Part 62: Run 2 - Ending
Summarizing here, since the lines are the same for a while.

Summary over, now we're into the new stuff.

Let's make this quick. Now that we are all gathered here I can begin. Lady Carmosa, you are hereby arrested in the name of the Prince.

What?! Why on earth would you do such a ridiculous thing? Whatever you think I did, it's a lie! I am a respected member of a noble house!

Oh, so you haven't forged invitations to the Grand Ball? Thus you haven't created a serious breach of security endangering the Prince?

I... Of course not! How dare you suggest anything of the sort! Do you know who you are speaking to?

There is no doubt that the invitations were forged. You have jeopardized the Palace's security and ordered a forgery of a Royal document. You are guilty.

But... how did you know where to look? Who told you to check our invitations?

You might want to say it yourself, Cinders.


Carmosa and Cinders are in the exact same pose.

So you are just like her? I was stupid to believe otherwise for even a second.
Also Sophia is basically hiding throughout this scene, while Gloria is more by herself, while still being behind Cinders.

How could you?!

I'm sorry for not wanting to be a slave anymore. Did you think I'd blindly follow orders? That I won't ever try to break free? Did you think you could hide your secrets from me forever? Yes, I also know about Father's Will. The one you hid from me in your study.

Mother, say something! Have you nothing to say?

That is wise of you. So let me explain things to them. Upon Carmosa's arrest, or any other inability to supervise the household, I am to take the residence as my own.

Please, Cinders, please don't do it! Captain, please, prevent this tragedy.

Even if I am disgusted by the betrayal and secrets that govern this establishmentmy hands are bound by the law. As for your daughters, who also attended the Ball using the forged documents
Cinders did nothing wrong.

I was about to say I'm willing to let that slip. But in your case, My Lady, if the witness does not withdraw her accusations, I'll need to take you away.
Still not sure why the accusation matters here, but sure, let's go with it.

Cinders, don't you think your point has been proven? You've established that you are the biggest monster, as required to succeed in this family. Cinders, please.

Unfortunately, doing the logical thing and sending Carmosa off to jail means the stepsisters will hate us, ruining the Hug Train ending. This fucking family, man.

Oh, I might revoke the accusation, but that actually depends on Carmosa. I think you should retire from the position as the head of the house and rethink your ways. Without that, what reason would you have to change?

Cinders, what are you doing?!

But she still has a lot to learn if she's stupid enough to think I'll just go down easy and admit defeat.

You were sloppy and reckless, which lead to you getting caught and putting the whole household in danger. Surely your own logic must lead you to the inevitable conclusion.

Mother, say something.



That's really not much of a choice. Fine. I'll turn over rule of the house to you, but if you think

I think I can change my mind at any time. You should remember that. Captain, we won't need your services after all. Sorry to have bothered you.

Oh, not at all. Nothing will make me happier than leaving this house and its disgusting little games. Have a pleasant night, Ladies.


It's high time we changed our ways and began to cooperate, leading the house efficiently as a group of people close to each other, and not enemies.

How could you do that!? And how can you say that now?

When the situation is bad enough, drastic action is required. As far as I'm concerned, all sins are resolved and we can start over. Carmosa was ruthless and wanted us to become ruthless as wellshe saw no other way.

But I'm sure there is a way. It's not too late for us yet, she didn't manage to poison us completely. If we work together, we can become a real family. I hope you girls will come round and support me in this. I would like us to finally stand together.

Later that evening...

I swear it on me hat here, you all gonna pay dearly for all your miss

Never getting tired of those big entrances, eh? Always loved a good drama you lot, never got used to it myself.

You have entered our Domain! What do you want?!

Easy with the drama already. Don't mean no harm, honest! Was just wondering, ya see. Whatever happened to the witty little bird that got all you gals so agitated recently? Heard you made some long-term investments in her too.

They don't? And I thought I did mighty fine a job fetching and whispering, and basically being in all the right places at the right moment. Wouldn't dream about stealing the light from you gals, but doesn't a supportive actor deserve some fresh rumors right from the source?

Very well. Know then that all went well and the girl picked up the thread of Fate where her mother left it. We have renewed the Concord and the cycle will resume. We found the girl to be much like her mother. She remembered and embraced the gift of the Lake. She accepted the Weight and agreed to pay the Price.

Offered her one of your special favors, didn't ya love?


Haha! You gals are killing me!

Oh, pardon ma'am. I just have this medical condition, see, makes me cringe and twitch when I hear crazy, and you gals are the CRAZIEST. From what I gathered, the bird accepted no weighthard to fly with the weights, see? And flying's all she wants, that one! No, my dear ladies. Fancy dress or no dress, she would've reached the Prince, or king, or whatever she wanted. Much too driven and independent to be intimidated by titles, she is.

She received our aid and succeeded.

Not really, no. She was already a winner when you lot decided to have a little chat with her, and then another, and mess with her head and dull her wit. But she's much too sharp, that one! Say, ever thought maybe t'was her who used you, love? Climbed your schemes like a ladder to reach her own goal?

She's maturing, see, and memory means nothing then. In time she'll forget all about you, or take you for a mirage or a dream.

You are mistaken, old man. Memory is everything. She will remember and honor the agreement. She is just like her mother.

She will lift herself to greatness or fail miserably trying. With a thud! But all this time she won't be giving a bloody toss for some ol' superstitions and fairytale magics. Which is exactly how it should be!

Silence! Begone, old snake! You have disturbed our Domain for too long!
The screen flashes a little bit here, but that's about it.

Ooh, impressive trick, just like the olden days! Still have some vigor left in you, I see? I must've hit your sweet spot. I always wondered, why didn't any of the good kings chop your woods for forges and house. Must've something to do with your charming personality, eh?

Well, don't worry and save your strength, love. 'Cause soon no one will be disturbing you anymore, and you WILL be alone. All alone.

Broken, Carmosa steps down, and soon becomes a docile senile old lady. A shadow of her former self.

Soon the residence becomes a popular point of meetings and social events, and the family starts gaining political weight in the Kingdom.
That bit, what kind of host you end up being, is the part of this ending that changes based on Cinders' personality. This is 'Good' Cinders.

Sophia and Gloria both help her running the house, and are always there to support her or give their advice. While the relationship between the two sisters remains complicated, they are able to burrow their hostility in pursuit of common goals and normal life.

His shop prospers and makes their family very wealthy, while Cinders' heritage allows him to become a noble.

The End. What about the Fairy? Yeah, I wondered that too. My guess is that they wanted to leave it up to the reader whether the Fairy still has enough power to enforce the Price, and if she does, what form that will take. Which kind of sucks after all that buildup. Honestly, the Fairy is really more suited to the Prince endings. There, if her disposition is high enough, she can become royal adviser in the ending.
The End. Thanks for reading!