk this year. I'll just stay here and miss you.

Thank you, Tobias. See you soon, my wise man.
But wait, there's more. As we're about to leave town, we run into the Captain again.

Yep, we still get the chance to join him on his patrol again. We say yes, of course.

Time to bust out the

Ah, but the pleasure is all mine. Though, I do feel the pleasure should be mutual at most times.

You certainly have a way of making a statement.

But honestly, you are a very interesting man. I am surprised I didn't have to elbow my way through a crowd of young women here. Strength and mystery in a man usually attracts them like honey lures wasps.

Oh do they?

But then such a confident, beautiful and smart woman as yourself is bound to have a circle of admirers at her whim. That is what men search for.

Do they really?

Of that I'm sure! I've just had no luck in finding such a person yet, but that does not mean that I admire such qualities less.

What can I say...

They talk about Ghede for a while, then...

Eh, I guess.
So the Captain of the Guard thinks we're hot shit, but we just had a lovely date with our childhood friend. Who will we end up with!? This is just like Twilight.