Part 25: Day 23 - Helping hands
Day 23 Helping handsBefore the morning session I give our lazy Julia 12 constitution points so that she can recover faster.
I also burn 2 wood, and juice 2 fruit to refill our consumables.
AM Tasks
Yuri & Julia Chat
Illyana Research (Result 9%)
Jacob & Bob Fish

Nobody is starving, so four fish should be fine for today.
Al Scavenge stone (Result 2x stone)
Alice & Winters Explore (Result Winters levels up & we find a giant marble statue)

I am not sure if I would trust that water if I was you. I guess we can take a sample of it back to the camp and see if we can get someone to test it out.

It looks like it is just healing water. This is fairly useless since nobody is sick, but it will be nice to have if someone gets a nasty random event.

The character select screen for the drinking option displays the injury amount of the selected person, so it looks like it will help reduce that value. Since no-one is injured that much, I decide to pass in this option for now.
Before the afternoon session, I give Winters 6 scavenging and 5 harvesting skillpoints. This way, she can help out with either fruit or crafting supplies.
PM Tasks
Julia & Winters Rest
Jacob & Bob Chat
Illyana Research (Result 17%)
Yuri Cook (Result 4x fish become x Tasty Meals)
Al Gather stone (Result 2x stone)
Alice Explore (Result 66%)

Oddly, Julia really seemed to like how Al handle that. I am not sure if it is because he is playing hard-to-get, or possibly Julia just like dumb guys.
Current Status:

Nothing too severe in terms of maluses, and most people are developing a couple of skills to focus on.
Current Goals:

Still looking for Johnny. We have enough stone for the hunting gear, and with the healing spring we can heal the hunting related injuries.
Current Jobs-
Harvesting fruit (2 people max)
Craft (2 people max)
Research (2 people max)
Rest (3 people max)
Chat (no max)
Explore (3 people max)
Scavenging Wood/Rope/Stone/Herbs (2 people max)
Fishing (2 people max)
Cook (1 person max)
Current Items-
1x Painkillers (-20% Injury)
1x Ancient Knowledge (+1 to all Skills)
1x First Aid Mag. (+5 Medicine)
1x Empty Bottle
3x Drugs Cures sickness, but cannot use without the proper tech
Smelly Cheese (-20% Hunger, + 10% Sickness)
3x Bandage - Cures injury, but cannot use without the proper tech
2x Rum (+/-10% Hunger, Sickness, & Depression)
4x Soy Sprouts (decrease hunger from 1-5%)
1x Healing Water (-20% sickness)
1x Cursed Fiance Ring (-20% Fatigue, + 10% Depression)
1x Decoy (+5 Hunting)
3x Skull (???)
6x Happy mushrooms (-20% depression, +10% sickness)
Misc crafting materials