Part 148: If You Want Blood (You've Got It)

MUSIC: Hope Searching

I don't see any reason to turn them back on, though...

MUSIC: Mr. Monokuma's Lesson V3



MUSIC: Hope Searching

Which must be why only the Monokubs can control the Exisals. But...if you could disable the lock...
You could control the Exisal...




There's a faint trail of blood leading to the press. A swipe pattern, as if dragged...

It doesn't look like it's been used in a while. I don't see any clues.

It looks the same as before... Probably not related to the case.

I should be able to use the "Up" button to raise the press and check the body...


I pressed the button a few more times, but the press still wouldn't move.
After looking around the press, I found...


I'm honestly a little relieved, but I shouldn't say that out loud.
I should take another look at the controls. There must be some clue here...

The press would have been stopped instantly if you used this...



But the power cord has been cut. The press won't move. In that case...we won't be able to check the body.

In that case...the victim must be...

It looks like...the left sleeve sticking out of the hydraulic press. Only the sleeve is sticking out. No part of the victim's body is visible... Were they crushed completely? So that only the sleeve remains?


I can't check the body, so I don't have many clues to work with.
I'll have to find more clues elsewhere.

Now that I think about it...

Kaito might have left some kinda clue here
Anyway...I should investigate inside.
MUSIC: Living in a Lazy Parallel World

A puddle of blood in the center of the room, and a swipe pattern from there to the door.

A body discovery announcement...means the mastermind is still alive... But...I still...don't believe... That dead.

No one would be able to fit through here...

As if backing away from the conversation, Kaito headed to the far shelf...

Three in total. And...blood on all of them.

The label has blood all over it, I can't read it completely...

And if it is poison, this bottle must be...
I don't know who brought this here... but it definitely has something to do with this case.

There were more clues than I thought there'd be. And one is particularly concerning...

Those arrows are definitely for the crossbow, but why are all three bloodied?

MUSIC: Hope Searching

There are still questions... The truth is still far out of reach. I still can't deduce who the victim is...
I need more clues. I should investigate other areas.
I should start with the areas around the hangar.
Next time, whenever Keebo's not onscreen, everyone should be asking "Where's Keebo?"