Part 165: Physical Graffiti

MUSIC: Hope Searching

All cleared debris will stay cleared throughout the investigation. That's not a thing I'm used to taking for granted.

Maki used Strength! Shuichi can move boulders!

We've got debris blocking the kitchen shortcut to prevent sequence breaking.

There's Keebo giving an Exisal what for.

This one moves in a circle. It might take a few tries to click on it.

I have to separate the truth from the lies.
Aside from that one roadblock, the upper courtyard is as it was, but Shuichi keeps us on track if we try to waste time going somewhere else.


Kaito... You words inspire me, even now. Thank much.

Kokichi's door doesn't get a parting thought from Shuichi, because we have to go inside.
MUSIC: Living in a Lazy Parallel World


Kokichi said that he was the leader of an organization opposed to the Gofer Project. In that effort, he tried to take the position of the mastermind. The Flashback Light helped us remember that that organization was the Remnants of Despair. Kokichi...was the leader of the Remnants of Despair. But is that the real truth? I feel as though there may be a lie in there...
Here's a better shot of that whiteboard:




Maki took a seat in front of one of the boxes and began searching the blueprints.









When I touched my finger to the pad, the video started playing.
MUSIC: Rise of the Ultimates
AUDIO: Kokichi's Motive Video

MONOKUMA: Who's the most important person in *your* life? And now, without further ado...
SHUICHI: What? Kokichi's...?

MONOKUMA: He caused mayhem the world over as the leader of the secret organization, D.I.C.E. And by "mayhem," I mean petty nonviolent crimes and harmless pranks... Anyway, Kokichi had ten loyal goons working for him. These goons were like friends and family... The most important people in his life...
I only count nine. Another NISA mixup?

MUSIC: Wonderful Story




MUSIC: Living in a Lazy Parallel World

Kokichi gathering all those pieces of evidence was coincidence... Right?




When I opened the envelope...small pieces of paper fell out.


MUSIC: Hope Searching

What could it be? Perhaps it's just a prank...

This area used to be covered in grass. But it's been completely removed... It shouldn't be hard to find it now.
I let out a gasp when I saw it.

SHUICHI: Is this the second message?
What could this possibly mean? If it was written by Kokichi, like the other message... Are they meant to be read together?
SHUICHI: In that seems as though the message is incomplete...

Wh-!? A-Again!?
VIDEO: Remember
MUSIC: Heartless Journey
AUDIO: The Fate of Humanity

This mysterious man, who the game has chosen not to name, is unvoiced. I guess the localizers couldn't get
??? Do you have your Ultimate memory back?

HEADMASTER: As the Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy, I want to ask please cooperate with the Gofer Project.

HEADMASTER: I do feel bad about this... I know how much you all wanted to run, even if it meant no longer being Ultimates... Those of you who have to live on like this might be the real victims here... But the only people who can go through with this project are you 16 who haven't been infected... The fate of humanity...rests on your shoulders.


HEADMASTER:'ll be the ones who will create that point.

HEADMASTER: It's true that this situation you're all being forced into is harsh. So harsh...that you think it'd be better to just die.

HEADMASTER: But I still want you all to live. For those of us who want to live, but can' 16 who *can* live are...Hope itself. So please... I don't want to see you give up "hope". I want you to keep hope alive...

MUSIC: Wonderful Story

I...remembered something again...
We were at Hope's Peak... And we participated in the Gofer Project
At that moment, I heard something crumbling above me...
VIDEO: Courtyard Annihilation









Keebo rockets back up into the air.

I suppose he's still hellbent on destroying this academy.
Still... You've changed, Keebo... Is it because of this situation, or because he can't hear his inner voice...?
Right now...I should focus on Rantaro. He died before revealing his Ultimate talent, but he seemed to know more than we did...


But why? There might be a clue somewhere that will lead us to the mastermind...
I'm going to do everything I can... No giving up...
I won't give up on hope... I need to keep hope alive... And to do that...I need to get inside Rantaro's lab.

Hold [X] or [R1] near an Exisal to fill up energy.
When the energy is filled to the max, Keebo will come to save you!
Use it as you need it!
Next time: GUN.