Part 25: Purgatory, Part 1
Video: Purgatory

The lights on the ceiling were spinning...moving in and out of one another, alternating between hazy and distinct and forming spiral patterns in my eyelids. But I couldn't do anything to stop it. I could no longer move of my own accord. I just kept getting dragged, inch by inch, across that filthy floor...then eventually, he stopped and threw me down, and I rolled hard onto my face. I was helpless before him.

Music: Massacre

That piece of chocolate had fallen out of my pocket. I was pretty sure it did, anyway. And I wasn't about to let anyone else have it. Give it back, you bastard!

I was facing him from the middle of the hallway as he readied his enormous hammer and looked right into my eyes. Was this it? Was I going to be killed now? Please, God, no...
I was terrified. But not entirely. After all...

Sayaka: (Naho's...coming. I know...she is... She'll always...come... She'

???: Hmmmmmm?

Sound Effect: Smash
Music: None

Music: ☆Twinkle☆Girls☆

Naho & Sayaka: Woooo! Eeeeeee!

I'm just a normal girl, but my job conflicts with my studies, so I don't go to school all that often. And this was the first day I'd had free in a while, so I called out my friend Naho and we spent the whole day together having a blast.
The last event on our schedule...was a Twinkle Girls concert! They play every so often at a local venue called Club Beta. And they're all so incredibly cute! I try to catch them whenever I can. Recently, Twinkle had been performing on evening request shows, and they'd been getting more and more attention. As well they should, you know?! I'd joined them on the program a few times myself, and the group and I liked to keep in touch through texts and tweets.

Video: Purgatory ends here
Music: None

Naho & Sayaka: Sooooo cuuuuuute!

I wanted to ride that wave myself, but didn't like the idea of blocking the road in the process. So Naho and I just pranced our way back to the station.

Naho began waving around a towel she'd bought at the merchandise booths after the show. She looked like a matador taunting a pop idol.

Music: Girl Date

Whatever it was Naho had ordered, it sounded completely alien to me.

Our backgrounds are sorta similar and...well, we talk all the time and eat together and stuff. But most of all, just look how cute she is! When we're together, she even makes a gal like me all wobbly. I love this little lady!

Waitress: Coming right up!
They do say girls shouldn't ingest a lot of calories after 9 at night, but hell, we hadn't eaten anything all day, so I figured, why not indulge a little?

Naho was gazing longingly at her towel while singing the melody to one of Twinkle's songs. She's usually a really cool and collected person, so I bet our classmates would flip out if they saw her like this. It was only when the two of us were alone together that she let loose with this feline-like personality of hers...and it always made me feel really special.

Naho slowly raised her head up and looked into my eyes. And wow, what a gaze that girl had! I felt like I could lose myself in those perfect peepers.

I'd completely hidden my fatigue, but Naho somehow saw right through me. I could never keep anything from her!

Her expression twisted into an exaggerated 'blah' pose, and she sprawled out across the table.

For a while I gazed at Naho, who had placed her chin on the table and puffed out her cheeks. Not sure how to break the silence, I tried switching subjects.
Music: None

The deflated Naho suddenly reinflated. Guess I'd piqued her interest!

Her head still glued to the table, Naho fell deep into thought. She seemed oddly concerned. I couldn't miss the momentary twinkle in her eye, though. Success! I just needed to re-bait the line, and she was as good as caught!

Oh, she mewed! She was showing interest. It wouldn't take much to get her to pounce on this old yarn now!
Music: Great Friends

Naho's face lit up.

I did it! I'd gotten the green light! My smile couldn't have been bigger at that moment. Naho's popularity had exploded recently, so she'd been having a hard time managing all the requests she'd been getting to appear on other radio shows. I'd been hoping to get a chance to tie our work together at some point, but I never imagined it'd be this easy!

And before we knew it, it was past 10:00. Naho and I stood up and started down the road home, giggling and chatting the whole way.
Music: None

Naho's house was literally on the way home for me -- or rather, Mr. Kibiki's house, since that's where she'd been staying for the last little while.

Supposedly she'd moved in to study under Mr. Kibiki, like his padawan. She was always willing to go that extra mile, and I always admired that about her.

Music: Kibiki Residence

I bowed quickly and Mr. Kibiki flashed a gentle smile.

I kind of felt like I was being put on the spot. I mean, it was already late, and I doubted Mr. Kibiki was too keen on playing host.

Dude's got a killer smile. It was easy to see why Naho got so into him.

Naho gestured for me to sit, so I cautiously plopped myself down on an expensive-looking sofa.

Naho began walking out of the room, chuckling at my swiftly-sinking form. Mere moments later, though...

That sure caught me by surprise! I turned in the direction of the scream, concerned.

I heard the door slam shut with incredible force. So that was the infamous Mr. Taguchi, huh? No love lost between those two, it seemed.

Having peeked out to check on Naho, Mr. Kibiki again withdrew his wide-eyed face to the kitchen, laughing softly. I swear I could look at him all day...

Trying to savor each single droplet of the deep crimson liquid in my cup, I slowly and carefully imbibed the tea that was placed before me. Whatever blend Kibiki had brewed bore a flavor unlike anything else I'd ever tasted.

Naho faced Mr. Taguchi and posed as if she were shooting a beam of light at him, like some kind of legally unnameable masked superhero.

Taguchi staggered to the door and vanished into the outside world, utterly defeated. Watching from next to me, Mr. Kibiki simply waved his hand and smiled.

Music: None

It had been a positively lovely day all around. Before parting ways, I lent Naho one of the Twinkle CDs I had in my bag. Then we hugged, and I began the short walk back to my own house.

The screen cuts to an outside view of the house, and slowly fades to black...
Video: Nightmare

Video: Nightmare ends here.
Music: Serious

This is the reason I hesitated when Sayaka asked me to be on her radio show at the restaurant earlier. Ghost stories can actually provoke the spirits involved in them. I was afraid that whatever entity had latched on to me might have some negative effect on Sayaka as well.

Fortunately, aside from wreaking havoc on my physiology, this spirit didn't seem to be affecting those around me in any way. If I could just keep it under control, I was certain my appearance on Sayaka's radio show would go off without a hitch.
Music: None

I'd gone to the kitchen for a glass of water, and though I hadn't noticed on my way down, I saw Kibiki fast asleep on the living room sofa as I headed back.

Kibiki had pulled an all-nighter last night, so I was pretty sure he'd sleep well into the afternoon.

If Kibiki could make progress on his occult novel through my research...if he could succeed in all his endeavors...then no price would be too high, I felt. For his respect and admiration, I'd happily sacrifice anything and anyone.

I tucked Kibiki in and returned to my room. Realizing he'd still be asleep when I left for school, I decided to write him a note.

I was so flattered by his consideration that I just didn't have the heart to lecture him about how ludicrously bad an idea that was.