Part 21: Episode XX: Dance Dance Revolution (Mausoleum)
Episode XX: Dance Dance Revolution (Mausoleum)
When last we left our heroine, she'd just seen her father's horrible, if somewhat amusingly retarded, death at the hands of her slightly unstable grandfather. Also, Chopper condemned her to a realm of darkness or something like that. With that said, let's continue...

Don't worry, it's just a kooky transition effect. Not a metaphor for being born/death. Metaphors and this game have a fifty yard retraining order placed upon them.

We open with Alyssa lying unconscious in the middle of a graveyard. This seems like a perfectly logical conclusion to the previous scene, if you ask me.

Alyssa regains consciousness and checks her surroundings. She discovers, to her dismay, her magic bow has turned into a Scroll of +3 Monologue. And the arrows have decayed into Rods of Narration.
Dick's Notes 2

I'd just like to post the date here to point out they're off by a decade...

No date. Scribbled as though in haste.

Right, then. That was unenlightening. Now, about this graveyard business. The two ornamental headstones on both sides behind Alyssa have a circular indentation, which will be our (surprise, surprise) fetch quest items of this half of the stage.
Now, getting down to business. There are paths leading in each direction. The one behind Alyssa, to the west, is just a save point/holy water refill station. Let's see what's to...

...the east! Miss Hamilton spies a stage like ruin ahead of her.

To her horror, she discovers it is the haunting ground of the wandering spirits of interpretive dancers.

And even more ghoulishly, the specters of Renaissance fair folks lurk the hallowed ground.

Yeah...your guess is as good as mine.
The front dancers vanish, leaving the back row fruits to speak up. A spotlight from the heavens shines on each speaker.

The Rooder ghosts all vanish.

Yeah, good luck figuring that shit out, sweetheart. Our befuddled heroine returns to the center area and tries her luck heading north.

Oh, hey. It's one of the circular portal squares. Haven't seen those in a while. Let's take see where we end up.
Alyssa hitches a ride on the magical rune expressway.

Ahh. Ass deep in more grave yard. What a startling change. Couldn't we have just...ya know...walked here? How big can the place be?
Alyssa wanders down the path for a good pace.

Where would we be without our favorite leather clad albino with axes?

Chopper kicks Alyssa to the floor for her sass.

He then employs his super speed (which he never employs again...ever) to vault up to the top of a nearby fountain. For a stat bonus to his villain pose ability.

A few minutes pass...

Tune in next time for:



Bonus Content:
Dick's Monologue 2
Rooder Spirits Cutscene
Chopper Showdown Cutscene
Chopper Showdown Cutscene (Mo-Cap Version)