Part 197: Love Interruption

Sleeping after a meal posted:
I understand wanting to sleep after eating...but as a cosplayer, I can't. I can't let unhealthy habits harm the authenticity of my cosplay.
You're about to make your cosplay debut, so you can't overeat, Shuichi! A pudgy Kanata is absolutely not possible!
It seems like that didn't go well...
Drinking greentea after a meal posted:
Oh, speaking of green tea... In anime and manga, black tea is shown more often than green tea.
I don't really have a point, but isn't stuff like that interesting?
I think this conversation went well.

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.

Good date with Tsumugi posted:
If you were an anime or game character, you'd be popular for sure, Shuichi. Even if you were fictional, being able to entertain people this much is valuable.
Now then, let's go back to the dorms together.
Bad date with Tsumugi posted:
That was just plain boring... I hope that next time is better...
Well then...I'm going to go back first...
Worst date with Tsumugi posted:
Umm...could it be that we just have a low sync rate...? I'm going to go back first...

Let's make a tower of books posted:
Umm...I don't think you should play with books like that. I want to show respect for original works, so I don't like treating them carelessly.
It seems like that didn't go well...
Let's look at a photo albums of uniforms posted:
I only cosplay fiction, but real uniforms are cute too!
Sometimes I get angry that there aren't any characters that wear these.
I think this conversation went well.

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.

Ah, maybe we should take off our clothes...? posted:
No, no. Even if you say it suddenly like that, that won't make me undress. My specialty is putting clothes on, not taking them off...
Also, what's wrong with you? It's not like you to say things like that...
It seems like that didn't go well...
Let's warm up a bit posted:
Preparing is important for anything, you know?
Even when cosplaying, if you don't prepare, it can mean disaster. Seriously...just plain disaster. Like if you forget the makeup remover... Once I had to go home wearing full face paint...
But looking back on it now, it's a fond memory.
I think this conversation went well.

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.

Kanata the right choice posted:
Ah, actually, I dunno about Kanata...
Huh...? Didn't you say you liked Kanata?
I did when I was little... But I think I would be too embarrassed to cosplay as him now.
I-It's not like I'm putting down cosplay, I'd just be too embarrassed to do it...
No, don't worry about it... I don't want to force you into anything... So, starting with your second cosplay, we'll do something besides Kanata.
...So we're definitely doing it as the first cosplay, huh?
Damn, this is awkward...
Affirm: better if he cosplayed a more popular character posted:
Maybe a more popular character...?
Huh? Really? I didn't know you were interested in that... Didn't you say before that you wanted to do Kanata, Shuichi?
Ah, I just got a little carried away...
I guess there's no way I can compete with a detective's memory... Then we'll do a more popular character for your second cosplay, okay?
I felt bad, so I just nodded... It seems like that didn't go well...
Deny: better if he cosplayed a more popular character posted:
I don't think popularity matters when it comes to picking a cosplay...
I'm glad to hear you say that. I was thinking the same thing. Popular or not, you should cosplay characters you like.
But with popular characters, it'll be easier to make friends with other cosplayers. I thought that might be good, too...
But after hearing you say that, my doubts have flown away! It's more fun to cosplay your favorite characters, after all!
I'm a beginner, but I trust that you know best, Tsumugi.
Alright! Then your first cosplay will be Kanata after all! I'm going to put my heart and soul into making it, so you better get ready!
I think this conversation went well.



Let's read a dirty book posted:
I see... You are quite...excited to show the opposite gender this kind of reading material.
I do not have any authority to reject, but I am going to reject it anyway. Maids have the right to refuse requests.
Damn, this is awkward...
This is boring... posted:
Is this a request...? Do you wish for me to entertain you? If so, then I will fetch a book for you.
Do not worry. From my past profiling, I have a grasp on your likes and dislikes.
You know all that just by profiling me?
I think this conversation went well.

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.

Good date with Kirumi posted:
This was a productive day thanks to you. If you would like, please spend time with me again.
Let us return to our dormitory.
Bad date with Kirumi posted:
I recommend you to polish your skills more as a man. If it was any other woman, I cannot imagine what they would have done.
Well then, excuse me...
Worst date with Kirumi posted:
You wished to spend your time like this? I will be heading back alone.

Let's clean up a little posted:
That is part of a maid's duty. You do not need to worry about it. I do not mind if you truly wish to...
...No. Please leave the cleaning to me. Do not take it the wrong way, but when you clean... I...
Damn, this is awkward...
I'm tired... posted:
If that is the case, then perhaps you should rest back at the dormitory.
I do not wish to nag, especially about what just happened...but, I would like to give you my advice on what you should not do in the future.
You have a maid at your beck and call. It would make me happy if you kept that in mind.
It seems like that didn't go well...

Training for battle? That seems a little... No, I guess it isn't that strange. This is Kirumi, after all.
Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.

Let's go back inside posted:
Why did you not request to stay indoors from the beginning? A maid is only human...
I do not enjoy following you around without purpose.
Damn, this is awkward...
Let's go for a run posted:
If that is your request, then as you wish. Ever since arriving here, I was quite distressed about my lack of exercise.
Is that unusual? Both maids and detectives must train their bodies for their careers.
Although I have heard of maids who do not partake in any physical labor. But that is similar to a detective's job, am I wrong?
I think this conversation went well.

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.

Affirm: no point thinking about that... posted:
Some things aren't worth thinking about.
Yes, I agree... To me, it would be konjac. No matter how often I think about it, it ends in a vicious circle. But if I stopped worrying about it, it would be the same as running away.
Running away?
If someone tried to take advantage of my would cause trouble to the master I am serving. The chances are quite low, but I should not ignore it. It will be the same as running away. At least, that is how I think.
My apologies... Please forget what I said. A maid should never complain in the first place...
Damn, this is awkward...
Affirm: Weakness must be overcome posted:
It's true, you have to work to overcome your weaknesses.
I understand that, but... I do not know how to overcome it...
If there's anything I can help you with, please, tell me.
Yes, thank you for the sentiment. sentiment. I suppose I can't really help, can I?
It seems like that didn't go well...
Deny: Weakness must be overcome posted: don't really need to overcome it?
Hm... That is not exactly a bad way to think. But, I am a maid. I am expected to offer my services to my master. It would be better if I honed myself, rather than remaining stagnant.
Of course, but... Having a weakness makes you a bit more...approachable. Cute, even. If you cover all of your weaknesses, you'll lose that bit of charm.
I see... I have never thought about that. Incredible, Shuichi... You observe it from a different perspective.
Ah, no, it's nothing "incredible"...
Even so, allow me to show you my gratitude. Because of you, I feel a little better.
I think this conversation went well.



Watch an action movie posted:
Hmmm... Action-y movies make me tired. They're too stressful.
It makes sense when you think about it. A regular girl who can use magic and action movies just don't mix.
Damn, this is awkward...
Watch a comedy movie posted:
I like these kinds of movies. They're easy to watch. There are no annoying mysteries or problems and I cry at the end... Does that mean I've matured? I've been crying a lot, recently...
I think this conversation went well.

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.

Good date with Himiko posted:
Thinking about today magically, I had a lot of fun. I haven't had this much fun in a while...
You can play with me again, y'know? Now then, how about we go back to the dorms together?
Bad date with Himiko posted:
I'm so tired today... Sorry, I'm gonna go back.
Worst date with Himiko posted:
Nyeh...I'm so tired I can't do anything. I think I ran out of mana...

Let's cook something posted:
I'm not really hungry.
And food doesn't taste good when you force yourself to eat it... So I'll pass for now...
Damn, this is awkward...
Let's bake something posted:
If you're gonna make it, I can eat it for you.
And just to let you know, I can't cook with my magic. I'm charging my mana in anticipation.
You'll be the baker and I'll be the eater.
I think this conversation went well.

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.

Let's play dodgeball posted:
...Dodgeball is the stupidest sport. Maybe you don't get it, but... I hate having stuff thrown at me...
It seems like that didn't go well...
I'll be the referee posted:
Are we gonna have a magic competition? I'm glad you're interested in magic, but I don't think it'd be fair.
We already know I'm the most magical person here, so I'd be the winner.
I think this conversation went well.

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.

Deny: teasing me posted:
I'm not "teasing," I just think it's a magic trick...
It's magic, it's magic, it's magic, it's magic, it's magic, it's magic, it's...magic it's magic it's magic it's magic it's magic it's magic it's magic!!!
Okay, okay.
It's no use, I've got nothing. Damn, this is awkward...
Affirm: really think I'm just doing tricks posted:
Well, that magic show from earlier looked like a bunch of tricks...
It's a magic show cuz we do magic in it! Not tricks!
If you're gonna be like that, I'll burn you to a crisp with my magic! Or I would if I wasn't a mage of justice, anyway...
If you could just show me some simple magic as proof, I'd be satisfied... But I don't want to be mean.
It seems like that didn't go well...
Affirm: teasing me posted:
You're so small and cute, it makes people want to tease you.
Even if you...flatter me like that, you won't get anything!
B-But, it is the truth that I'm cute. It's not bad to be told the truth all the time.
I think this conversation went well.



Watch a documentary on aliens posted:
I totally get why you'd be interested in this documentary. But, y'know...we shouldn't watch it.
Honestly, the producers let slip that it was all a lie. It's a fake documentary... The day I found that out...
I've never felt despair like I did that day... How dare they mess with my adventurous heart...
It seems like that didn't go well...
Watch a documentary on bugs posted:
I remember a while back there was some theory that bugs came from space. All life came from the ocean and as far as I know, there aren't any bugs there.
The theory got shot down, but I always get so pumped up by stuff like that!
I think this conversation went well.

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.

Good date with Kaito posted:
When I'm with you, time just flies by. I'll never get bored of hanging out with you, man. Let's do it again soon!
Let's head back to the dorms.
Bad date with Kaito posted:
Are you tired or something?
If you're not feeling well, just rest. My sidekick's fatigue is my fatigue. I'm...gonna head back first.
Worst date with Kaito posted:
C'mon, man. Don't go forgetting a sidekick's responsibilities. I'm heading back...

Exercising after a meal posted:
I know that's best, but don't you get sleepy after you eat? I guess even though you're my sidekick, we're pretty different sometimes...
It seems like that didn't go well...
Drinking green tea after a meal posted:
Yeah! Green tea's great! A piping hot cup of fresh brewed tea is seriously the best.
But now that I think about it, you can't drink fresh tea out in space, huh? It's so obvious, I never even considered it...
Well then! I'll just enjoy it as much as I can on Earth!
I think this conversation went well.

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.

Ah, maybe we should take off our clothes...? posted:
Huh!? What are you talking about!? Save that stuff for the girls! Or wait, did you come out or something and not tell me!?
It seems like that didn't go well...
Let's warm up a bit posted:
Yeah, it'd suck if I got injured and had to give up on being an astronaut. Let's work on our warm ups, then. Oh, hold on. Is it possible to get injured doing warm ups? If that's the case, then we better do some pre-warm up warm ups...
I think this conversation went well.

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.

Deny: It's not like me... posted:
I don't know about that, Kaito... It's okay to be afraid sometimes...
It's not like me to make others worry...
I-I'm not trying to "worry" about you or anything...
It's fine... What have I done? I'm so embarrassed.
I've failed my sidekick... Sorry, but can you leave me alone for a bit?
Damn, this is awkward...
Affirm: I can't show weakness in front of my sidekick... posted:
You never show me your weakness, Kaito.
Yeah! No way I'd do that. It's as absurd as saying you're an alien.
It's not *that* absurd...
No, to me it's a really big deal. But I can't really shake this mood just yet...
Sorry, but could you leave me alone for now?
It seems like that didn't go well...
Affirm: It's not like me... posted:
...That's true. You never back down from a challenge, do you, Kaito?
Right!? No way a man who's gonna explore the universe should freak out about this!
Especially to you.
Especially to you.
I can't show weakness in front of my sidekick. Just forget about whatever it was you heard before.
I was unsure for a sec, but now I'm overflowing with motivation!
He sounds like he's hiding something...
I think this conversation went well.

