Part 72: Soviet Campaign Script #2
Today on Cookin' with Kucan, we're taking another look at the script!quote:
Sequence 1 A (If Mission is won:)
A Soviet force moves through the remainder of a now destroyed town. Soldiers cover the ruins, looking for survivors.
From the rubble, a refugee bolts for the safety of some trees. The soldiers spot the movement and call to each other, pointing. One raises a rifle. The survivor almost makes the trees, before a loud rifle report echoes. The runner falls, lifeless. The soldiers continue their sweep.
Sequence 1 A (If Mission is lost)
Gradenko gets the bad news over the phone. He slams the receiver down. He removes a flag pin with the hammer and sickle from a map on his desk and puts the Polish flag back in place.
SEQUENCE 2 (Mission 2)
On one bank, a large and efficient Soviet command center glows in the moonlight.
The PLAYER’S POV moves toward it. As it approaches the gate, the PLAYER’S POV sees Captain Georgi KUKOV. He looks toward the PLAYER’S POV and stops.
A gloved hand hands over some documents. Kukov inspects them and nods.
Captain Georgi Kukov. Congratulations on earning this assignment.
Kukov jerks a thumb over his shoulder to a river and structures behind him.
Here you have two tasks. Beyond this river lies Germany. First, protect the communications center at all costs. It must remain operational because we use it to jam all television signals. Second, sneak across this river and rout all Allied forces. Take no prisoners. See you in Berlin!
(Mission 2)
Sequence 2 A (If Mission is won)
A white spiral zooms to fill the view. As it gets closer, the spinning newspaper’s front page clearly forms in Russian. The paper stops spinning and the headline melts from Russian into English.
Russian Liberators Conquer Imperialists Free Germany from Capitalists
Sequence 2B (If Mission is lost)
A white spiral zooms to fill the view. As it gets closer, the spinning newspaper’s front page clearly forms in Russian. The paper stops spinning and the headline melts from Russian into English.
Liberators Lure Imperialists Into Oder River Trap Battle for Germany Continues
Sequence 3 (Mission 3)
Stalin, Gradenko and Nadia sit at a conference table, staring at the same large map.
The PLAYER’S POV follows the discussion.
Stalin watches his two leaders.
The imperialists are at our mercy. We have 14 tank divisions along this border.
He presses a button and 14 model tanks appear on the map.
And the resistance forces, with only three divisions, hold you off?
She presses a button and some Allied positions appear before the Soviet models.
At the rate of our noble comrades’ advance, we’ll occupy all of Europe in 60 days.
Animation on the map destroys the Resistance tanks. The map turns red all the way to the Atlantic, the Mediterranean and the North Sea.
Yes, 60 days, perhaps...but 11 months behind schedule. You promised Comrade Stalin a victory by winter. It is vital for our propaganda efforts that we take Berlin by Comrade Stalin’s birthday.
Before Gradenko can answer, a door to the right of the map opens up and a tall, thin man with a bald head and cold features enters. KANE wears casual civilian clothes.
He folds his arms and simply observes. His presence sucks the air from the room.
Stalin rises and walks to Kane. They confer in whispers. Kane leaves.
For the first time, Stalin seems truly upset. Stalin turns, fury darkening his face.
Comrade Gradenko, did you not report our nerve gas sites secure?
I inspected them myself!
Then how did the Allied dogs eliminate the JUNO research facility?
Impossible. My security was...
As inefficient as we feared. (to Stalin)That plant was just starting production. We still have these sites left.
She presses a button and six lights come up on the screen -- indicating the remaining Sarin sites.
NADIA(cont. - to Gradenko)
Comrade Stalin wishes to know there will be enough nerve gas left to load when Dr. Einstein is finished with his work?
Gradenko hesitates.
I must report...a few hours ago, Einstein was kidnapped.
Stalin turns to stone.
I know.
We are recovering him as we speak.
Good. I do not wish to kill such a committed officer.
Stalin turns to Nadia expectantly. She stiffens.
I don’t know where Einstein is .... (beat) ...yet. But I do know who betrayed our cause. We have tracked him down to Kyriagin where he undoubtedly waits to rendezvous with the resistance forces.
Nadia focuses on the PLAYER’S POV.
He must die a traitor’s death. Get to Kyriagin and use your dogs to sniff the coward out before he can take refuge in a safe house. Remember, Comrade Stalin demands it.
Note: Something tells me that handing papers to Kukov would've looked weird from the player's POV, so they dropped it. I like the newspaper idea, and getting Gradenko to change what the map sounds interesting, but I don't think we ever see live-action scenes as mission win/loss videos, which is probably why we don't see it.
I much prefer the fact that Kane moves to Stalin and not the other way around. Stalin is the major player in the Soviet campaign, and Kane is, rightfully, more for flavor (ending reveal aside).