Part 26: Purgatory, Part 2

News: The body of a schoolgirl was discovered in the plaza near the escalators at the southeast exit to Tokyo's Shinjuku Station...

Music: Kibiki Residence

You may recognize that scene as a direct retelling of the first game's Exchap 7, aside from the last two lines.
Music: None

But I knew where to find her. Work may have kept her out of school most of the time, but when she did come, there was one spot she always chose for lunch.
Music: All Together

We'd probably get in trouble if a teacher ever found us there, though!

There was a fence between the buildings to prevent students from falling. But it wasn't very high, so getting over it was a fairly simple task.

Oh, come on. You could at least try to be subtle about your panty shots, Corpse Party.

I crossed the gap, mindful of any stray gusts of wind. The best shade was on that side, so as long as I didn't look down, it was well worth the effort.

As expected, she was nestled right into her usual spot. The sight was positively picturesque: a high school girl all tucked away on the school roof, nose buried in a book with a nondescript paper dust jacket. I swear you could just paint any moment of this girl's life and it would make a fine portrait.

Sound Effect: School Bell

I don't get this at all. Is "behind the gate" some sort of innuendo I've never heard or something?

The screen cuts to black, and our perspective shifts to Naho, moments after Sayaka has left.
Music: None

Music: Fun Times

Director: Okay, that wraps up the intro. Miss Saenoki, please head into the booth.

It was my turn now as guest speaker. When I entered the recording booth, Sayaka sat facing her mic and waved me over.
Video: Sayaka Ooue's Love Braver

I returned Sayaka's cheery smile and sat myself in front of the guest mic that had been prepared for me. But...something felt wrong. Very, very wrong.

Music: None

This child...was the daughter mentioned in my research on the Shinozaki family. This was Sachiko! She was the one who'd attached herself to me. Her eyes were black and hollow, with no discernible pupils at all. She sat utterly motionless, but I knew she was watching me, waiting...biding her time.
My hair stood on end. Blood rushed to my head and bile surged into my throat. The Shinozaki curse was far too powerful. I couldn't suppress it. And it was clear Sayaka couldn't see her. This was bad... I had to be careful not to let Sachiko interfere with the recording equipment.
Director: Okay, we're back. Start with the listener mail.

Sound Effect: Applause

In my experience, adverse spiritual manifestations from my research had always been easy enough to keep at bay with my powers. But this one was different. For this energy to be completely visible in broad daylight... I'd never seen anything like it.

Video: Sayaka Ooue's Love Braver ends here.
Once again, our perspective shifts. This time back to Sayaka.
Music: Good Friends

I kind of grinned internally a bit at the sight of Naho acting all girly and scared. It was adorababble, as I like to say! But I still had a show to host...

This seemed a perfect twist to up the tension of the segment, but the look on Naho's face suggested I may have been on to something...which was terrifying! Her guest spot on this show may have just been fun and games, but I knew Naho was well-versed in spiritual matters, so if she actually sensed something... I'd never really taken this ghost stuff too seriously before, but it might have just been because I didn't understand it. It was like a whole other world.
Unbeknownst to me, the time was coming when I'd finally start to treat it with the caution and respect it deserved...but by then, it would be too late.
Director: Great work, everyone! That's a wrap.
The girls exit the sound booth, and our perspective shifts back to Naho.
Music: None

Sayaka tossed a piece of chocolate into her mouth that she seemed to have brought with her. She was as casual and relaxed as can be.

I glanced back into the recording booth. Sachiko's spirit had disappeared a little while ago. I felt it was best to act as if nothing had happened, and successfully managed to steer the topic of conversation elsewhere...until...
Video: Technical Difficulties

Producer: Hmm?

Engineer: Was someone talking out here during the recording?
Assistant A: No way would any of us make a rookie mistake like that.
Director: You wouldn't be able to hear us from inside the booth anyway.
Engineer: There's something on the tape, though. Sounds like a voice to me.
Assistant B: Huh? Where?
Engineer: Here. During this exchange.

Assistant B: I'm only hearing those two.
Engineer: You don't hear a third voice?
The Engineer plays the clip again.

Engineer: Right there. After Miss Saenoki says 'He may be.'

Music: Signs of Possession (B)

Engineer: It's in the recording, for sure.
Director: Aaahhh...
Assistant B: That's so creepy...
Assistant A: Is this for real?
Producer: An actual EVP?!
Music: None

Producer: Hey! What's going on?!
Director: Guuhhh...augh...! Ergh...!
Producer: Hey, what's the matter?! Pull yourself together!
Assistant B: Aaaaaaggghhh!

Director: Gaaaah...aughh!
Producer: Hold him down! He's gonna knock everything over and hurt himself!
Assistant A: Y-Yes, sir!
Director: Guhh...guah...

Assistant B: What was that? Some kind of seizure?
Producer: Oh, crap, he's not breathing!
Assistant A: What?!
Assistant B: God...!
Producer: Call an ambulance! Quickly! He needs CPR!
Assistant A: Okay!
Producer: Come on! Keep it together, man!
Assistant B: The hell's going on?!
Producer: Send the guest home! We're done!

Sayaka's usual smiling countenance had been replaced by a thin mouth and a cold sweat. There was no doubt about it... This was the influence of that spirit. This sort of thing must be a huge shock for someone who's never had contact with the spirit world before. I regretted appearing on the program at all.
Video: Technical Difficulties ends here.
We cut away, and switch perspectives yet again.
Music: Kind Words

I needed to put on a happy face myself, too. I was afraid if I seemed too gloomy, it would bring Naho down. And she hadn't done anything wrong. I had to let her know how grateful I was, and try to bring her spirits back up...
The two of us parted ways on a corner near our houses, as I needed to stop in at the convenience store for some groceries.

Music: None

I had a considerable amount of power within me, and usually, it was more than enough to disperse any malicious wills that dared draw near. But even with all my concentration, I'd still put Sayaka and her coworkers in grave danger. They easily could've been killed by the curse.
For the sake of dear Kibiki's safety, we really should have put the kibosh on our entire investigation into the Shinozaki family line a lot sooner. But it wasn't too late to call it off, as far as I knew. I was going to pull out from the Heavenly Host Elementary case altogether. I'd made up my mind.

It was past 9:30, so it had been dark out for hours already. Yet there wasn't a single light on in Kibiki's house.

No signs of life. Somehow, the whole house felt larger and emptier than ever before.
Music: Unrest (B)

I peeked into his study, but he wasn't there. Nor was he anywhere else. The house was deserted. Now, Kibiki's meetings for work were always held at irregular times, so this wasn't unprecedented or anything.
But the atmosphere inside just felt...different, somehow. There was this peculiar silence, as if no one had ever lived here in the first place.

Something just seemed very, very wrong. It was like someone was watching me... sneering at me...
Sound Effect: Item
I have no idea why this sound effect plays here.

Finally, I found a note on my desk. Not the one I'd left for Kibiki this morning, but a response, written in his familiar scrawl.