Part 43: Mire, Part 5

She was on the verge of tears. Something seemed to have really spooked her. Did that huge man find us? Was she attacked?!

The two of us searched every last inch of the room -- me with a wounded foot -- but we came up empty-handed.
Music: Unrest (A)

The entire time we searched, Sachiko hadn't said a word. I was hoping invoking our sisterly bond might help cheer her up.

She raised her right hand slowly and pointed to my headband.

As soon as I refused, Sachiko let out a faint, otherworldly groan.

The look in her eyes alone sent chills down my spine. These were the eyes of someone who meant me harm...and was perfectly capable of inflicting it.

Stand firm

She was oddly receptive to this explanation, and even seemed fascinated by it. Maybe I'd caused her to remember something about her own mother. She was a little girl, after all, so her mom was probably really dear to her in life.

She looked like she was on the verge of tears again. I was beginning to feel bad that I'd even broached the subject.

She still seemed a bit sad, but she nodded. Maybe she understood that I wouldn't give her my headband, and maybe she was okay with it...
Music: Chapter 5's Second Theme

We automatically exit the storage room and are put back into control once again. For some reason the soundtrack starts rocking out, too.

We resume our exploration by visiting the bathroom again.

Continuing our re-exploration, we head north into the death room.

And we continue north, finally ending up at the body pool.

She wasn't even looking at me anymore. I must have really upset her.

Without a moment's hesitation, Sachiko just opened the door and walked right in. I didn't even have an opportunity to stop her.

Video: Body Pool
This video covers the remainder of the update.
Music: None

She was twitching a bit and moaning again, but this time it sounded more like a moan of pain than of anger.

I stepped over her and turned around, so as to put the decaying bodies behind my back and out of my sight, then started shaking her. I felt like I absolutely needed to snap her out of...whatever this was...before something terrible happened.

I could feel her tiny, cold hand on my abdomen, through the thin cloth of my skirt. She was pushing me backwards, with tremendous force.

I lost my balance almost instantly and toppled over. It somehow felt like my fall occurred in slow motion. The walls and ceiling of the room grew more and more distant, but it happened gradually.

Sound Effect: Splash

Music: Unavoidable Tragedy

Because I'd fallen backwards, it took me far too long to regain my bearings. I was submerged in that horrible, tainted water, close to drowning...

I finally broke through the surface, dodging the many dislodged eyeballs that were floating on it like peas in chicken soup...each one wrapped in dull red, bulging veins. I didn't even want to think about what was in all the water I'd swallowed. Unfortunately, much of it was still on my tongue. My mouth was filled with tiny bits and pieces of other human beings. The taste was overpowering.

I was gagging and belching so hard, it felt like I was going to regurgitate all my internal organs. I tried to scream, but could barely get any sound past the foul, lumpy stew in my mouth.

I was losing consciousness fast, and I remember silently praying, silently hoping, that this was all just a dream. As the world faded around me, I just kept focusing on that one, last wish. Please, let me wake up in my bed...

I had no other choice. I grabbed Sachiko's outstretched arm and marveled again at her strength as she effortlessly pulled me out of the water.
Music: None

My entire body, from head to toe, was covered in sticky, goopy chunks of unidentifiable human flesh, from countless different people.

Slowly, hesitantly, I raised my hand to my head to feel around and determine what this 'something' might be. I wasn't looking forward to the answer. What I felt was a huge clump of...matter...stuck to my hair. And just touching it lightly caused some of it to stick to my hand as well.

The severed digits were all so sticky and slimy that they'd gotten completely wrapped up in my hair, like rollers. They weren't coming out easily.

The screen slowly fades to black...

She was on the verge of tears again. But wasn't that her voice I heard giggling at me? If not...then whose was it?

I didn't care how filthy I was. As long as Sachiko was all right, that was all that mattered. Yes... She was my little sister now, after all. I had to take care of her. I had to look after her.

Music: Oddity

Somehow, Sachiko had wound up in the lead, and I was following her blindly, struggling to keep up with her blistering pace.

I looked down at my uniform. Sure enough, it was soaked through with the blood of those poor victims in the body pool, and smelled really awful.

...I didn't recall saying that. Or even trying to say that. It's like my mouth was moving on its own, speaking someone else's thoughts.

If this was how she was going to treat me, then why was I being so nice to her? Why was I doing whatever she asked of me? It was bothering me...and yet, it wasn't. I honestly didn't care anymore. I was content just to follow this abusive little girl to the ends of the earth...

I was following Sachiko despite myself. I had no idea how much time had passed, but it felt like an eternity. And she'd completely stopped answering any of my questions.

She came to a halt.

What was it going to be this time? I honestly didn't want to know. But the question came out of my mouth anyway. And so did this:

Music: The Onset of Demise

Somehow, some part of me knew this was coming. It was only a matter of time.

Once again, I couldn't seem to control the words coming out of my mouth. It just said whatever it wanted to say, regardless of how I felt.

She was laughing again. It was wild, crazy laughter. She was ecstatic.

Sachiko's smile almost seemed to twinkle in the dull light of the corridor. She had the face of an angel. But it was all just a mask...

I mustered all the strength I had, trying with whatever life was left in me to denounce her words and resist her pull. There was no hope for me anymore...but I still clung to what I could. If I could just reject her statement, and tell her she was wrong...

My body shook and spasmed uncontrollably. I was being overtaken by an invisible force. It was compelling me to say what would be my very last words on this earth. ...A suicide note, when you get right down to it.

Sound Effect: Smash
Music: None

With one single blow, my skull was cracked wide open and blood splattered far and wide.

I could feel blood trickling out from my nostrils and my right ear. My brain was jutting out from inside my head, fully exposed to the air. But I was still conscious. I could still feel everything.

Sound Effect: Camera
I saw a bright flash of light and realized she'd just taken my picture with that instant camera she'd been holding on to.

Sachiko was such a cute little girl before. But now her face was twisted into a hateful, spiteful grimace as she looked down on me in contempt.

Sachiko began petting my sticky, matted head with her coarse, sticky hands in a mockery of my previous gentleness with her.