Part 42: Extra Stuff
~Current Video List~
Opening Animation:
Spicate ~ 7 Colored Celestial Sphere
Update 1:
Welcome to Fort City Island
Update 1:
Forest Battle
Update 2:
Original Core/Pandora Labyrinth
Update 2:
Monster Pods
Update 4:
Asmodeus Intro
Update 4:
Baby's First Dungeon (Battle example video)
Update 7:
Gluttony 6F - Apus and Beelzebub fights
Update 8:
Alec saves the day
Update 10:
Witches of the Seven Stars
Update 11:
Pool Party
Update 17:
Spoiler for Update 17 - Read that first
Update 17:
Also a spoiler for Update 17 - Read that first
~Character Transformation Videos~
Possible NSFW Warning
- The transformations are very Sailor Moon-esque. You get bodies covered in light and close up of I wouldn't watch these in the presence of prying eyes.
Wake Transformation
Fuuko Transformation
Ellie Transformation
Narika Transformation
Chloe Transformation
Serina Transformation
Torri Transformation
Feene Transformation
~Current Music List~
All of these links have naughty/spoiler warnings on them. Be careful when going to listen to them
Classmating Intro Music:
Close to You
Star Child Creation Music:
Fort City Map Theme:
The Map Which Leads to the Future
Battle Music 1:
Dungeon Battle 1
Battle Music 2:
Dungeon Battle 2 - Latter Half
Boss Music 1:
Fatal Seven
Sub-Event Music 1:
Routine in 366 Days
Dorm Room Music:
Harvest Code
Shop Music:
Shop Show
Final Boss Theme:
Dusk God's Hymn
Ending Theme:
Fuuko's Theme:
Melody of Footsteps
Narika's Theme:
A Little Bit of Courage
Chloe's Theme:
Wing of Scarlet
Ellie's Theme:
A Quirk of Fate
Serina's Theme:
The Opposite Bank of the Heart
Torri's Theme:
Feene's Theme:
In the Sky of the Native Land
Current Characters
The Hero
Wake Archus: Our hero. You can name him whatever and live out all your little anime guy power fantasies, but LP Hero is going by the default name. Official Wake is a Persona-esque main hero that can solve everyone's problems through the lost art of 'listening to someone'. He is a bit more talkative than a Persona protagonist, but his dialogue is fairly tame and mostly neutral because the game has to maintain some semblance of self-insertness. LP Wake is, by comparison, way more interesting. He has no time for anyone's shit, is usually courteous to the ladies (except for Serina), and loves him some transformations. Both LP and Official Wake also have an unsettling obsession with killing monsters. He is the God's Gift, a prophesied saviour that has the power to enter the Dusk Circles and fight.
The Seven Stars
Fuuko Amicus: The first girl Wake meets at the Academy. She thinks she is completely average and not noteworthy in any way. In an unrelated note, she is one of only 7 Elite S-Ranked Female Disciples, is an experienced swimmer, and has bright pink hair that goes to her knees. Totally average girl-next-door.
Narika Shina: One of the girls introduced shortly after Fuuko. Narika is shy, the Vice Class President of Wake's class, and is making efforts to improve her confidence with public speaking. She is also kind to the point that classmates can get away with just dumping responsibilities on her.
Ellie Troit: A girl that met Wake a decade ago when he saved her life. He thought she was dead, but his God's Gift powers managed to keep her alive long enough for the Church to heal her with spells. She's pretty cheerful and is late to school a lot due to her ongoing work for the Church. Has an 'Aheheh' laugh for some reason.
Chloe Genus: Older sister to Chlotz. Chloe is a super genius that graduated from college at 13 or some shit and wrote a bunch of scholarly works, then became a teacher at the Academy at the grand old age of 16 or 17. A lot of students go to her for help with homework, life, school events, and love. Like Narika, Chloe doesn't know when to tell people to shut up and give her 5 minutes to herself. She's always being mobbed by a bunch of fans, and it's only getting worse as she starts playing DJ and Japanese Idol.
Serina Leaf: Angry Tsundere. She is a third-year student that managed to work her way to S-Rank instead of just winning the genetic lottery and being placed there by default. She hates how small she is and has an ideal image of what a true S-Rank Disciple should look like. With that
delusion goal in mind, she keeps sucking cows dry in the belief that milk will cause her to grow 5 feet taller and 4 cup sizes bustier before she finishes as a Disciple. Keeps telling Wake that she won't forgive him for accidentally touching her chest when she fell on him. Wake does not give a shit.
Torri Feiiji: Newest addition to the team, as of Chapter 3. Torri is the closest we've got to Rei Ayanami (every JRPG/anime needs to have one of those to some extent). Enzea was raising her in labs as some kind of monster fighting Disciple experiment thing. As of the start of Chapter 3, it's still a little unclear exactly what her life was like. Oh, she also likes birds because they can fly and flying is symbolic for freedom which is what she wants. Of course she has birds/flight/freedom symbolism, what did you expect from a character named Torri?
Feene Glass: The 7th party member. Feene is the legendary Disciple that all of the other heroines (and Ruby) were fawning over and comparing breast sizes with, for some reason. Blonde, beautiful, an expert swordswoman, Feene has it all (apparently including her own fanclub, because every damn person in this Academy has a fan club, except Wake). She is incredibly polite and grateful to Wake for shutting down the Dusk Circle near her home. Recently started a Photography Club and has Wake taking pictures of her for her friends back home.
Academy Students/Personnel
Chlotz Genus: Chloe's younger brother and the first guy Wake meets on the island. Wake saved him and Fuuko from monsters in the forest and he has been stuck to our hero ever since. He is the Yosuke Hanamura to our Yu Narukami protagonist (it's a Persona 4 thing). He pervs on hot girls a lot, speaks his mind way too often, and gets into various trouble. On a positive note, he has recently done a small amount of growing up by getting a job at AngelMarker and helping to support Wake in the Dusk Circles, along with lending a shoulder to Luce who has gone through a couple of bad times recently (I mean, lending her a shoulder out of genuine concern, not as a way to work his way into her skirt). Those parentheses being said, he does have a crush on her.
Alec Marker: Son of AngelMarker's president and the top Disciple at the Academy. He's a bit of a jerk at times, but it seems like Wake might be wearing down those walls. He manages the Fort City defensive lines, is under a lot of pressure from everyone having major expectations of him, and has to put up with his father's expectations on top of all of that. It's a wonder he hasn't collapsed from a stress induced heart attack.
Triche: Another S-Ranked Disciple. Triche helps Alec manages the defensive lines of Fort City. He's also the Captain of the Fencing Club. Triche has been a really cool dude so far. He let Wake join up with the Fencing Club, complimented him on how skilled he was, then invited Wake out for lunch with some of his friends. Really has a thing for Soba apparently.
Luce: Alec's childhood friend and the girl that Chlotz is crushing on at the moment. She's a member of the Standard Class that really wants to make it to the Elites. Very kind and caring.
Sasami: A straight up bitch from Narika's route, and I don't mean that in a sexist manner. She has spent her first few appearances kicking dirt in Narika's face and tearing the poor girl down for having the gall to be nervous during a major public presentation that was dropped into her lap. She slightly redeems herself, but I still hate her because she's still super smug.
Mr. Watts: A douche bag from Chloe's route. He's a fellow teacher that shakes his cane at Chloe and lectures everyone on 'the way things are supposed to be'. One of those 'old guard' types. That being said, he does have some valid criticisms, even if he delivers them like an asshole.
These two guys: They show up in the main route and have conversations with Wake/Chlotz fairly regularly. They have character art unique to them along with a full sprite sheet that includes multiple expressions, just like all of the main characters have. What they do
not have are names. I just call them BlueHair and LightBlue.
Aya: A member of the Starball team. She hates men (according to her database entry), and is especially jerkish towards Wake due to how close he is to Feene. Aya is very territorial with Feene and desperately wants her
on the Starball team. That's the only meaning behind that.
Mattero: The High Priest in charge of the Fort City Aterra Church and also the Academy Headmaster. He oversees the Classmating ritual that produces Star Children. He would be an okay dude, except he's old and therefore a pervert, hitting or commenting on the much younger female Disciples and female AngelMarker lab staff.
Lucian: A jerkbag colleague of Ellie's. Works for the Gracia Church hunting down something called 'Heretics'. He's a punk that thinks he stands the slightest bit of a chance against Wake and is always trying to pick a fight with him.
Rhiod Marker: President of AngelMarker and father of both Alec and Enzea. I can't recall if we ever hear what happened to his wife. He's on the stern side, but he does appear to have some pride in his sons. Whether or not you construe that pride as positive or selfish is another matter entirely.
Enzea Marker: Rhiod's oldest son and Alec's brother. He took over management of the Fort City project from his father a few years ago and acts as overseer of the labs on the island. He was responsible for training or raising Torri, it's still a little unclear exactly what their relationship is. Seems like a pretty approachable dude, and Ruby seems to have some kind of school girl crush on him.
Ruby Coiler: Fuck Ruby. Sorry, I should at least give her a profile. Ruby is the Head Researcher at
AngelMarker AngelMarker's Fort City Lab an AngelMarker R&D Lab in Fort City. She is a prodigy who teases and strings along young guys that are infatuated with her looks, then hypocritically calls out Mattero for being a pervert. She ostensibly is Wake's 'support team' while in the Dusk Circles, and likes to act like she is in command of the entire operation. She also screws up constantly, intentionally endangers Wake in the name of science, withholds critical information from our heroes, then tries to act like she holds the high ground whenever something goes wrong.
Mark Flask: Another researcher at the AngelMarker R&D Lab in Fort City. Ruby's subordinate. He's been more helpful and cautious than Ruby has, but he's not entirely blameless when it comes to some of the fuck ups that have happened so far. Overall he's a good dude though. He apparently sucks at naming inventions (the Vis-o-matic communication bracelet and Renda training simulator being two of them). Likes to open up conversations with Wake by saying "Hey, have you heard?"
Training Guy: The dude that seems to run the Redux Training Center in place of Mark (from a shopkeeper view anyway). No clue what his deal is and we don't get a name. I think he looks pretty badass though. Seems to be an AngelMarker employee, but takes their dress code very lightly. No suit can hold this man.
Lab Lady: No name for her either. She runs the Lab Quest Board. Not much else to say. I (ashamedly) have an inexplicable thing for her. She just looks really cute.
Rus: One of the Disciples testing the AngelMarker God Brace. Accompanied Ruby into the Sloth Labyrinth. Quiet dude. Brother of Clau, I think?
Clau: One of the Disciples testing the AngelMarker God Brace. Accompanied Ruby into the Sloth Labyrinth. Quiet girl. Sister of Rus, I think?
Fort City Citizens
Guild Lady: The lady that runs the citizens guild. That's pretty much all I've got on her. She's a shopkeeper and therefore doesn't really get any characterization. I don't even know what to do with her from an LP characterization perspective.
Item Shop Lady: Same thing as the Guild Lady. She runs the Item Shop. No real characterization.
Gift Shop Operator: Runs the Gift Shop, where we can purchase presents for the heroines. Supposedly one of Wake's Star Children as she calls him dad and refers to 'mothers'. Never explicitly stated who her mother is, however. LP Gift Shop Star Child is a money grubbing little devil that only lets Wake buy things in bulk and tries to manipulate his feelings for the heroines to make him spend money.
Takoyaki Guy: He sells Takoyaki. Looks super intense about it.
Scavenger Operator Baki: Runs the Scavenger shop. Technically he's not given any identifying characteristics, like the Gift Shop SC. However, I have decided that he is Baki the Grappler, the Star Child created near the start of the game that has a sweet name.
Notable Star Children
Tuxedo Mask Zorro: Wake and Narika's Thief Star Child. Shares his dad's love of theatrics, but doesn't quite align with them. Is very protective of his mommy.
Felicia: Wake and Fuuko's Thief Star Child. She was voted the first leader of Team A(wful). Is not impressed by the Labyrinths so far.
Luna: Wake and Narika's Merchant Star Child. Frugal, and always looking for a way to maximize profit by selling off the loot from dungeons.
Seth: Wake and Ellie's Cleric Star Child. He's seen some shit, man. Also refuses to stop casting heal, even though the party never needs it. Doesn't want to be bored as the group carves a bloody trail through Labyrinths.
Baki: Wake and Narika's Grappler Star Child. User Zanzibar Ham suggested the name and I absolutely could not pass up a chance to have 'Baki the Grappler' on at least one of the teams.
Adrienne: Wake and Chloe's Blacksmith Star Child. User Sword of Dusk provided the name. She is the leader of the second incarnation of Team A(wful). Seems to take after her mother by acting kind of like a teacher while dealing with the other Star Children.
Caine: Wake and Narika's Ether Sniper Star Child. I named him after 'Caine the Longshot' from Trigun. Likes shooting stuff, obviously. Member of Team A(wful) 2.
Aria: Wake and Serina's Hunter Star Child. Name was chosen by the Random Generator. I realized my mistake a little bit too late, as I should have named her 'Aloy', after the character from Horizon: Zero Dawn. Member of Team A(wful) 2.
Rayearth: Wake and Chloe's Magic Knight Star Child. User Commander Keene named her after Magic Knight Rayearth and I made her a daughter of Chloe so that she could look like Hikaru from that series. Leader of Team A(wful) 3.
Selvaria: Wake and Narika's Paladin Star Child. I named her after Selvaria Bles from the Valkyria Chronicles franchise (which I'm a die-hard fan of. Fuck VC2 though). Member of Team A(wful) 3.
Nero: Wake and Feene's Warlock Star Child. Name was chosen by the Random Generator. Member of Team A(wful) 3.
Cecil: Wake and Feene's Dark Knight Star Child. Name was suggested by TracerK. Leader of the final iteration of Team A(wful). They were quite possibly the heaviest hitters out of the three final teams.
Ryusei: Wake and Feene's Lancer Star Child. Name was chosen at random. Leader of Team Just Like Daddy!, which was submitted by Commander Keene. Team JLD filled the Team B slot during the final chapter. They kept the party healed and the final boss tied up while everyone else dealt with the lesser enemies.
Morrigan: Wake and Feene's Witch Star Child. Name was suggested by Sword_of_Dusk. Leader of Team Dusk, which was submitted by Sword_of_Dusk. I randomly decided on a name for this team, since Sword_of_Dusk didn't put one in. They ended up having a really heavy Light element attack by the time they were fully equipped, which worked really well against some of the final enemies.
Monokuma: A crossover boss from Spike Chunsoft's Danganronpa franchise.
Stray: A stray cat that Feene has been caring for. She fed him one day and he's been hanging around her ever since. Feene likes taking pictures of him and sometimes talks to him when she thinks no-one is around.
Millica: A sick little girl in the Field Hospital. She loves to hear Chloe sing because it makes her feel better, but she's still not in the greatest of health. Chloe promised her another concert.
Hospital Director: The Director of the Field Hospital. Doesn't believe singing has any kind of positive health effects on patients, despite the fact that there is an entire system called Curaoke which releases Star Energy through singing and makes people feel relieved. That's right, he's
that guy. The one in every fantasy setting that doesn't believe in magic/paranormal/god despite it clearly existing. A hack doctor that has no business being anywhere near sick people, let alone directing their care.
Raul: Feene's friend from her home village. Was reported to have been gravely injured while fighting the monsters. Seems like an awesome and easy guy to hang out with.
~Extra Stuff~
Character Expressions/Portraits
The Steam version of this game appears to have just been directly pulled from the Vita by the looks of it. That means that I originally couldn't get any good transparent art assets for it. It's not exactly a blockbuster game, so I couldn't easily find it online either. To be fair, I never really spent all that much time scouring the internet.
I was in the process of painstakingly trying to crop out character heads from screen captures when
Commander Keene saved my ass by pointing me to a site that had the sprite sheets for this game. That helped immensely and is probably one of the only reasons the LP even got off the ground. Unfortunately, the art assets in question still needed work. What kind of work?
This kind of work. Every character portrait was broken into individual pieces. So here is an example of what I had to do for each character before I even get started on swapping out facial expressions. All of those pieces needed to be fit together across multiple layers in order for it to look right. Then I had to crop in each of those facial expressions to get the different portraits, of which each character has like 10. As of Update 2, I'm still not even done with the entire cast. I'm still working on two of the main heroines and something like 10 different NPC characters.
Don't Be A Creep
I did this after nine-gear-crow brought up the The Dark Id's rule of "DON'T BE A CREEP!" and gave fair warning to everyone not to go creeping over anything we see in this game. Someone asked if anyone still had The Dark Id's
Drakengard 3 LP banner to dust off, but I thought I would try making something matching the thread.
Anyway, I'm not great at image editing and all that jazz (refer to the character expression dumpster fire above), so if anyone wants to take a crack at this, I'm more than welcoming of submissions. Chlotz here (redhead in the banner above) is actually a bit of a creeper himself, so I might try editing in a more appropriate 'lecturing' character later.
Edit: I finally added a banner with a character that has a more disapproving look.
Art Assets
For anyone interested in Frankensteining up some art or scenes,
here is the post where Commander Keene links to the assets, right at the top of that post.
There are a few ZIP folders of various models and CG's from the entire game, so be aware that you're wandering straight into pure spoilers territory.
Editing Hint (for people like me): If you're working with the character sprites, take them into Paint3D and select an individual piece, copy and paste it to a separate part of the canvas, then erase any little bits of other pieces that got into the selection. When you're done, select the piece and click to make it 3D. You can then move it around and shift it forward or backward to different layers. This is how I got everything to fit together and overlap properly. Make sure to Multiselect all of the interlocking pieces and group them together before trying to copy-paste the complete character portrait.
If anyone else has an easier way to do things, just let me know and I'll swap out my hint for yours.
Silly Search Results
While searching for info on the Conception 1 Remake for PS4 that is releasing in Japan, Google Search decided to return this as part of the image search preview.
The character hunched over holding her mid-section is one of the heroines from Conception 1. I don't know about anyone else, but I found this to be a funny coincidence.
Update Title Song References
For whatever reason, I decided to name the Updates using lyrics from songs I have kicking around in my library. Here are the songs that the lyrics came from for each main update:
Update 1 - Take me down to the Fort City ("Paradise City" - Guns N' Roses)
Update 2 - I see a man at the back as a matter of fact; His eyes are as red as the sun ("Ballroom Blitz" - Sweet)
Update 3 - W-W-W-Wake's a mother-father gentleman! ("Gentleman" - PSY)
Update 3.5 (Bonding Update) - A little bit of Narika in my life, a little bit of Fuuko by my side ("Mambo No. 5" - Lou Bega)
Update 4: I'm talking 'bout you, and you, and you; You're an asshole too ("Everyone Else is An Asshole" - Reel Big Fish)
Update 4.5 (Bonding Redux): Earth girls are easy; Whatcha gonna do, lil' buckaroo? ("Ask DNA" - The Seatbelts)
Update 5: I'm in love with my Lust; Burning Asmodeus to dust ("I Wish I Had An Angel" - Nightwish)
Update 6: Everyone is so fake when they shake your hand; And they kiss your ass 'cause their makin' cash. ("Don't Start A Band" - Reel Big Fish)
Update 6.5 (Catching up with Serina): I'll never be able to forget you; I wish that I had never met you! ("I Know You Too Well" - Reel Big Fish)
Update 7: Warrior, Disciple, In me the Wishmaster ("Wishmaster" - Nightwish)
Update 8: No one ever looked so Fine ("She Bangs" - Ricky Martin)
Update 8.5 (Catching up with Torri): She's so cold and human; It's something humans do ("Lithium Flower" - Scott Matthew)
Update 9: It'll take a lot more than words and guns; A whole lot more than riches and muscle ("The Humbling River" - Puscifer)
Update 10: With no reason to be; just to be somebody somewhere ("Saturday People" - Prozzak)
Update 10.5: Never concerned with status; But still leaving 'em Star Struck ("Remember the Name" - Fort Minor)
Update 11: Vacation, need a little sun; to break up all the frustration and turn it into love ("Vacation" - Vitamin C)
Update 12: Let me give you some green color and you will ask for more; You will see that you never felt this way before ("Move Your Dead Bones" - Dr. Reanimator)
Update 13: Part of me is fighting this but part of me is gone ("When I'm Gone" - 3 Doors Down)
Update 14: I can't slow down, I can't hold back; Though you know, I wish I could ("Ain't No Rest for the Wicked" - Cage the Elephant)
Update 15: Its a quest for glory; Accepting our fate with the power that we own ("Rave-o-lution" - Reel Big Fish)
Update 16: Have I changed things? Still I fear the answers no ("Why" - Living Illusion)
Update 17: A stupid mission and a lethal fight ("My Favourite Game" - The Cardigans)
Update 18: First in the line of fire, first into hostile lands; Tanks leading the way ("Ghost Division" - Sabaton)
Update 19: In God's creation, supernatural high ("Hard Rock Hallelujah" - Lordi)